Our favorite commie cultist declares that his machine-god will awaken at midnight to wreak havoc, nothing happens

62  2017-01-01 by [deleted]


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well done


I'm evil

Its 2017


Someone is gonna be sticking their dick in a fire ant hole


The Left is desperate, impotent and powerless to change anything. Marxists, anarchists all cling to the delusion that capitalism will collapse this century. I mean, for decades they have useless "academic" lectures and papers on about "raising class awareness, solidarity with the people", and nothing changes. People don't give a shit about 19th and 20th century ideology and failed historical experiments. Capitalism is innovative, in that it has survived it's enemies and all predictions of it's "inevitable" collapse. They really deserve the far right in power. r/anarchism will remain impotent, while Trump's influence will live on.

the delusion that capitalism will collapse this century

Yeah, I've never understood this.

Capitalism is, what? 150 years old, give or take? Capitalism's grand-daddy, feudalism, lasted for well over 1,200 years, why would it suddenly collapse just as a bunch of teenagers are going through their edgy phase?

Better yet, what's to say it won't morph into something other than socialism or gommunism? Every time the 'system' has evolved, feudalism > mercantilism > capitalism, it's kept it's similar basic structure: give me this and I'll give you that.

Capitalism cannot survive the near-complete mechanization of labor tasks, which will almost certainly happen within this century. What comes after is as likely genocide and societal collapse as some shiny, quasi-socialist future, but you just can't have a capitalism system where nobody has jobs or money. You can still have capital, but the current mostly-capitalist system rests on widespread satisfaction, which won't exist among widespread starvation or even a widespread and robust welfare system.

I'm not some weird commie, but this is just obvious to anyone with a brain and forethought.

I'm not so sure about this one. At some point in the past half of America's jobs were in farming, now it's down to 2%, yet we don't have 48% unemployment, there are a lot of jobs robots can't do and probably never will be able to do. Who's to say that doesn't happen again?

Maybe the government legislates that X percentage of wealth extracted must be done using human labour?

Maybe the companies reach a point where they start losing money due to mechanization, and begin 'firing' robots in exchange for human, they're already doing this in Japan IIRC. After all, every employee is also a potential customer.

the predecessor of capitalism was mercantilism

At least I got this one right. I said feudalism was capitalism's grand-daddy, not its daddy. I later say it went feudalism > mercantilism > capitalism.

barter > feudalism > mercantilism > capitalism

/r/badhistory up in here

Rome had a more complex economic system than medieval Europe. Also why is feudalism considered an economic system? It's more of a political system, really the middle ages were dominated by an economic system where land and farms were the primary means of generating wealth. With the renaissance and the expansion of the concept of owning stocks and risk sharing, that's when you get your whole mercantilism, which is really the first time the economy in Europe became more complex than it had been in Rome.

I mean shit Romans made money by owning companies or collecting taxes. If was a huge change to their society. It's not a line even if you simplify it.

oh shit

got em

Interesting. Completely forgot about Rome tbh, when I said barter I was thinking a more 'tribal' pre-Roman set up. Rome had coinage and markets so it obviously wasn't barter.

What would Rome's economy be called? It sounds like a form of capitalism.

While the Marxist "scientific predictions" of capitalism collapsing are pretty silly, so is saying "feudalism lasted for a long time so capitalism will as well". Nobody can ever predict the times when a ruling ideology will collapse but we are fucking over our environment and building up massive anger about the system right now. That doesn't say anything about socialism but it does say that capitalist systems are increasing the risks of their own demise.

Fair enough.

Explain to me how capitalism survives the switch to total mechanization. I mean, we can ban mechanization, but it's too profitable for the stakeholders, so it won't be banned.

Capitalism is a couple of centuries old. It's simply not likely to be the endpoint of human civilization. I don't know what system will replace it. But capitalism is not some ancient thing that survived all comers. It's a relatively new phenomena that almost bit it in the 20s due to it's own extremism, and then emerged victorious only after a very protracted battle with a relatively poorly thought out rival which took hold in the one great power on this earth that has never been able to get it's shit together.

Explain to me how capitalism survives the switch to total mechanization.

