/r/Circlebroke2 and /r/pedofriends fall (hard) for 4chan copypasta.

88  2016-10-08 by whereismysafespace_

First off the 4chan pasta : very low effort bait about a 21yo guy in love with his 11yo female neighbor. Notice how 4chan/b didn't fall for it (because not even them are THAT retarded).


Same thing gets posted to pedofriends, and I'm surprised at how many responses it got (especially considering how many of their users are browsing with one hand, while glancing nervously over their shoulder to see if anyone is trying to escape their basement).


And at the ass-end of this subhuman centipede of pure retardation and autism, you have /r/circlebroke2 ready to call the cyber police over it. Proving once more that they're the lowest life form on the internet (even when you include juggalos).
