Comic Creators Throw a Fit Over Presidential Election

31  2016-11-16 by Dramathrowaway999

So as you may have heard Trump is our President now, well comic creators aren't too happy with that so I figured I'd round up their collective outrage. Watch as a bunch of people attempt to be morally superior to everyone else!

Shit writer Dan Slott decides to quit twitter because it has too much pro-Trump rhetoric.

Fifty four year old Mark Waid who is aching to be considered young and hip by the #kids states that he will attend comic conventions but use a healthy dose of his male privilege to make sure there are safe spaces. Bonus threats to fuck other people's shit up if they offend anyone!

Brian Keene says he just wants to separate from all the politic bullshit which of course means people give him a bunch of shit

Humberto Ramos and his shit art states he won't visit any state that went to Trump, leaving his fans that live there in the cold.

George Perez decides to join him in shunning the filthy states that voted Trump.

Matthew Rosenberg decides he will continue to go but demands that the conventions must make donations to charities he deems fit, making no promise to do so himself. Now why would he want to take a pay cut? That would be outrageous, others can do that!

Other people over react and wish they were in LA to protest. Some realize that the world isn't going to end and others realize people don't want a discussion but to just fling nasty shit at other people.

Comic artist posts a picture of Trump he made and quickly begins to lose friends and get shat on.

And this is only the beginning! I'm positive there will be other people who decide to shun a large portion of the United States out of some weird sense of solidarity. Should be fun!