The history of the internet

10  2016-09-30 by dukbcaaj

This is the closest I'll get to posting actual drama and making /u/snallygaster level posts

late 90's. SomethingAwful(heretofore known as SA) enjoyed antagonizing gaming communities, and was generally regarded as a "troll haven". even Zoe Quinn frequented boards there. they decided to try and troll the original counterstrike forums, where the picture du jour was goatse, and nomme de geurre was a random person extolling the virtues of breathing air (dont ask). SA decided to troll the CS community, but did not expect a counter invasion. long story short, all the trolls started shitposting on SA, and then Valve bought the CS brand and wiped the forums. the trolls had nowhere to go but SA. the traffic caused SA to require paid accounts. then m00t advertised some website (4chan) that didnt require registration to comment. and the rest is history.

Who's M00t? Ive heard that SRS came from SA?

m00t is the creator of 4chan. SRS did come from SA, specifically the LaissezFaire forum. Lowtax (the SA site owner) realized that the circlejerk had grown out of control and banned all the retards who werent being ironic. sadly they focused on reddit, in a specific attempt to counter the MensRights movement (I dont want to get into that clusterfuck of a movement).

What happened next?

everyone circlejerked a lot, and seminal fluids were expelled upon all. in the overbearing exstacy, all participants realized that authoritarian social policies not only fit well with a SanFran based startup, but would "benefit all (human)kind". and now we have the wage gap fallacy.

Keep going this interesting

/pol/ was not content with merely containing SJWs to reddit and twitter, they decided to take the fight to them. They tested their boundaries through multiple skirmishes, and realized they had the upper hand due to the overbearing "freespeech" mentality of the internet. the contrarian nature of the *chans dictated that they must oppose this affront to the culture of the internet. so they went to war. after many minor victories involving video games vs feminists, they took the fight to the front lines and created /r/FatPeopleHate. this was their first foray into trolling reddit en masse. upon banning, they recouperated in their shunned but clandestine foothold on /r/CoonTown. the banhammer showed no mercy. they appealed to the greater sense of ethics (wew meme) of the internet and gained a following of kindred spirits. there was zero direction for a good while, until a longshot bloviating dickwolf declared candidacy for president, opposing everything SJWs stood for. everyone circlejerked because why the fuck not, and memes were spawned. the dickwolf tweeted one of the memes, the Pepe, and the hoards of circlejerkers were granted legitimacy. and now we stand watching on the battlefield of the culture war...

Initial years of 4chan?

nobody cared to screencap then. sad really, from a historical perspective. earliest thread i have saved is skullfuck, nsfw if you assumed otherwise. formatted for best mobile use.

early SRS

an abomination born of LF's inane obsession with marxism, much like /pol/s fascination with hitler. two circlejerk run amok, with people believing them as gospel.

who is Laurelai?

Laurelai is a shitty tranny, masquerading as an IT professional, trying to pull a Manning to gain sympathy. i dont have time to get into that bucket of drama.

yes, but only as a signal beacon via twitter. said parties have realized the cancer that has infected this platform as far as being quoted in a docu-writeup of our trolling exploits.

i mean no offense, but i have irl to attend to. class may resume tomorrow, but i have a wife. similarly, i would hope you have more important things to tend to than internet drama that, until recently, has had no effect on real life matters.

Your wife can wait

my wife is more important than you will ever be, shes redpilling women about the hazards of 3rd wave feminism.

Okay goodbye

This was a conversation I had with an intellectual old man. He's a moderator of /r/anonymous.

Edit: /u/assy-mcgee's a cuck