An ultimatum for subredditcancer

16  2016-07-03 by [deleted]

Subredditcancer has been infiltrated by Muslims. It was /u/metaredditcancer that got this subreddit growing ever since he exposed the cabal controlling reddit internally. This not what he wanted. He wanted to show corruption, not muslim mods halaljerk in a subreddit. This Muslim infiltration has hurt a lot of users. This has a list included below[1] of users who were hurt by Muslim mods of SRC.

SRC has got a very bad name known for promoting black supremacist advertisements. This is not what we need. Such harsh envoronments will not be promoted once the new mod team sets out.

What I have seen is that subredditcancer exists only to hold shitredditsays together. Without subredditcancer there will be no shitredditsays. BRD is reliant on shills which keep reddit together by infiltrating the jidf. That is what the current subredditcancer mods are. We need change. A change in moderation!

The new moderation team[2] promises to do the following:

-cut all ties to SRS

-thoroughly investigate users who seem suspicious

-ban all opinions we think are islamic infiltration

-Develop new ties with subreddits like drama

-Show the SRS shills for what they are (hint, it's srd)

-The only banned from posts that will be allowed are the_donald and shitredditsays, they are modded by same person

This is what we the future moderation team of SRC promises to do. We are asking the cancerous mods of SRC to step down. It is time for the fempire to shatter. We can achieve this with a new SRC moderator team. Signed by the new moderators of SRC[3]

[1] /u/isernamequery, /u/hexag1

[2] /u/isernamequery, /u/Mr_Thunders, /u/mircy_killings, /u/LIATG and /u/hexag1

[3] /u/isernamequery, /u/Mr_Thunders, /u/mircy_killings, /u/LIATG and /u/hexag1

Go to /r/isernamequery for discussions