So there's been some heated drama between the commies and the liberals in /r/NegaReddit lately

14  2016-07-18 by [deleted]

The arguments over whether Hillary is better than Trump or is basically a bourgeousis corporate facist robber baron who wants to eat children starts out here, I believe:

Starts out with most of the commies downvoted to shit. Also a communist who somehow is kind of supporting Trump but not really? /u/semiconductress I'm kind of confused not gonna lie, help my dumbass out. Will Comrade Donald lead glorious revolution? I knew the Republicans chose red for a reason.

Further expanded drama involving /u/semiconductress when they call out /r/Negareddit on circlejerking:

/u/AngryDM immediately reacts with condecension and the pinnacle of wit you expect these days by calling out someone on being a South Park liberal or whatever the meme is. Also calls out semiconductress as /r/Asablackman when they claim to be a Marxist when the user posts on communist subs regularly.

Moving on to another thread, shit is still kind of heated. /u/Minn-ee-sottaa ends up defending the Soviet Union. Apparently capitalism is theft too? /u/AngryDM compares liking Hillary is akin to being a bootlicker and that anyone who dares to have wealth is evil and that there are no good or kind billionaires:

/u/AngryDM takes offense at Hillary supporters telling leftists to get their shit together by being "smug" and "condescending" (with no clue of the irony) which prompts /u/jeep-eep to also bring up "smugness" as the reason Brexit won and why Trump might also win. Also, apparently the smugness of Hillary supporters is a threat to minorities everywhere and Hillary supporters are all giant bullies that hurt /u/AngryDM's feelings:

What a shitshow.