Challenge accepted on /r/martialarts

10  2016-10-22 by TinyJibble

Friendly weeb /u/ScrewPseudoFeminism asks r/martialarts what martial art is being used in his Chinese cartoons. For some reason, tough guy /u/Randaethyr decides to respond by calling him out:

Yeah yeah, i know, it's from an anime get over yourselves.

Well you started off on the right foot OP. This is sure to be a quality thread!

This spawns an appallingly long argument. Later, Randaethyr issues a challenge and ScrewPseudoFeminism accepts.

Will ScrewPseudoFeminism bring pride to his master? Will Randaethyr finally find the challenge he has been waiting for? Or will the whole thing just evaporate as happens literally every time when someone from a martial arts forum tries to throwdown irl.