No Man's Sky PC port turns out to be abysmal. Frustration, gloating, fanboyism; there's something for you no matter your kink of drama.

27  2016-08-12 by XLauncher

So maybe you remember some of the drama surrounding this game from earlier in the week. If not, here's a quick crash course: No Man's Sky is an ambitious project in game design that sets out to create a galaxy filled with planets, each of which is explorable by the player. That ambition, combined with the cult of personality that popped up around the face of the project, Sean Murray, has created, let's say, a little hype.

Of course where there's hype, there's going to be people who invest themselves in the outcome far past a point that can be called healthy. With both people wanting to see it succeed and wanting to see it fail, release was always going to be contentious, one way or the other.

Earlier in the week, we got a taste of the proposition that the game might not live up to the hype with its PS4 release. The PC release was scheduled three days later (i.e, today) and this time, we got stuffed full like one of those geese they make foie gras from. The PC port is rife with issues, earning it a near universal panning.

Needless to say, sort by Controversial for the goodies.