5th_law_of_robotics is still mega salty about a 2 year old ban

30  2016-08-21 by IAmAN00bie

So if you're not familiar with 5th_law, he's literally been following each and every mention of feminism or Men's Rights on random subs to argue with people, for what like 3 + years now?

Anyways we banned him 2 years ago in /r/rage for brigading then today he comes crying about /u/elfa82 to our modmail.

Here he is crying in /r/rage modmail (page 2)

He then made a random comment asking to be banned from /r/cringepics, so naturally we did him the honors

He then goes and cries in modmail after he literally asked to be banned

Bonus: he's now literally following around /u/elfa82 into random threads to complain about his ban