Freelee, durianrider and the vegan soap opera continues.

16  2016-09-15 by Lechateau

A couple of days ago I made a post telling the tales of Freelee de banana girl, durian rider and the end of their relationship, the 100 pound weight gain of some of their accolades acolytes and mentioned the adventures in Thailand where Joe best (one of the vegan factions) has a mansion where he "mentors" young vegans half his age.

After most of the Tumblr posts were deleted by Freelee and durian rider regarding steroid abuse, by durian rider, use of Botox by Freelee (a non vegan practice), new accusations come forward.

Domestic violence, blackmailing in exchange of vasectomies and the possible release of a sex tape are now on the table.

Here it goes:

I am going to be updating this thread since this is happening right now, Joe best immediately made a video with the two minors that were involved with durianrider but overnight durian rider made legal threats against Joe best so that is now gone.

These are two girls Julia Boer: here she is lying about her weight gain.

Portia now deleted her channel after a response video, let's see if it comes back up

Bonus durianrider on violence:

Here is durian rider defending himself on the pedophilia accusations, this is post Joe best video:

The video threatening the release of the sex tape is also gone I'll see if I can find something related to it.

This is the guy durian rider says Freelee cheated with:

So they are cleaning the house by deleting all the stuff they posted over night but here are some details from those that were able to somehow capture it:

Go to 1:48 because this guy is way too verbose and the keemstar of vegan YouTube.

If you have nothing to do and want access to the 1 hour and something podcast live coverage of what was happening (go for a run or commute ) this is the guy:

He covers the info and screenshots on the 60 GB sex tape threats and the rest of the crap.

Here at 4:30 are the screenshots of durian rider threatening taking Freelee to court over the pedo implications:

Here is durian rider accusing another dude of being a sexual predator not even a couple of months ago: go to 1:50