Am I a bad person?
0 2016-08-11 by jordan999fire
So my ex, and I became best friends after we broke up. Then recently we got into a fight, and she wouldn't talk to me. I finally got her to talk to me again by buying her food at lunch. Then she told me she was just using me, at this time I also found out she has been flirting with a bunch of guys. After she told me she was using me she got her bf's friend to text me, I told him all the slutty things she's been doing. Then today her, and her friends kept trying to call me out for calling her a whore, and her bf and her friend want to fight me. Like am I a bad person for trying to help him out? Should I have kept it to myself? Clearly he didn't believe me because they are still dating, and apparently he told her and all her friends about it and now they are all starting rumors. I don't care about the rumors, but I was curious on the whole telling him or not.