Onision vs Everyone Else

31  2016-12-31 by WokeAsFuck

Youtube teenage girl enthusiast Onision is currently getting into it with several vloggers and an e-rag.

This is his latest angry outburst against sexy trap Blaire White after the latter made fun of his proclivities

Edit: Bonus overview


i was expecting onion boy to look like a retard but his video actually made the tranny look like a retard


Ikr she had so much to go off of and she went off that article on heat street that wasn't very factual to begin with.

This guy is still at it? Jesus Christ...


His fetish for getting teens pregnant?

Why is he not a mod here yet?

Not enough kiddos.

I guess now a days words can prove everything, huh? Seems legit.

Onision, the actual fuck.

I, for one, love the withered bodies of those in nursing homes.

You on a list now

I mean, let's be blunt here: you don't have to want to fuck kids, to recognize when one looks like the rotted-out asshole of a dead beached whale.

20 year old redditors terrified that an older man with more money and prestige will scalp their potential 19 year old girlfriends, and 30-year old landwhale feminists bitter that no man wants them at 200 lbs.

If its good enough for the catholic church.....