Victim of e-stalking, or brazen virtual scammer? Find out in /r/guildwars2

8  2016-07-13 by xtagtv

The original post by /u/YdrinnBreitlund:

TLDR: She says she met a guy in a gaming guild who wanted to add her on facebook. She said no, he went mental and started following her around in game and slandering her to her friends. Eventually it got so bad that she had to leave her guild and make new friends, but he still wouldn't stop stalking her, even following her around to different areas in the game and telling everyone nearby what a bad person she is.

Supposed stalker /u/Dakeru shows up to explain his side of the story (Most of the drama is here):

TLDR: He says none of that guild stuff happened, and /u/YdrinnBreitlund is actually a blatant scammer. He posts screenshots (1 2 3 4 5) of someone with a 234 AP (achievement point) account who begs for expensive materials while claiming she is working on making a legendary weapon (ultra endgame stuff). If you aren't familiar with the game, 234 AP is unimaginably low for someone who is supposedly working on ultra endgame stuff. Its also worth noting that due to the game's economy, legendary weapons have real world money value and can be traded.

Eventually a game dev shows up and says he is going to look into it:

Who's telling the truth? Who knows! Dakeru only made his post about half an hour ago, and these game devs have a history of getting involved with reddit drama, so hold on to your hats, we might be in for some exciting reveals later on.