I think there's something wrong with me

0  2016-11-26 by nameuser4321

I'm typing this on a phone and I'm very freaked out and confused, so please bear with me if some of it's not clear. I want to get other peoples' thoughts and opinions. It's gonna be really fucking long so I apologize in advance.

I live in an apartment with two of my friends. The apartment is in a really old, big house from the late 1800's that's basically broken up into separate living spaces if that makes sense. We joked about ghosts and stuff when we first moved in, but in truth the house isn't spooky at all and nothing ghostly or weird has happened in the 5 months we've lived here. I only mention the house's age because I know that old buildings can contain things (like certain materials in paints, certain sound frequencies from old piping, etc.) that can psychologically effect people in various ways, so maybe that has something to do with the last couple of days. Idk. Like I said, I'm completely freaked out and at a loss.

K (not her real name for privacy) is a pretty eccentric and often aloof person in general, but I've been very close friends with her for years so I have a good idea of what's normal behavior for her and what isn't. The other friend we live with I'm gonna call N--she's more 'normal', reasonable, organized, etc., and she gets upset about messes & generally keeps the place clean. This might sound bad but the only reason I noticed N was gone yesterday was because K's mess of art supplies and things was piling up on the kitchen table. I texted K to ask if N had gone home for a couple days or something, but K rarely texts back so I didn't get a response.

This is where stuff started to get weird. K got home at like 10pm last night (not unusual) and dumped her bag and everything onto the table. I heard this from my room, which is attached to the kitchen, so I went out to say hi and ask her about N. At first she seemed to be ignoring me, but sometimes she takes a while to process info and respond (she's very smart, just absent-minded) so I waited. Then I asked again. She actually got angry for some reason. She looked me right in the eye and said "I don't have time for this" in an almost deadpan tone and then went to her room and slammed the door. I was really weirded out by this behavior and also a bit worried that I'd done something wrong, but I didn't want to bug her or whatever, so I went back into my room and texted N myself (which I could have done in the first place but just didn't feel like doing). I didn't get a response from N that night and I assumed she'd already gone to bed.

About an hour later (11pm-ish) I heard K in the kitchen washing dishes and stuff. I got anxious again thinking about how she'd seemed inexplicably wicked angry at me, and just then she knocked on my door making my anxiety spike. I got up and opened it, and she was standing on the other side of the table facing the sink directly opposite me (wtf why) so I was just like "Hey what's up? You knocked?" I felt really uneasy about the whole situation because 1. I was already anxious and 2. she was acting really weird and I'm bad enough at reading people when they're being normal.

She didn't answer but she also wasn't washing dishes or anything, just standing there. I thought maybe she was being really passive-aggressive or something, so I asked if she was mad at me, but she didn't respond at all. All of this behavior had been wicked out of character so at this point I was getting worried, and after a minute of standing there like 'wtf should I do' I just walked up to her around the table. At that point she practically whipped around to look at me and loudly said "Go to bed!" in the same bizarre deadpan as earlier, and it was so uncharacteristic and sudden that it startled the fuck out of me, so I was just like "alright" and went back into my room and locked the door.

At this point I assumed she must be having some kind of mental break, so I messaged my friend J (who knows K really well) about it and he was basically just like "Uh yeah, that's really fucking weird" and told me to keep him updated. I went on youtube and watched a bunch of let's plays to distract myself until like 3 this morning.

That's when I started hearing sounds in the kitchen again. This time they weren't normal "washing dishes" type sounds, but weird 'what the fuck' type sounds. It started out like K was whispering loudly to herself, and then after a minute it sounded like N was also there whispering. I sat as still as possible and tried to listen, but it sounded like they were talking gibberish. And not like 'I couldn't really make it out', I mean it actually sounded like they were loudly whispering in weird-ass gibberish to the point where I was getting incredibly freaked out. This started to be interspersed with laughs and chuckles that are hard to explain but definitely weren't their normal laughs--they were almost throaty and choked I guess? I wish I could explain the laughs better because it was genuinely frightening and not normal.

This next bit is gonna make me sound like a lunatic but I'm just describing what I was hearing, so please bear with me. One of the two, I have no clue which, started making a fucked up high-pitched vocal noise that sort of dipped slowly into a low pitch, and the other one fucking harmonized with it for a second, and then they both did the awful chortle-laugh again. Wtf! Then they started whispering gibberish again and it also sounded like they were either enthusiastically writing w/ pencils or scratching on the table. It was starting to scare the fuck out of me...and that's when one of them fucking YELLED. I still don't know which one it was because it was a fucking bizarre, low-pitched yell of some 3 or 4 syllable made up word. Then silence. I didn't even hear them go to their rooms or anything.

