ITT: We summon /u/FellatioDelZorro
9 2016-08-27 by ghost_of_ttumblrbots
Mods please be merciful and only give me the Chris Chan tard flair rather than the cold void of deletion.
DAE remember /u/FellatioDelZorro? She was a semi-regular here, made quality funny comments (IMO) and was all around a quite worthwhile member of the community. She deleted her account a few months back after her participation faded out slowly, and it was a while after that before I noticed. I got to non-shitpost/chat with her a bit too, both here and in SRD, like I have with many of you. Mostly light chit chat but it was always a pleasure. I think we are poorer for her absence.
It's late night on a Friday in my corner of the world, a nice time for a sort of meta shitpost, but with a bit of heart for absent friends. Maybe if we upron and meme hard enough she will see and make a dramatic reappearance. She might even walk among us now under an alt.
Help me r/drama. Do you believe in dramatic returns?