Notorious sex pest, abusive partner, and crazy person Onision breaks up with his threesome unicorn, makes a video

57  2016-11-10 by snallygaster

Onision's back doing crazy shit! He recently had his threesome partner, her friend, and her wife Taylor's (underage) friend at his mcmansion last week. His threesome partner left suddenly and started vagueposting, and Greg started lovebombing his wife (something he always does after walking all over her), leading haters to wonder what happened this time. Well, Greg just released a highly disturbing tell-all!

Current dramatic video:

Someone wrote this summary of the video:

> "menage a trois"
> Lainey says she's bi
> "I'm not jealous when my wife is with another woman, but I am when she talks about other men"
> recaps CG 1.0
> Lainey accused Billie of only caring about Greg and not her, leaves the house
> "I only did things that a friend can justify doing!!!"
> "we were only friends who cuddled and i massaged her in a friend way!!"
> "my mother gives me massages!!!"
> Lainey breaks up with him for a moment
> Onion to Billie: "well i guess you're a home wrecker now", paints Billie to be a sociopath with no emotional response or remorse
> "i spent 900 dollars to send her home"
> six months later
> Lainey: "Billie's changed!!", Greg: "bad idea"
> Billie's a liar
> first lie: Billie got high and held a guy's hand while on piggyback
> Ayalla makes shit worse, "we dumped Billie"
> "We forgave her because of my wife"
> "Lainey's insecure and dumped Billie repeatedly"
> "she claimed to cry to Ayalla but I never saw her tears!!!"
> "Ayalla and Billie are two peas in a pod"
> "Billie lied multiple times, Ayalla backed her up"
> relationship on loop: Lainey gets weird and breaks up with Billie, Greg convinces her to stay with Billie, Billie doesn't care
> Billie ran Greg's social media and Greg paid her 1,800 a month for it
> "we didn't trust her so we wanted to look at her texts"
> Billie: fuck no
> Billie finally admits that her and Ayalla are potheads and both suffer from anorexia
> Greg paints himself to be Jesus, "I forgive you don't do it anymore okay? _"
> discloses that they've all fucked "20 or 30 times"
> "we were the trinity"
> Lainey gets upset when Greg tells Billie that she's beautiful and that he loves her
> Greg tells Lainey that he wants to pursue a relationship with her girlfriend, whether she likes it or not
> Lainey and her friend (Sarah?) sit down with Billie and talk, ends with Billie sleeping with Greg
> Billie: "This will upset Lainey", Greg: "BALANCE, BILLIE. furiously taps on triangle diagram"
> Greg: "Let's have sex, Lainey. Btw, I just had sex with Billie", Lainey gets incredibly upset
> The talk was about how Billie isn't to do anything with Greg at ALL. Billie said okay and even said that she would tell Greg to fuck off.
> graphically describes how Billie didn't want to sit on his face
> flashback to them having sex: "do you want to?" "DUH"
> "Lainey might be mad but I want to"
> Greg states that Billie claimed she felt scared so she did kiss Greg when she wasn't supposed to
> Greg stops defending Billie, Billie runs out to the woods to make a noose and spelled out "fuck you" in smashed up pumpkins
> Greg shows picture
> This happens at the same time as the Ayalla/Richie milk
> Ayalla bawwwws to everyone in the house about how Richie's going to ruin her life
> Onion wanks about Richie for a bit
> Richie decides not to make a video about her, Ayalla's happy
> Greg steps in
> Billie: "Greg do you want me to kill myself?"
> Billie reams into him and says he made shit worse
> Billie reams into him for bringing up Richie and Ayalla's sex life
> Greg justifies it by saying that Ayalla told everyone: the nanny, Greg, Lainey, Billie, and Sarah
> Greg reveals that Richie gets off on having sex with crying women
> Billie: "you made shit worse greg wtf, he might tell the internet that I used to smoke weed", Greg: "Well, you shouldn't have done that LOL"
> Billie and Ayalla try to sneak out and leave, Greg catches them
> Greg: "get a tatto with you and Lainey's ship name and we'll forgive you again"
> brings up the wrist tattoos he got with Shiloh, "I DID IT FOR LOVE"
> "Billie already has tattoos all over her BODY, so what's another one?"
> Ayalla: "this is fucked let's go"
> Billie hugs Greg goodbye (where tf is Lainey????)
> Greg: "If you leave we're done for good",
> Billie leaves, later sends Lainey flowers
> Greg tells her off, "you LIED to us, you BETRAYED us"
> Greg gives her a list of things to do in order to "prove her love" including getting a tattoo, stop smoking pot, stop lying, and stop talking to Ayalla
> Billie: "I love you guys", stops responding and doesn't call Greg when he tells her to
> Greg: "I hope you're happy, remember this. I wish you well (but i'm going to shit on you in a video lol)"
> Billie texted them this morning about the election, unwilling to get the tattoo
> Greg: "I FOUGHT 4 US"
> cut to black/end