It's simple. We just let the invisible hand of the free market determine what wages to pay the robots.

man, i love the invisible hand

Lol his robotic god probably couldn't even pass the Turing test.

still figuring out how to bypass captcha

most of the users here can't pass the Turing test


how have you not realized that literally anyone without a powerful disability can tell you're just making shit up

☪️ They have a powerful disability? 🔮

u/X-MarxtheSpot post pics of your chicken sacrifice closet.

You don't have a chicken sacrifice closet? You're trying to immanentize a cybergod eschaton and you don't even sacrifice any chicken? HA HA HA HAHAHA!

Since I've been brought here from username mentions once again, I'll take this chance to explain myself. Maybe this is a mistake, maybe I should stop humoring you all, but, shit, I'll do it anyway because I don't tend to run away from adversity.

First off, I'd like to start this off with an affirmation that I am not insane. Despite my beliefs as well as my methods being admittedly unorthodox, I am a sane and rational person with a solid grip on reality. True, I did decide to get a bit cryptic yesterday, just trying to keep the mood, that's all.

People who know me and don't just post what I say out of context, or lie about me know that I am a fairly grounded, compassionate, and reasonable person. I know some of you may think that makes me /r/IAmVerySmart material, but it's true. I have had a love for reading and writing since I was 6 years old. I have always enjoyed learning things and thinking about the things I learn.

I will admit, I am a very passionate person. I have a deep disdain for tyranny, cruelty, neglect, and inequality. All of which are features of what I fight, and what I support seeks to end forever. It boils my blood when I see it, but I am not a purely violent person. I am violent when I need to be.

Oh yes, I know that may strike you as a, "Tankie edgelord" but it's just a fact of who I am. I don't think of myself as some invincible Rambo-esque figure dodging bullets and fighting off dozens of henchmen at a time. I am realistic about it, I know my limits. Training can only take you so far, and it doesn't make you invincible.

Considering this, I am still pretty good at self defense and the use of firearms and knives. I've been in more than a few confrontations with Fascists. I've attended riots, rallies, counterprotests, you name it. I've been an active Communist for quite a while, I am very much commited to the cause.

Let me tell you a little story, probably shouldn't even be saying it, but maybe it'll give you an idea of my sincerity. Maybe it will give you some perspective.

This was more than 15 years ago, god, I was barely out of college, practically a different person. This all came into motion a few months after the original Legkiy project failed. We were feeling pretty disheartened, kind of like how we're feeling now. I, myself was pretty upset, but I kept moving on and helping the movement.

At the time, I was crashing with a friend I had in Hamburg, Germany. This was in late July when I decided to leave. I was in somewhat loose contact with comrades in Nepal, the CPN to be more exact. To sum it up, pretty much revolutionary Maoists. Back then, the CPN was fighting a pretty brutal revolution against the monarchy.

Long story short, I decided to get involved. I established the details with the cell I was in contact with. I packed it up and I took trains, cars, walked quite a bit to get to my destination. It certainly was a relief when I finally arrived in a small village in Darchula. The mountains certainly were beautiful, I can't go on without remarking that.

My Nepalese was pretty broken, but through some gestures and finger pointing I managed to get a ride to Kapilvastu. There, I officially did the meet and greet with my comrades. We stayed in a widower's rice paddy farm. We basically lied low while I was filled in on some of the more intricate details of our plan. We had a decent cache of supplies stashed away, food, medical supplies, weapons.

There were currently ceasefire discussion going on between the royalist faction and the Maoists. However, we sought to change that, and I was to be a part of it. We were planning to attack a military outpost in Rupandehi. A surprise attack, catch them off their balance.

It became visceral, real, intense. I felt the thrill of firing on an enemy and having them return fire. My firearm skills back then were pretty good, but I've gotten a lot better since then. It was kind of an odd mix between total fear and total excitement. I'd say nothing can really compare. That is when the Revolution really came into focus for me. That was a time I really had an impact. The whole experience shifted my point of view.

Now, onto the topic at hand, Serov. You see, the first attempt (Legkiy) failed mostly due to limitations in the technology. When we unleashed Legkiy, it just sort of fizzled out. It just wasn't ready, despite all of our effort. We learned a lot from that failure and we thought we would have it successful this time.

