Infamous lead paint licker and a bitch who throws hissy fits, /u/glooka has a complete mental breakdown in /r/rage over a video that depicts a racist guy telling a black driver "You're a nigger"

34  2016-11-08 by flipkt

This is Part 2 of the ongoing series about the adventures of the Infamous Lead Paint Licker and a bitch who throws hissy fits, /u/glooka, and his fights against the leftist cancer in Reddit. (Part 1 was documented here for those interested.)

/u/glooka recounts why he's the way he's now after drifting from being on the "left" (spoiler: because leftists are bloodthirsty).

/u/glooka starts to heat up when commenters start to condemn the racist in the video.

/u/glooka blows his fuse and starts talking about his cuckold fantasies.

/u/glooka begins his spiral into mental breakdown and starts defending the racist in the video by claiming he was innocent and probably provoked into saying the n word by a road rage incident.

Since Part 1, /u/glooka has realized that even /r/subredditcancer doesn't take his ramblings seriously. Now he frequents /r/watchredditdie. After having blown his fuse in this /r/rage thread and getting completely humiliated, he goes to his new home in /r/watchredditdie to whine about it and get some reassurances from the retards there that he's not actually retarded.

Edit: Please remember that we're a free speech subreddit and we don't downvote dissenting opinions. Downvoting because you disagree with someone hides their opinion if it's below threshold and restricts their ability to defend themselves by restricting them to 1 comment every 10 minutes.