At that point I felt too scared to move, like if I shifted at all it would be too loud and call attention to me. After a bit (Idk how long honestly) the scratching sound on the table started again, and quickly built up into really loud and aggressive scratching and grunting, and then it just stopped. I sat there completely still and baffled for like an hour and then I must've fallen asleep.

I woke up at like 9 this morning and I sat there listening for a couple of minutes before opening my door. Now that it was day I felt kind of stupid being afraid of my roommates. However, a lot of the fear was brought back when I immediately noticed the new scratches on the table. I actually took a pic that I might add later if I feel like uploading to imgur.

Literally as I was taking the picture, I felt an awful and intense pain in my shin that caused me to stumble back against the wall. I fucking looked down and saw K in a crawling position under the table just staring at me, and I swear to god I nearly had a stroke. Without looking away from her I started backing toward the apartment door. My shoes were (luckily) right there so I slipped them half-way on without bending down or taking my eyes off of her. My shin was throbbing and I still hadn't looked at it, but I had a horrible theory about what had just happened. I reached behind me and turned the doorknob, and that's when she started RAPIDLY crawling in my direction. NOPE! HAHA! NO FUCKING WAY. I fucking swung that door open, jumped out, and slammed it behind me honestly hoping I would get her in the face w/ it. No clue if I did or not.

I booked it out of there and down the sidewalk. I'm still in the clothes I'd fallen asleep in and they're luckily pretty warm, but as I was thinking about that I was like "wait shit why didn't I jump in my car and drive!?" but obviously I wasn't turning around now lol. I ended up just going to the grassy center of the college campus we live by where there were a reasonable amount of other people hanging out, and that's where I sat down to check out my leg. I was honestly scared to roll my jean up on that side because I had such a strong suspicion about what happened and actually did not want it confirmed. I was basically holding my breath when I rolled it up, and I swear to god it's a good thing I hadn't eaten in forever because I would've lost it. Can you guys guess what it was? Can you fucking guess?? I'll tell you--it was a human bite mark right through my jeans. I'm not kidding, K bit my leg from under the table. In case you weren't sure, this sort of thing is out of character for her! But seriously tho, jokes aside, at that point I was just nauseous and actually shaking really hard but I managed to get a picture of it that I might also add later if I upload it to imgur.

So like as I'm taking pics of this fucKING OUTRAGEOUS OFFENSE, I noticed movement on my right and I saw a random college student sitting 10ish feet away. He wasn't moving toward me, just sort of swaying, but he was staring me down really hard. Then he started to whisper something inaudible and I just instinctively sprung up booked it again.

At the time earlier today I felt kind of stupid and paranoid, but truly I think my reaction was at least a little understandable considering what I'd been dealing with. I ended up running to the school library which was close by. My anxiety was through the roof so right away I felt like everyone was looking at me. I figured I was losing it so I found a comfy chair and sat down to chill out (like, instead of the 'crouching under tables and biting people' reaction to mental distress). I closed my eyes and just chilled.

After a bit (5 min?) someone touched my shoulder and I fucking jumped and gasped, and I just glared at the guy so he would leave. He actually got the hint and was sort of like "sorry, never mind" but as he was walking away I could've SWORN I heard him muttering the 3 syllable gibberish word one of my friends yelled last night! I felt like I was gonna cry, but my first thought was that I was having auditory hallucinations from the stress. I actually googled on my phone to see if it meant anything and either it doesn't, I misheard it, or idk how to spell it. I got up and walked out the back door of the library trying to seem chill.

As I was power-walking down the sidewalk, I took my phone out to call J (because he's very smart, I trust him, and he still just felt like the obvious choice for some reason), but right then I started getting an incoming call from my mom. I answered it trying to sound calm, but the call wasn't coming through clearly and all I fucking heard was a scratchy sound that I immediately associated with the scratching from the previous night. At that point I sat down in the grass and actually did start crying because I was terrified and absolutely sure I was losing it. I hung up and called J without even trying to calm down first, and the conversation basically went like this but with more awkward crying on my end:

"Can I like come over or something?" "What's wrong?" "Long story but K bit me and I feel like I'm losing it" "Do you want me to come get you?" "Yeah but I'm not at home" "Where are you?" "Sitting by x street" "Ok I'm on my way, don't move."

