Holy fucking shit /u/Velvet_Llama you are so fucking boring.

96  2016-09-18 by TNBK

Good lord what happened to this shitposter? The whiny bitching has completely overrun this once fine individual of shit, sodomy, and camaraderie with their endless posts about waifus and Hillary Clinton and SRD. We get it, every time someone to the left of you opens xir mouth it gets you all clamhurt and you want to run off here to get a nice rub and tug going. Take that fucking cancer to the popcorn stand where it belongs. Or better yet, take your computer and pound your skull into it repeatedly. Fuck you. Velvet, do the right thing and relaunch yourself as a person devoted to all things high school drama club. Burn it to the fucking ground. Or not, it will probably get better in a few weeks. Sincerely, Your Superior

