/u/hypnozooid throws a stupid tantrum in the #drama snoonet channel over education for the mentally disabled, drags the argument on for ages, and calls lots of people retarded.

21  2016-07-10 by chrouscircle

+shitposting= hypno

+shitposting: https://www.reddit.com/r/boston/comments/4s3cev/massachusetts_bill_would_help_the_developmentally/

gonzobot: (shitposting) Massachusetts bill would help the developmentally disabled attend... : boston - 7 comments, 10 points - RoadsterFan, 19h ago

+shitposting: fucking MA...

how is retards going to college a good thing?

finacran193: don't cut urself on that edge

→ Ffnorde* has joined

Ffnorde*: that does seem weird though. it's like they don't view college as a place of higher learning, just an extension of school

+shitposting: literal retards

Ffnorde*: surely something like technical school, or vocation school or trade school

would be better

+shitposting: that's what "developmentally disabled" means

Chad: I'm against free college in general

+shitposting: all those "free college dude weed lmao" idiots seem to want to make it an extension of high school

so even more people will be forced to go

Ffnorde*: i'm not. they should make college free but making getting in extremely hard

+shitposting: and master's degrees will become the next bachelor's degrees

until they "free shit" those too


Chad: I think we should encourage more two-year colleges instead of 4-years

→ DornishRedViper* has joined

DornishRedViper*: inclusive college course and the student life of college as part of their high school special education

+shitposting: same

Ffnorde*: and then make a secondary college option

DornishRedViper*: did you even read the article shitposting?

Ffnorde*: where you can learn shit to get an every day job

+shitposting: "Supporters say the bill opens the doors to higher education for students historically denied access because their disability prevented them from obtaining a high school diploma."

why would they need higher education if they can't complete the lower education...

Chad: A lot of people with mental illness have trouble completing their studies

+mmango: what bill shitposting

DornishRedViper*: A college is better equipped than a high school to teach a lot of occupational skills

Chad: I wish I studied harder in college

+shitposting: this isn't people with mental illness, this is literal retards

and if they can't handle the work in high school, they can't handle it even more in college

Chad: whats the difference?

Isn't it a kind of mental illness?

DornishRedViper*: "developmental disabilities" is a lot more than just mental retardation

Chad: I guess this may cover things like Cerebral palsy

+shitposting: "The degree of disability can be quantified by assigning a developmental age to a person, which is age of the group into which test scores place the person. This, in turn, can be used to calculate a developmental quotient (DQ) as follows:"

+tebege: Boof is a big issue salesman

Chad: Or autism

+shitposting: sounds like retards to me...

+tebege: shitposting, dae leftist suck

DornishRedViper*: shitposting shut up these are people you're talking about it

+shitposting: tebege: yes

Chad: Autists aren't necessarily intellectually disabled

+shitposting: DornishRedViper*: are you "developmentally disabled"?

DornishRedViper*: They will never get to lead full lives, and you're shitting on them for having a chance to make it a little better

+shitposting: finishing high school would make it better

DornishRedViper*: shitposting, no but I used to work exclusively with disabled adults

+shitposting: putting them in college classes they can't handle is just a money pit

DornishRedViper*: I'm not arguing anymore, I'm afraid it'll turn into another one of your "let's push pregnant women down the stairs cuz abortion is legal" rants

+tebege: shitposting, why don't you phone up your local law person and let them know your opinion on the bill

finacran193: lmao

+shitposting: because I'm registered to vote in another state

so I don't have a local law person here

+tebege they don't know that

I mean a local law person who can vote against the bill

Chad Trump will gas the feeble-minded

→ Cryingtosh* has joined

Cryingtosh* shitposting: are they going to the same classa as the normal students?

+shitposting: I think so

+tebege: http://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2016/07/10/woman-hit-duck-boat-newbury-street

Cryingtosh*: shitposting: so you are not certain?

+shitposting: the article is sort of ambiguous

+tebege: it says inclusive course so I'm guessing not Cryingtosh

+shitposting: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/189/House/H1064

it says "also" for that though

Cryingtosh*: and you know that even people with developement disabilities can perform certain task at the same quality given the right tools are normal persons right?


"Such guidelines shall provide tuition and fee waivers for students with severe intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and other developmental disabilities participating in courses and campus activities pursuant to section 39A. The commonwealth, not the institutions of public higher education, shall bear the cost of such tuition and fee waivers."

DornishRedViper*: yeah tebege the impression I get was that they were trying to give them the experience, much like shitposting needs the girlfriend experience

ikr cryingtosh

+shitposting: if they can't finish high school, how could they do college?