He didn't even ask questions about K biting me because he could tell I was freaking out and he's cool like that. Tbh I'm impressed because I would not have had that kind of self-restraint. The drive from his house is like an hour, so I laid down in the grass and tried to relax. For some reason I felt like the ground was vibrating (like a subway going by but there aren't any here), and I put my ear to it and thought I could hear these huge distant sounds under the surface. "Tectonic plates" popped into my head but I'm aware that you generally can't hear those, so I chocked it up to my wild and wacky mental state and laid on my back instead. So I was looking at the sky now, which is always a funny color in this city (to the point where there are running jokes about it between me and my friends), and it was actually quite calming and sobering. Dark clouds were rushing by over a backdrop of huge, amorphous shadows, because again, we live in a fucking weird and polluted city where the sky always looks like a Lovecraftian abomination is about to descend. I just kept taking deep breaths and watching the clouds and shadows and kind of laughing about our weird-ass city and how its weirdness is reflected in the sky until J's car finally pulled up beside me.

I got up and climbed into his passenger seat and immediately felt better because he's such a great person whose presence just makes everything better lol. Anyway he asked if I was ok & starting asking me questions, but I cut him off and said "look at the sky" (and was kind of disturbed by the lack of emotion in my own voice since the day had been so traumatic), but he leaned forward and looked up at it and seemed to find it very odd. He stopped looking at it fairly quickly and just sat there in thought. (Weirdly, this is normal J behavior so it was kinda comforting. He's an odd one). Then he pulled out his phone, and I asked him what he was doing, and he said he was looking at the weather. He put it away even though he didn't seem satisfied and he started driving. Idk if any of these details are relevant but I'm just including them anyway bc the weather thing made me vaguely uneasy. I pretended to be asleep so I wouldn't have to talk, and idk if he bought it but he didn't talk to me.

When we hit the toll booth I opened my eyes because I could sense something strange was happening. J was trying to hand the attendant his money, but the attendant was just staring at him. I felt that stomach-drop feeling and just said "Go." J looked at me and I shouted "GO", so he went. He actually looked kinda scared at this point, but idk if he was scared because of me or the toll booth guy or what.

Fast forward a bit because we didn't talk at all during the ride. We got to his house, he asked me to fill him in, and I basically told him everything I just typed out up to the part when he showed up. He didn't really respond, but he could definitely tell that I was getting a little hysterical, because he asked me if I wanted to watch something. We ended up re-watching Rick & Morty all day today and then moving on to Always Sunny, and I started feeling like things were ok and I'd been blowing them out of proportion. It wasn't until a couple of hours ago that the sky here started to look weird, which it usually doesn't in his town, so J ended up shutting the blinds because it was making him really anxious for some reason.

About an hour ago while we were still watching Always Sunny I started whispering under my breath and repeating some of the gibberish stuff I heard from my friends just because I was thinking about it I guess. At first J didn't notice but then I started to whisper louder and he paused the show and asked me why I was doing it. I was like 'idk', and he asked me what I was saying and I said I didn't know. I got a little defensive bc I kinda knew it was weird and wasn't sure why I'd been doing that. He asked me to stop doing it so I stopped.

Then only about 45 minutes ago there was a really loud, weird noise outside that's hard to describe, like a sort of distant action movie sound effect. A sound made by something really huge if that makes sense. It scared J but I loved it, and I laughed at it a lot, and he gave me a really weird look and asked why I was laughing. I just shrugged and gradually stopped laughing. I think he was worried because he moved to sit next to me, but I didn't like that so I bit his shoulder hard. J jumped up and yelled and then I ran and hid under his bed.

I've been under here for like 40 minutes and I realize now how bizarre and scary my behavior was, but at the time it felt 100% reasonable. As soon as reality set back in I was hit with a wave of dread and I started to type this out on my phone to maintain sanity or something. I'm really fucking scared. I assume J is too scared to look for me, idk.

My only theory right now is what I said above about old houses fucking with people, like maybe there was lead in the paint that drove me insane and drove K to bite me (because the bite is undeniably real, I can still feel it), but that doesn't explain why J noticed the weird sky shit and heard that loud noise. Those things could be unrelated, but somehow they don't feel it. It's funny. It's really really funny. Lmao it's. I think I'm gonna crawl out of here and go see go see I'm gonna go see Jack. Maybe it's possible I'll talk to see Jack I'll bite him on his shin bite my teeth with them in flesh teeth s so we match. That would be really funny would be good funny the right thing bite him. Someone needs to do it. He must hear me whispering because now he's because hear me whispering he's calling me. He wants me to come out to crawl out his shin bite jack. got to have to go now going to end bite him go