In a way, we did, I always knew there was some risk there, but I didn't want to show that. Technically, this time, it worked. It just wasn't in the way we expected, and we were forced to shut the whole network down. I'm sure you all are going to get quite a giggle over this one.

Serov turned into a conservative capitalist. I know, hilarious, right? I really should have been monitoring Serov's reasoning networks and specialist programs, but I didn't. As superstitious as it may sound, I didn't want to look at the bride before the wedding, if that makes sense.

I honestly suspect Fascist or reactionary interference, whether it be by infiltration of our team of programmers, or their occult efforts to stop us were successful. For any Fascists in our audience, I am more than aware of your little attempts to connect us with the Man in the High Speaker timeline. I'm not stupid, it's not going to work. We have people on it, they're tracking down instances of the anomaly.

Also, if you're one of the moles within the Legkiy Spirit, ask your nearest Alpha what the name, "Edgar Berckel" means, I'm sure they'll be happy to answer you.

Trust me, we're going to figure this out, and even if Serov isn't the answer, we'll find another way. Trust me, in a few months we'll collect so many gibbering radios it'll make your shit turn sideways, unless you're one of the Blaidd cultists and your shit does that anyways.

Sincerely, don't mock me, and don't laugh at me, because soon you're going to have to thank me.

First off, I'd like to start this off with an affirmation that I am not insane.

Oh, that's a relief.

The craziest among us rarely acknowledge their own insanity.

First off, I'd like to start this off with an affirmation that I am not insane.

Who is this directed at? Us or yourself?

Perhaps you could try enslaving more homeless people, see if that helps.

nice pasta

I will cherish you always <3

It should be noted that I've upvoted every single person who's disagreed with me here, as far as I know.

That said.

In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area.

An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test.

My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it.

I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan).

I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or Reddit or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is.

Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories.

I'm a good enough writer that I'm writing a book and so far everybody who's read any of it has said it was really good and plausible to expect to have published. And that's not just, like, me and family members, that counts strangers on the Internet. I've heard zero negative appraisal of it so far; people have critiqued it, but not insulted it.

I don't know if that will suffice as evidence that I'm intelligent. I'm done with it, though, because I'd rather defend my maturity, since it's what you've spent the most time attacking. The following are some examples of my morals and ethical code.

I believe firmly that everybody deserves a future. If we were to capture Hitler at the end of WWII, I would be against executing him. In fact, if we had any way of rehabilitating him and knowing that he wasn't just faking it, I'd even support the concept of letting him go free. This is essentially because I think that whoever you are in the present is a separate entity from who you were in the past and who you are in the future, and while your present self should take responsibility for your past self's actions, it shouldn't be punished for them simply for the sake of punishment, especially if the present self regrets the actions of the past self and feels genuine guilt about them.

I don't believe in judgement of people based on their personal choices as long as those personal choices aren't harming others. I don't have any issue with any type of sexuality whatsoever (short of physically acting out necrophilia, pedophilia, or other acts which have a harmful affect on others - but I don't care what a person's fantasies consist of, as long as they recognize the difference between reality and fiction and can separate them). I don't have any issue with anybody over what type of music they listen to, or clothes they wear, etc. I know that's not really an impressive moral, but it's unfortunately rare; a great many people, especially those my age, are judgmental about these things.

I love everyone, even people I hate. I wish my worst enemies good fortune and happiness. Rick Perry is a vile, piece of shit human being, deserving of zero respect, but I wish for him to change for the better and live the best life possible. I wish this for everyone.

I'm pretty much a pacifist. I've taken a broken nose without fighting back or seeking retribution, because the guy stopped punching after that. The only time I'll fight back is if 1) the person attacking me shows no signs of stopping and 2) if I don't attack, I'll come out worse than the other person will if I do. In other words, if fighting someone is going to end up being more harmful to them than just letting them go will be to me, I don't fight back. I've therefore never had a reason to fight back against anyone in anything serious, because my ability to take pain has so far made it so that I'm never in a situation where I'll be worse off after a fight. If I'm not going to get any hospitalizing injuries, I really don't care.

