Alright you filthy liberals

0  2016-10-13 by Nazbol_Pride

as a frequent lurker and occasional participant in /r/russia, and a long time National Bolshevik, I don't like that you decided to make a mockery of us in this way. I consider it a direct attack on the Rodina, and to be frank, I resent it greatly.

The entire purpose of the subreddit is to allow for more jingoistic chest-thumping and semi-ironic racism without fear of Ukrainian, Baltic, or Zionist retaliation. You've trespassed into our Imperium to try and mock us. In doing so, either intentionally or unintentionally, you have benefited NATO. Nevertheless, I'll explain it to you the best I can. I always seek to educate whenever the opportunity arises. I'll make this as brief as possible.

Any atrocity you could accuse us of, the Fascisti have done it before, and almost always they've done it ten times worse. We are those who want to attain World Recordā„¢, permanently. The plain truth is that we can't do it through international socialism. The Polish and Czechslovakians wouldn't advocate for national sovereignty if it ever brought quick, meaningful, and permanent Russian Imperial Hegemony. They have used every means at their disposal to flee us.

The only real way is through forceful and determined action. Putting minorities, and yes, children in gulags is one such action. It's like when you have a jewish problem and you're prescribed pogroms, you start to slaughter them for a few days, then you start to see less hook noses. So, you just stop, you figure since you can't see the effects of Judaism they must be gone and defeated. Yet, when you stop, the Jews comes back and sometimes even more cunning than before. It's not pretty, it's not cuddly, but it's the surest way. You have to get rid of all the Ć¼ntermenschen before you can call it rein.

It's a similar principle here, if you don't eliminate those who are affiliated with inferior nations, they'll raise their children to rise against you, or they'll grow up and seek to destroy you. That's why we do what we have to do, for the success of our goal, and the ultimate benefit of the Empire. That's why we fight, to conquer all who resists Russia.

I'd advise you to reconsider, because make no mistake. We plan to win this conflict, so either join us, support us, or move out the way. This is a friendly warning.

I'd be happy to answer any questions, I'll likely respond in a few hours after I've perfected my goose-stepping.