Famous vegan YouTube couple breaks up and lay it out in public.

32  2016-09-13 by Lechateau

Famous vegan YouTube Freelee the banana girl is known for proposing a raw till 4 diet as a solution to everything wrong with humanity. Every year she cashes in the YouTube money and goes for a fruit festival in Thailand to just binge on food and ride bikes up a mountain:


During the fruit festival of this year she broke up with 10 year beau durian rider, a supposed roided up cyclist that thinks homosexuallity is a choice:


He also proposes that if you binge on fruit and ride bikes you will become a lean beast. I mean, even 16 year old girls believe it despite 100 pound weight gain.

In the end, according to durianrider you get obese because of your strong genetics and puppies or something.


Today, so, ✔💯fresh (sorry not very good with the emoji blowout) the glowing couple admired to their break up and went on a Tumblr fight where accusations of domestic abuse fly free:

Her side http://freeleebananagirl.tumblr.com/

His side http://askdurianrider.tumblr.com/

If you feel a bit confused why that teenager is asking him about vasectomies, he is an anti-natalist that proposes women have the pussy so women have the power so they should convince their partners to have vasectomies:


This guys voice reaches far, and cult follower vegan Ava, a 27 year old vegan follower convinced her teenaged boyfriend to have one in Thailand since nobody else accept to do that to him in other countries, here is the boy giving the a-ok


It is important to note that, like with what you see with the girl the gained 100 pounds, the diet they are trying to sell causes problems to a lot of people:


Obviously pseudo-science flies free and claims that the bad effects are just "your body healing" seem to be a catch all justification.

The couple is known to go back and delete evidence of blow outs so, other people in their community already started screenshotting the event:


It is also quite funny that Freelee the banana girl consistently uses the think of the animals argument for veganism, that milk is a pus drink and eggs are hens periods, but, drinks a wine substitute that requires spreading animal manure and ground carcases on the fields:
