An intermission.

6  2016-10-28 by [deleted]

I’m normally not one to comment on social, political, or economical aspects of modern human society --- the mental capacity of those who browse the internet is simply not up to my standard --- but sometimes even my brilliant mind ceases to be able to comprehend such incoherent registers that are sometimes scrawled onto this interconnected platform comprised of lines of code that we call “reddit.” I have ruptured my hiatus of commentary to send forth a message: You are not “cool” if you post on SRD or go on “IRC.” In addition to that, talking about what you mindlessly consumed from “subreddits”, especially in the form of “drama”, is not intelligent banter. I spent most of my time pondering the origins of the universe, studying quantum physics, and expanding my mind through the written media that the general public calls “books.” It amazes me that most of my generation hasn’t even read literature such as “Catcher in the Rye” or the great Dostoyevsky’s “The Brothers Karamazov.” I recognize that not everybody is capable of emulating the accomplishments I have garnered throughout my life, but posting about “drama” or writing about simple-minded activities that require a paltry amount of cognitive ability merely displays the inadequacy and incompetence inherent in YOU. Therefore, be forewarned: I will be “un-subscribing” and blocking any individual with the audacity and oafishness to post such utter garbage.