What makes good art? Is Moonrise Kingdom a film? r/MMA debates

15  2017-01-01 by KingBlunts




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ps: wtf is moonrise kingdom even about.

I'll tell you what it's not about: big ass robots doing dragon kicks at space aliens so that they can explode a bomb made from Jupiter in the center of the galaxy because fuck space aliens.

How is it even possible to not understand the plot to Moonrise Kingdom. Does he struggle to understand Marvel films, too

/u/LentilEater confirmed for being a roid raging, super smug vegan that becomes smugly enraged by twee Anderson films.

Not Movies. Oh no no no.


Films that put effort into the script than just driving dumptrucks full of cash to the CGI assembly factories.

what a strange little sub

that little interaction on /r/mma was worth the effort to create a thread about it here? jeez..

and im not a vegan. good way to rally the troops on reddit though, accuse someone of being a super smug vegan

Lentils anger me greatly! Like summer blockbusters full of loud angry explosions and little else.

How did Rousy do?

Are you honestly asking?


Oh ok, just checking


kek you're just rollin' with the punches, ain't ya


My dad calls the cinema pictures ... He also calls anything other than water a mineral.

Mineral mineral mineral mineral mineral mineral water mineral mineral mineral?

I got what it was about. It was still dumb. Same as every WA film. They're always full of precocious children or adults who act like children.

/u/LentilEater, have you considered that if it seems like everyone you talk to is trying to put you down, it might just be that you're incredibly insecure?