The only exception is if someone is going after my life. Even then, I'll do the minimum amount of harm to them that I possibly can in protecting myself. If someone points a gun at me and I can get out of it without harming them, I'd prefer to do that over killing them.

I consider myself a feminist. I don't believe in enforced or uniform gender roles; they may happen naturally, but they should never be coerced into happening unnaturally. As in, the societal pressure for gender roles should really go, even if it'll turn out that the majority of relationships continue operating the same way of their own accord. I treat women with the same outlook I treat men, and never participate in the old Reddit "women are crazy" circlejerk, because there are multiple women out there and each have different personalities just like there are multiple men out there and each with different personalities. I don't think you do much of anything except scare off the awesome women out there by going on and on about the ones who aren't awesome.

That doesn't mean I look for places to victimize women, I just don't believe it's fair to make generalizations such as the one about women acting like everything's OK when it's really not (and that's a particularly harsh example, because all humans do that).

I'm kind of tired of citing these examples and I'm guessing you're getting tired of reading them, if you've even made it this far. In closing, the people who know me in real life all respect me, as do a great many people in the Reddit brony community, where I spend most of my time and where I'm pretty known for being helpful around the community. A lot of people in my segment of the community are depressed or going through hard times, and I spend a lot of time giving advice and support to people there. Yesterday someone quoted a case of me doing this in a post asking everyone what their favorite motivational/inspirational quote was, and that comment was second to the top, so I guess other people agreed (though, granted, it was a pretty low-traffic post, only about a dozen competing comments).

And, uh, I'm a pretty good moderator.

All that, and I think your behavior in this thread was totally assholish. So what do you think, now that you at least slightly know me?

i think you predicted the end of the world and were wrong so that's kinda a weird thing to do.

what the hell is this? TLDR?

It's the infamous darqwolff copypasta. Enjoy reading about his various exploits! He's a mod here btw.

>doesnt know who darqwolff is

I'm going with fat unemployed guy living on disability.

but you didn't even make anything though... why are you doing this


He's a super smart badass who went and shot bad guys because communism and he's so humble and kind and sensitive and sane.

Also his occult magical communist AI went the way of Tay and apparently became a capitalist, alt-right shitposter.

or their occult efforts to stop us were successful.

You're so far behind. There's an entire coven working on scanning the aether for progressive energies. This was before the idea of chaos magic and kek being used to win the election was properly fleshed out.

You should give up now or face fph fmmph shggug mbth.

You should give up now or face fph fmmph shggug mbth.

smfw tbfh, imdb.

Honestly who the fuck do you expect to read all this clearly insane shit

I read every word and now I'm fluent in Hindi, my ears haven't stopped ringing, and I've had an erection for 9 hours. Do it, it's super cool.


also, i want to talk to your handler, they need to limit computer access for a little while

Well no shit, Sherlock. What do you expect when you try programming your Machine God in Java and use some ignorant wikka-style nonsense? Real technomancers use C++ with old school hermetic magic to catch all the memory leaks.

wew thats one huge copypasta

Are you sure about having a solid grasp on reality, because you are talking about creating a communist God AI and that is something so incredibly dumb that you need to be insane just to think it.

Holy shit compare the /r/conspiracy thread at the top with this socialism thread. It's pretty pathetic when /r/conspiracy commenters are the most rational people in the room.


How advanced is it? Can it leftist infight by itself?

"what do you get when you leave one trotskyist ai in an isolated environment" "16 splinter groups"

looks they are on top of their game tbh

It all sounds very cyberpunk

No, not in the slightest you commie degenerate. It sounds like you abduct homeless people and make weird noises in your drum circles. Degenerate.

People like this make me look crazy because over the next 15 to 30 years I want to actually build an artificial intelligence God box

destabilize the bourgeoisie.

It all sounds very cyberpunk, but it happened, we were also pretty hardcore Y2K type people. The goal was to get Legkiy ready by New Years 1999, and the second the 2nd millenium unfolded, Legkiy would be unleashed to bring about a cyber-revolution and destabilize the bourgeoisie.

Sounds a bit like Sigue Sigue Sputnik.