I was told to kill myself by the mods in racism bc I made a post trying to discuss Why I believe blacks are the most racist race.

0  2016-08-12 by [deleted]

Even if it's as nice as you can state it....go ahead please try. I would put things like I'm sorry and do not mean to offend then describe how blacks are the only group that has a naacp and how Jews were just as oppressed and they show none of the qualities displayed like how blacks voted for Obama bc he is black...if whites did that or said that about a white president it would be racist! Also the use of the n word why would you do that when it's such a bad word to begin with right..just drop it. I said that as nice as possible and the mods all told me to die and walk in traffic...where else should I have posted lol. It would seem the more sence you make the more upset they become bc instead of having a civil conversation about the matter they all decided to tell me to die and kill myself. Please everyone copy and paste this to create a post to racism or just tell them to not be so racist to whites when you make a civil post...if that was about how whites were the most racist it would still be up! Its funny to me the moderators or racism can't handle their own race being discussed....which is racist in itself lol!