Comedian Jen Kirkman makes ironic joke re: Hillary and dead Afghanis on Twitter. Her timeline turns into a shitshow as she is driven off the site by Bernie and Stein fans

14  2016-08-04 by Lesmothian

The original tweet in question:

Shortly after this, a great many tweeters got very upset. Some highlights:

Tweeter @i_deserved_this posted several times to various comedy groups and festivals trying to get them to cancel Kirkman's gigs:

@mizabitha posts a screenshot collage. This thread is especially juicy:

@bitterarab is especially butthurt and so is everyone in this thread:

@lastlivingrose does the /r/killthosewhodisagree bit:

A few more randos without much drama:

Later, Jen tries to go back to her usual business of making jokes on twitter. But the mob isn't having any of this:

Jen posts a series of tweets, screenshots, then deletes them:

For the finale, she announces that she has hired someone to tweet for her so she can ignore all the harassment. These two threads also have plenty of chafed rears in them:

The last one being the current pinned tweet on her timeline.


Whoever is currently the running the @jenkirkman account is just retweeting a bunch of people hating on her now.

Those retweets have been removed (or the users have been banned) and the current pinned tweet sounds like a PR manager: ( in case it's deleted)