Kiwifarms defener shows up on 8chan's /cow/ to explain why it's okay that farmers scammed one of their own members for funsies, doesn't go down well.

50  2016-11-07 by snallygaster

For those who don't know, /cow/ is a board for lolcow discussion on 8chan, while kiwifarms is a forum dedicated to discussing lolcows and whoever the popular members seem annoyed by/dislike/want revenge at it seems. /cow/ despises kiwifarms for a sizable number of reasons and has many threads dedicated to both the website and the owner.

In one such thread, a poster mentioned that members of kiwifarms scammed another member out of money. Posters discussed the scam and had a bit of back-and-forth argument, until a kiwi defener really kicked things off:

Okay, here is what happened.

Wildchild either had a psychotic break or (more likely) faked a psychotic break in a skype group. They were saying they had to go to some order of the hermetic whatever, which is actually a facebook group they are a part of. They were asked to leave the groups because people felt they were faking for attention.

Typhoid Mary (Natalie Durcain, Neph, etc.) got Wildchild to give them like $700 in private, then reversed it, then had them send it to some other thing that won't let people cancel payments. Natalie then brought wildchild into a group and started ripping wildchild apart for cancelling payment, but then admitted what happened. It was absolutely retarded, so then Natalie was booted as well.

I'm not going to say that Wildchild deserved it, but I don't think I can say that I feel sorry for Wildchild, all things considered. Wildchild was retarded and showed their true stripes when they got doxed by a cow and didn't take it in stride. No one would have even noticed, the cow was boring anyways, and even if people did notice, its not like there was anything interesting in Wildchild's past to grip onto. They fucked up in how they handled it and really fucked up by deleting thread and posts, then flipping out in the second thread on the cow.

I dug the gimmick, it was funny, but it did wear thin after a while. Null actually did handle Wildchild incredibly fairly to be completely honest, he didn't ban or really restrict the person's account until the end and wasn't a dick to Wildchild. Someone was faking as Wildchild and making feedbacks posing as Wildchild and Null nutted up on them, but eh, that was understandable to tell them to fuck off when he thought it was Wildchild.

All this stuff about Sociopath Community and "weening a cow for three years" is either someone not knowing what a ween really is or someone trying to get a rise. The Sociopath Community nonsense was just interboard skirmish at the same time vordy attacked. No one caused it, to my knowledge. Wildchild didn't ween the cow for 3 years, either, they had the cow on their friends list and just thought to make a thread one day because they thought they were a cow. They didn't troll the cow at all, just had them on their list because they shared a community.

All that said, it does seem Wildchild got what was coming to them because they knew they were rattling cages and that they got negative attention. They also fucked up and handled it poorly. They ALSO gave money to a known scammer. I don't think people saying "good" are in the wrong, Wildchild earned their smack on the ass for that. NEVER give money to someone you only know from the internet, especially when they are a known scammer. Scammers scam, it is what they do, and Null has zero responsibility for anything that happens offsite and shouldn't ever be compelled to moderate disputes or behavior offsite, especially between two banned users.

From here, the thread descends into an absolute trainwreck. I've screenshotted the juiciest posts for the people who don't want to crawl through all that shit or don't wanna give 8chan traffic, but the thread itself is a great read and contains much more material.


I'm glad i defected from Kiwi as of recent.