Fuck r/Tumblrinaction. Just fuck it.

0  2016-12-27 by mirimtiyali

I may be getting overemotional here but fuck it. I need to rant and this is the only place on reddit that I feel I can safely do so. I used to think r/Tumblrinaction was just a dumb but harmless sub that didn't know a troll when they saw one. I even used to post there to debate on occassion. But in recent times I have come to see this sub for what it truly is. A gateway drug into reactionary thinking.

Some people may have seen one of my previous comments about my SO showing me his posts there. Although he had seemed to had fallen for some strawmen, he is amazing to me in real life so I let it go. But I stumbled into a post where TiA was making fun of a feminist's dating profile. It wasn't even their caricature of a feminist. Just a regular feminist who believes that things like white feminism, rape culture, suppression of female sexuality, toxic masculinity, and the fetishization of WOC is a problem, and agrees with black lives matter and planned parenthood. His comment was that even the most desperate of men wouldn't touch a woman like her.

After that comment I cannot think of him in the same way. Yet I'm so scared to confront him because of the happiness he has brought me in real life. He told me he wasn't anti-feminist in real life and seemed to be fine with me being a feminist. But I just don't know anymore. All I know is that this subreddit is ruining him.

EDIT: I literally just talked to him about it. He said he knows what he says is hurtful and he was expecting me to react one day. He is actually very much against anti-SJWs and despises MRAs, red pillers, and the alt right and is well aware that much of the TiA community is fucked up. He doesn't know why he keeps coming back to it but he thinks it was a way of getting back at his mother (a radical second-wave feminist who forced her political beliefs on him since early childhood.) Either way he is extremely regretful.

Some people may have seen one of my previous comments about my SO showing me his posts there. Although he had seemed to had fallen for some strawmen, he is amazing to me in real life so I let it go. But I stumbled into a post where TiA was making fun of a feminist's dating profile. It wasn't even their caricature of a feminist. Just a regular feminist who believes that things like white feminism, rape culture, suppression of female sexuality, toxic masculinity, and the fetishization of WOC is a problem, and agrees with black lives matter and planned parenthood. His comment was that even the most desperate of men wouldn't touch a woman like her.