Soma is the reason this subreddit hasn't got shut down

20  2016-12-21 by StratoDaster

Have I gotten your attention? Great!

I know this isn't for everyone, and I know everyone hasn't read this book, and many people who have, can't even begin to decipher the meaning.

My favorite book is Brave New World written by the late and great Aldous Huxley the twenties. Now, before anyone tries to correct me, I know in literary terms it's a dystopian novel, such as Fahrenheit 451, and 1984 written by the most arguably famous author of dystopian novels, George Orwell.

If you've made it this far into reading this post, I thank you. Brave New World is one of the greatest captures between immorality and being a cuck in the most epic of proportions. I, quite frankly, enjoyed that Huxley let a cuck be one of two narratives in this novel. That is very progressive, given the time period. It was just less than fifty years after this book was published, the civil rights movement sadly took its place in American history.

The basic understanding is the krunk vs cuck argument, but there is so much to this literary work of art, that if you were like me, you have read multiple times, kept a journal of notes and have come to realize this. Huxley was a true pioneer in his day when it came to intellectual or progressive thinking. Taking his society's morals and beliefs and then translating that to one of the most famous works in the literary world.

My question is to you, if you are still reading:

Is it possible to defend the idea that beta cuck is the true hero of Brave New World?

If this discussion is something you want to take part in, you must bring more than just a yes or no answer to the table. I want to know why. For those of you who just want to see my butthole, carry on, it isn't going to be found in this post, only thoughts from my brain.

At the very least what is to be found is an insightful and refreshing disscussion.

"I like being myself. Myself, and nasty."