Cryingtosh*: it doesnt say exlusively intellectual disabled

shitposting: they maybe didnt finish high school becauase they didnt have the right tools?


developemtnal disability includes CP

gom: https://i.imgur.com/MDZFMrA.jpg

+shitposting: "Individuals with severe intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and other developmental disabilities shall not be required to: take any standardized college entrance aptitude test; have a high school diploma or its equivalent; meet minimum academic course requirements; meet minimum grade point average requirements; or obtain a passing score on the statewide assessment tests utilized as a basis for competency determinations,

pursuant to section 1D of chapter 69 of the General Laws, in order to gain admission and enrollment in credit-bearing and noncredit-bearing courses that include students without disabilities, including enrollment in credit-bearing courses in audit status for students who may not meet course prerequisites and requirements, and participation in internships or work-based training in settings with nondisabled students. Students with severe

intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and other developmental disabilities shall be socially and academically integrated with nondisabled students to the maximum extent possible, with provision of individual supports and services to support inclusion in academic courses, extracurricular activities and other aspects of the institution of higher education’s regular postsecondary program. "

DornishRedViper*: plus intellectually disabled doesn't necessarily mean retard

Cryingtosh*: and CP have nothing to do with cognitive or intellectual capacities

+shitposting: how about they use those "right tools" to finish high school first?

DornishRedViper*: yeah Cryingtosh a lot of kids that aren't too bad off are labeled disabled so they have access to ESE are other educational services

+shitposting it usually does

Cryingtosh*: wat

do u even know what CP is? +shitposting yeah

I know people with it

Cryingtosh*: what is it then?

+shitposting and they were retarded

Cryingtosh*: doesnt mean that its the CP that causes it

+shitposting: " Difficulty with the ability to think or reason and seizures each occurs in about one third of people with CP. "

+tebege: CP is cerebal palsy right?

DornishRedViper*: apparently being in promimity to shitposting makes you retarded though

Cryingtosh*: tebege: yes

Madbrad200: Lol

+shitposting: "Overall language delay is associated with problems of intellectual disability, deafness, and learned helplessness."

+tebege: so the majority of people with cp aren't retarded shitposting?

Cryingtosh*: shitposting: that doesnt say anything about CP causing the intellectual difficulties

← AttackTheMoon has quit (Quit: (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ))

gom: https://i.imgur.com/Tmr11ub.jpg

+shitposting: the bill is still including " severe intellectual disabilities"

Cryingtosh*: shitposting: also, this is not a federal reform

its a state reform

+shitposting: it doesn't get more retarded than "severe intellectual disabilities"


what does that have to do with anything?

← Ffnorde* has quit (No activity)

DornishRedViper*: shitposting have you ever actually worked in the medical field, or in education? Anywhere that actually uses these definitions?

Cryingtosh*: then they cant provide the tools needed to complete high school if they are in anotherstate

another state*

+shitposting: wtf are you talking about?

Cryingtosh*: and its not like completeting high school is necesseary to complete college

+shitposting: "in the case of students aged 18-19, the grant program shall be further limited to students with severe disabilities who have been unable to achieve the competency determination necessary to pass the statewide assessment test pursuant to section 1Dof chapter 69 of the general laws. . "

+tebege: DornishRedViper, r u implying this issue is more complex than it may seem?

Cryingtosh*: its only in massachusetts this applies right?

LLSTTC: Isn't finishing college more difficult than finishing high school?

+shitposting: these are people too retarded to finish high school


Cryingtosh*: no

it doesnt say that

+shitposting: yes it does

DornishRedViper*: yes I am tebege

Cryingtosh*: it can be physical disabilities that hinders them from completing high school earlier in their life

+shitposting: what "tools" will make someone with a "severe intellectual disability" somehow able to do well in school, without having had any school beforehand?

Cryingtosh*: it doesnt say intellectualk

+shitposting: even non-retards wouldn't be able to handle college without having done high school

yes it does

Cryingtosh*: " severe disabilities"

+shitposting I literally quoted the bill

Cryingtosh*: ""in the case of students aged 18-19, the grant program shall be further limited to students with severe disabilities"

wheres "intellectual" there?


"An Act creating higher education opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and other developmental disabilities"

+shitposting: "Section 39A. Students with severe intellectual disabilities"

LLSTTC: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/189/House/H1064

Cryingtosh*: and tools like personal assistans

LLSTTC: From the title, I didn't bother to read the actual bill

Cryingtosh*: or computer software

+shitposting: those already exist

that's a federal law

they're required to do that in high school too

again, federal law

Cryingtosh*: or tailored exams and assaignments

lectures, books


so... different work?

Cryingtosh*: yes?

i mean

why dont u check this stuff up?

+shitposting: why not just hand them a free degree then?

Cryingtosh*: why?

+shitposting: if they're not doing the work to earn one?

Cryingtosh*: that wont teach them anything

they do work

+shitposting: neither will giving them "tailored exams and assignments"

Cryingtosh*: u think they are not goign to do anything at the college?

yes it will

why wont it teach them anythign?

+shitposting: how can they do anything?

they can't handle it

Cryingtosh*: are you actually this retarded?

+shitposting: if they could, they'd already be there

Cryingtosh*: thats why i said tailored

+shitposting: these are literally people who, will all accommodations, can't even finish high school


yet somehow they're going to be able to go to college?

with... magic?

or just lowering the standards so much that they're given passing grades just for showing up?

