/r/drama best of 2016 awards
71 2016-12-23 by geraldo42
I will make a top level comment for each of the award categories. Reply to the comment with your nomination and preferably a link to where you think they earned the award. The thread will be in contest mode and the user nominated in the highest upvoted reply for each category gets a month of reddit gold.
Rules: I'm not giving reddit gold to pedos, dogfuckers or SRD mods. We'll donate it somewhere else if one of them wins.
- Best shitposter
- Smuggest subscriber
- Biggest lolcow
- Best poster
- Worst poster
- Most likely to shoot up a school
- Most likely to murder a drama mod irl
- King of the tendies
- Best original copypasta
- Best meltdown
Edit: contest mode is fucking dumb I'm turning it off
n/a AnnArchist 2016-12-23
Best Mod - Me.
n/a squarefaces 2016-12-23
So when do we find out the winners?! Noodles wants his award.
n/a takaci 2016-12-23
can't we have a vote about best stuff posted here? I like the content here but I can't stand this meta shit
n/a [deleted] 2016-12-23
n/a [deleted] 2016-12-23
n/a terriblegoat 2016-12-23
None of you stupid cunts deserve an award.
n/a geraldo42 2016-12-23
n/a PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS 2016-12-23
So at what point are you gonna hand out the fucking awards?
n/a geraldo42 2016-12-23
Probably never.
n/a squarefaces 2016-12-23
(((Powermods))) hoarding valuables what'd ya expect? Smdh
n/a in-tent-cities 2016-12-23
I was banned from conspiracy for arguing til I was sick of it then blasting acdc at the cucks. Not saying they were wrong, Saying fuck it fam. Boom ACDC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOdUSxo_ZFg
n/a Ernigrad-zo 2016-12-23
I just want to say that i've realised something about the world, there are a lot of factions and groups with differing opinions which we all spend a lot of time trying to judge between and weigh off against each other but really when you look at it actually everyone makes a lot of good points, the sjw trollx types say that the_don is stupid and evil and pathetic and a dozen other adjectives while the_don says the same back and you know what? they're both right.
the women of trollx will literally believe anything that comes from a 'poor wimins are the most hard done by people ever but they're still the coolest and best and most right people ever too' which is exactly the same thing that the_don believes about white men -- literally the most defective humans on the planet are paired up thankfully NOT BREEDING. so yes though this is a cringe era for humanity it's also a beautiful one.
n/a NecessaryPiglet 2016-12-23
/u/geraldo42 :^)
n/a ComedicSans 2016-12-23
/u/riemann1413, shitpost harder! The plebs think you only need to be reigned in a little.
n/a wolfdreams01 2016-12-23
Isn't it so she can beat people with the doormat? That's what I heard.
n/a girigiri 2016-12-23
late, but I liked /u/chrisolivertimes
So crazy but so much fun.
He should date jewdank.
n/a StopTalkingOK 2016-12-23
The dog was hilarious
n/a cochnbahls 2016-12-23
being right is a requisite to being smug
n/a ditwliap 2016-12-23
n/a bleepis 2016-12-23
the fact that they didnt use "sapphic" is disappointing
n/a guyjin 2016-12-23
Is that... singaporean?
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2016-12-23
/u/riemann1413 wins this one by a large margin.
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2016-12-23
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2016-12-23
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2016-12-23
n/a Wraith_GraveSpell 2016-12-23
not not noodles
n/a KarlMarxican 2016-12-23
the timing suggests PMDD...
n/a SpinningNipples 2016-12-23
Did it turn out she's a genuinely mentally ill person?
I thought that subreddit she posts in was a joke filled with trolls, but her account and crazy comments go back for a whole year.
Is this real life