I met our favorite vegan lolcow IRL at a bar. AMA.

79  2016-11-05 by Joan_Wayne_Gacy

While on break at work I caught a glimpse of our shit show mod mail featuring some dude I've never heard of whining like he's Kim Kardashian getting rejected at a west Hollywood club. It was entertaining to say the least.

Then one of our benevolent moderators was kind enough to make a post about this person, which also entertained me to a slight degree.

After mentioning that I'd be at the meetup /u/unwordableweirdness began messaging me unsolicited links that he believed were my dox (aka he tried to dox me) of some poor girl that I imagine got a ton of weird shit in her inbox as a result of his maligned dox attempt. To be fair it was kind of coincidental that a girl in Portland had the same username as me on Twitter, but if /u/unwordableweirdness knew anything about this place that he is currently sperging out so hard about he'd know that I'm very obviously a totes super gay male that likes to murder old people and post on Tumblr, not some annarchist girl that posts to Twitter. Rookie mistake.

So I went to the meetup.

This dude shows up. Of course he has one of those stupid tiny hats that don't really serve any purpose other than to cover up the fact that you don't shower enough.

He whined alot about how he's a "real person" and how "this place does real harm" blah blah blah.

Basically he didn't say anything any other bleeding heart 13 year old hasn't said about this place before.

Mind you as he's talking I have people at the bar "giving me the eyes" aka everyone was super weirded out by him.

Did I mention that he claims the entire conversation was recorded? I asked him to post it here or to PM a link to the conversation so I could post it but he declined which leads me to believe that it wasn't recorded.

During our conversation multiple people around us attempted to interject and "save me," from this person but when they tried to say anything normal he proclaimed that they were all "a part of the conspiracy," which was absolutely hilarious and absolutely freaked everyone out.

After getting really bored with his whining I told him I'd ban the dude stalking him even though I have no idea who that person is and even /u/unwordableweirdness admits that this person uses multiple accounts. /u/unwordableweirdness believes that people need to use ToR to get around IP bans which leads me to believe that he doesn't know alot about the internet in general.

With that said I was abjectly rude to him and drank a lot of greyhounds while he proclaimed that he's a person that pities me for being so shevil and it was actually one of the better meetups I've been to.


Edit: I forgot to mention that he started messaging me this morning which I assume is going to become a "thing".