Cryingtosh*: "all" accommodations doesnt really mean adequate accommodations

+shitposting: of course it does

Cryingtosh*: and you dont know why they didnt high school right?

+shitposting: that's literally federal law

Cryingtosh*: it can be because they were hospitalized

or something else

+shitposting: they're required to give adequate accommodations

Cryingtosh*: doesnt mean they will

+shitposting: they have to

Cryingtosh*: and it can be hard to give adequate accommodations

+shitposting: yeah, for someone retarded

+tebege: I believe this is the fault or feminists

+shitposting: why not just stick them in college classes instead!

+tebege: s/or/of

gonzobot: Correction, <tebege> I believe this is the fault of feminists

Cryingtosh*: u are actually retardewd

+shitposting: you seem to be

Cryingtosh*: why?

you dont even seem to understand what adequate means

+mmango: tebege are you happy murray one

+shitposting: you think retarded people are secretly smart

they just need someone to be nice to them

Cryingtosh*: "as much or as good as necessary for some requirement or purpose"

+shitposting: which evil high schools aren't

Cryingtosh*: if they didnt meet the requirement then its obviously not adequate


i never said that

stop building strawmen

+shitposting: they didn't meet the requirement because they're literally incapable of doing it

no matter how much help they're given

+tebege: shitposting, just phone up a local (to your current geographical location) law person who has power to stop this bill and tell them what you think

+shitposting: it's like trying to get a dog to graduate high school

Cryingtosh*: so they were not given adequate accommodation?

finacran193: as far as penis emoticons go is 3======D better than <======B

+shitposting: yes, your goldfish wasn't given adequate accommodations

Chad: there are different kinds of intelligence

+shitposting: that's why it doesn't have a college degree

it's all the evil government's fault

Cryingtosh*: so why did u say that high schools provide adequate accommodations then?

+shitposting: they did to the best of their ability

Chad: some people may not be good at reading or math but they have strong emotional intelligence

Cryingtosh*: no

+shitposting: there's nothing colleges would be able to do more

Cryingtosh*: no system is perfect

so no

but its possible to increase their abilities

so they can give better accommodations

Chad: we should encourage them to reach their full potentials

+shitposting: not that much

DornishRedViper*: shitposting yes there is, they may have equipment or staff a high school may not

LLSTTC Surely the current level of support is higher in high school than it is in college?

DornishRedViper*: thank you chad!

+shitposting: if they can't even graduate high school, there's no way to "increase their abilities" so they could do college

Cryingtosh*: and not finishing high school can be like dropping out instead of not being able to complete it

LLSTTC: It at the schools I've been to anyway

Cryingtosh*: does it really say that they can't graduate high school?

LLSTTC: s/at/was at

gonzobot: Correction, <Cryingtosh*> does it really say thwas at they can't graduwas ate high school?

+shitposting: yes


+shitposting that's literally what this is about

→ Solthercunt* has joined

Solthercunt*: is shitposting shitposting?

LLSTTC: *It was at

+shitposting again, you're retarded

Cryingtosh*: i thought it said that they dont require a high school diploma

+shitposting: try reading it

or are you not able to?

not having a high school diploma means you didn't finish high school

LLSTTC: CTosh, it's to lower entry standards to college

+shitposting: I think you are retarded

LLSTTC: Presumably you need to finish high school to enter college

+shitposting: is that why you're so defensive?

Solthercunt*: rude

Cryingtosh*: "have a high school diploma or its equivalent"

+shitposting: are you saying there are people who finish high school but don't get a diploma?

Cryingtosh*: doesnt say anything that they can't physically or intellectualy complete high sachool


LLSTTC: So the people who the bill affects probably haven't finished high school, or did finish high school but didn't meet other requirements

Cryingtosh*: they can have dropped out

or expelled

+shitposting: they're people with "severe intellectual disabilities", they didn't decide to drop out to get a job and support their family

LLSTTC: This is only for mental standards, it will be different for people who can't get into college for physical reasons

Cryingtosh*: how do you know?

+shitposting: I think you are retarded

they're not capable of working

they have "severe intellectual disabilities"

Cryingtosh*: please link me a source that states that everyone with severe disabilities never drop or

+shitposting: do you have any idea what that means?

Cryingtosh*: or are expelled

+shitposting: severe INTELLECTUAL disabilities

Cryingtosh*: or sorry

severe intellectually disabled

plz link me

+tebege: shitposting, do u think ull ever be able to get a job?

Madbrad200: lol

+shitposting: "Intellectual disability (ID), also called mental retardation (MR),[2][3][4] is a generalized neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by significantly impaired intellectual and adaptive functioning. It is defined by an IQ score under 70 in addition to deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors that affect everyday, general living. "

Cryingtosh*: are you actually retarded?

finacran193: so who's gonna post the leaks to /r/drama?

Cryingtosh*: can you link me a credible source that says no one with a severe intellectual disability can't drop out of high school