Fucking normies ruin everything

0  2016-12-24 by Tarantula9000

I'm located in the US. I’m behind a VPN, posting from a throwaway account and changing the names of those involved.

The story begins at at 10pm. Having arrived at the con at 8pm and beginning our usual shenanigans we were yelling and talking to other con goers in different rooms off the balconies. The normie guests must have complained and there were men dressed up nicely walking in the parking lot with walkie talkies. At that moment the owner of the room walks in runs to the balcony joins in and yells some profanity at the men in suites not realizing until that moment it was the hotel’s security. They said something on their walkie talkie and we told him to run and hide amongst the sea of cosplayers (con had to have 2,000+ attendees).

Unfortunately they found him and came with cops to try to arrest him but as he did nothing wrong he was just kicked out. At that moment hotel management allowed me to put the room under my name but left my friends card there so the room would get charged. Where I had to hand my license so they can put my full name as the owner and then about 30 min later I went to the front desk explained the situation, showed them my license and received 3 new room keys because the owner left with all the room keys.

Fast forward until 4:40am. I had left the room, was completely exhausted went over to get some ice but got really sick and began puking and laid there by the machine. Now from 8pm to 4:40am I only had 6 tall boy PBR’s (what I told the officer) now they really aren’t the best beers to begin with so I fell ill and feeling weak passed out. I was found by security around 6:20am and taken to the lobby as I was groggy and couldn’t provide information. In the lobby I provided my info to the front desk and told them my name and said I was in room number #xxxx. The guy working desk and security told me that wasn’t my room and that’s when I became aggravated and told them it was, and that they were lying that the room isn’t mine. Earlier I gave my license to get the room under my name and even had 2 room keys in my wallet.

The security attempted to detain me and call police to come get me as they thought I wasn’t a guest at the hotel. The security team sat me down on a sofa and had guys covering both sides of the sofa so I wouldn't get up and go. Seeing no one was behind the sofa I jumped off the back and proceeded to walk to the room I told them I was in.

Of course one of them got uncomfortably close to me and I stopped in my tracks before I could bump into them. I told them I knew my room and that there was nothing they could do to me. They can’t detain me there. And I went around him and left to the room where they had Security waiting by the ice machine but I walked in the room with the key I had and laid down.

That’s when our room got a knock on the door and the security had an officer with them. Officer asked me what was going on and I explained to him that I passed out/fell asleep in the hallway and returned to my room. The security leader had a different story saying I had battered him by bumping him chest to chest and telling him “there was nothing he can do to me.” And that when I had climbed the sofa I mooned the security exposing my buttocks. I argued and asked for camera footage of this. The officer said he asked the lead for footage of this and of course they say they don’t have any cameras where the battery and mooning took place. Also when the officer asked the lead for security credentials the team had no official security license, nor did they have insignia or badge or uniform clearly showing he was a security officer. In my report it states when I answered the door I was in the exact room I said I was in to the lobby #xxxx, I did not appear to be overly inebriated and I was not slurring my speech when I spoke. But I did have a strong scent of alcohol and vomit.

Unfortunately I was arrested because of the aforementioned charges and taken to jail and put into safe booking because the distress of being arrested caused me to have an episode and I informed the officer on the ride to the prison that I was suicidal. But I didn’t resist arrest and was very cooperative throughout the whole ordeal. Later on my friends told me as I was being arrested the hotel kicked everyone out of the room since I was no longer there and proceeded to charge my friend's credit card (which he left on file) $400 even though there were no damages done to the room.

Only witnesses I have are my friends who saw me come in the room and go to bed unaware of the hassle the fake security team had been giving me. I asked for camera's and the hotel nor faux security could provide it (convenient for them huh?)

I also want to look if I can counter sue the hotel or faux security for the way they treated me, deceived/lied to me and the bad time and emotional distress they caused me along with financial damages. That's if I can.

TLDR: I am being charged with inappropriate misconduct in public lodging by xxxxx luxury hotel and battery by Mr. lying fake rent a cop who already had a grudge with my group. His faux security found me passed out covered in puke by the ice machine, they were attempting to detain me and I was being lied to by them when I told them my room was number xxxx and they kept telling me it wasn’t. Yet I was able to walk away from them and return to the exact room I said I was in. Got an officer called on me, security said I battered and mooned them, when asked for cctv footage they had none, no hotel guests witnessed the incident only witness is another guard who said he'll testify in court and it’s his security team’s word against mine.