Man posts over 200 times in two days about how SJWs are the key to the Trump victory

192  2016-11-10 by renewalnotice

As some of you might've noticed, /u/5th_Law_of_Robotics is on an /r/drama rampage since the Trump cucked the world.

Starting around here, he began to tell the world why Trump won.

And he won't stop, no matter what. Every word is a separate link, a separate battle in his crusade for justice. Anti-social justice justice!

Early hits include:

This smug anti white racism is what put Trump in the Whitehouse.


This right here, this is why Trump won.

Telling whites, and especially white men, that they had to vote a certain way or they're racists then ignoring any problem they had to instead lecture them on their privilege and how they owe it to everyone else to shut up and ignore any issues that matter to them, this is why Trump won.


An excellent example of the smug, bigoted, condescending rhetoric from the left that handed this to Trump.

But the last link, relinked here, is where the drama exploded and people challenged him, saying Trump didn't win because of social justice and to not be a retard. Then? He kicked it into high gear and is now on another crusade, wherein he never said that anti-SJW feelings were the reason Trump won.

Fun fact: literally no one has claimed this.

After being quoted exactly:

Yes repeating the words someone else put in my mouth doesn't make them mine. But do keep trying.

And he just keeps going, he won't stop until you admit that SJWs lost the election for Clinton, but also admit that he didn't say that.

But really you can click on any of the last few pages on his profile to see him arguing some things:

  • SJWs are annoying. On that, I think most of us can agree

  • SJW backlash is why Trump won. lol.

  • He never said that SJW backlash is why Trump won.

Brings a new meaning to /r/nosleep. Maybe some legislation Emperor Donald should consider promoting would be that if you're too tired to drive a commercial truck, you're too tired to post about social justice.