Right on cue, SRD begins to REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE over S4P spam, Sanders and that old hag whose name I forgot

66  2017-01-02 by [deleted]



No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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That S4P thread title tho

No Hillary dissing. As a Hillary supporter, that is one of the rules if you want unity. Zero. Zip it. Don't wanna hear it.

That's the most condescending thing I've ever seen

What insufferable dickheads.

(◕‿◕✿) friendly reminder to shut the fuck up and listen to us (◕‿◕✿)

That's the most condescending thing I've ever seen

you must be new here.

I saw a midget criminal walking down some stairs once

Friendly reminder: if Bernie supporters had backed Hillary instead, they could have been rallying for their political revolution under a Democratic first woman president instead of Drumpf. So, you know, it's kinda your fault for acting so selfish and splitting the vote, so you owe us.

"you didn't want the corrupt, career politician who's blatantly untrustworthy and in the pocket of big business, therefor TRUMP IS YOUR FAULT >:("

I think you forgot your /s, are you really trying to argue that supporting Trump isn't supporting facism.

Blocked, reported.


blocked, not reported since I'm an adult.

Can't read that comment because you're blocked sry not sry

lol Trump didn't even win Wisconsin or Pennsylvannia, Clinton just lost them because she has shown absolutely no care for the working class of this country and is a well known liar.


what a sick burrrn ekkks deee that'll really show those stupid DRUMPF supporters EKKKKS DEEE



It's not satire. Whether it's sincere or not, someone definitely has said or thought those exact words which means that they must be taken as truth. A strawman is still just a man.

The only ethical and correct solution is to take everything online as truth.

Some revolution under thesenator of Goldman Sachs...

It's such a fantastic and unbelievable Drama magnet I thought it was obvious it was a troll. Looking at the profile though actually looks authentic.

The OP of that thread is a hot mess. This is going to be good.

Its basic feels before reals type argument.

Hillary supporters feel bad when you insult Hillary, so stop doing it.

These are the people who cry over /r/the_Donald not allowing people to shit on Donald.

/r/the_Donald is the sub that screams to high heaven about SJW censorship and echo chambers then proceeds to act exactly the same all while pretending they're not the biggest hypocrites of the era.


user reports:
1: Male

What a monster.

user reports:
2: Male
1: White

Getting four more years of 2016 dem primary drama is the greatest holiday gift of all. Thnx mr. Trump

You tell 'em, /u/prince_kropotkin! It's a shame we can't line these damn SRD liberals up against the wall, but this is the next best thing.

For a supposed Anarcho-Communist, that guy has a manic obsession with armchair quarterbacking internal DNC politics.

bernie would have won, caspar the unfriendly ghost

Leftists without a job lecturing timber goon liberals like me on the working class always brings a smile to my face.

attacking people doing advanced degrees as "without a job"? very anti-intellectual of you

When was the last time you had an actual job and had to work with Trump supporters and WWC folks you claim to know so much about?

About an hour ago for me.

great maybe that's why you're so legendarily grumpy

You should try it sometime. A steady diet of AM radio that says you're stupid and borderline treasonous 40+ hours a week tends to grate after a while. Casual racism definitely does.

But coastal elitist liberals need to be more empathetic or something something.

only if they want to win (◕‿◕✿)

This is a post winning era

We still have time to petition the White House to ban presidential victories in favor of participation trophies.

No, no. Prince is going to be the vanguard of The Revolution. He's not actually going to hang out with the proletariat. Jesus Christ! Those people haven't even seen all five seasons of The Wire-- what would there be to talk about?

calling an anarchist a vanguardist


Not using vanguardism to achieve the revolution

Enjoy being a boipussy for the bourgeoisie .

He already is for me.

Not to mention 100% accurate!

Hillary severely underperformed with the white working class, and underperformed among all working class demographics, including women and minorities.

That's indisputable.

Not my point, dumbass. My point is that folks like PK insisting they know these people when they spend zero time with them.

Prince knows them better than Hillary at least.

When he runs for the Democratic nomination for president, I'll back him 100%. Just for the el oh elz.

Hi, I'm folks like PK, please tell me more about my experiences

Hi, I'm Ghost, I eat paint chips and argue with my leftist waifu.

What i thought. Have fun REEEEing about PK on /r/metaspherebs

Delete this

Drop the last e off delete and I'll think about it.

I don't bend on my principles

He doesn't visit often enough :C

You and PK are so fucking gay for each other.


The sexual tension is killing me.

What's a timber goon

I actually agree.

There is no way that Bernie would not have done better among white union voters in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. He might have done more poorly in Cali, but Cali was never up for grabs by the Republicans.

I guarantee you that Sanders would have run an economy-based campaign, and Hillary's refusal to do so was (instead running on 'My opponent is a big meanie who makes children cry!) almost certainly why she lost.

I support Trump, mostly, but I don't really doubt that virtually any other Democrat would be President right now.

Sander wasn't attack during the primaries. You realistically think he would hold up during the general? especially to the socialism thing

people said the same shit about trump and it didn't matter

He also won his party's nomination, by a record turnout.

If you can't win the nomination, you can't win the general.

That's not true. Independents are the big thing.

I don't know a lot of things.

I'm pretty sure you have to win a party's primary race in order to win a general presidential election. Trump did two of those things. Sanders did none.

no shit

it's still very reasonable to say that bernie had a good shot at the general had he won the primary, since he did best in swing states that clinton fucked up in.

If you can't even win over your own party, you can't win "independents" in a general. This is some serious 2012 Ron Paul cult logic right here.

it's still very reasonable to say that bernie had a good shot at the general

Duh, he'd be the nominee of a major party in a two party system in a year of retarded populist rage. On Earth 1, he lost by about 4m votes and about a thousand delegates.

since he did best in swing states that clinton fucked up in.

Even babby's first election types on Reddit know that generals != primaries. C'mon, try harder.

comparing sanders and ron paul? yeah ok then

Sanders would have had the Democratic base voting for him just like Clinton did. The difference would be that he'd in all likelihood have more independents voting for him than Clinton did.

I know you're so mad that the supposed smart people are fucking everything up - oops, I mean the dumb masses don't get it and aren't obeying their masters - but you're going to have to come to grips with a) The current batch of rich and powerful people have made mistake after mistake in their handling of our major institutions and b) It's entirely reasonable for the people suffering from those mistakes to get fucking angry and eventually want to hurt the people making them in some way.

comparing sanders and ron paul? yeah ok then

Supporters of both thought they'd win a general despite losing the primaries.

Sanders would have had the Democratic base voting for him just like Clinton did.

Did you caucus for him?

The difference would be that he'd in all likelihood have more independents voting for him than Clinton did.

Doesn't explain why Sanders did so well in caucus states like mine that require partisan registration and a whole day off to vote. Open primaries with 'independents' were not as friendly to Sanders as hardcore partisan states like mine with a more closed process.

The current batch of rich and powerful people...


Blaming everything on the financial sector was Sanders' bread and butter and it still didn't work. If the leftist faction of the Dems wants to get anything done, they should stop blaming everything on folks who have a bigger paycheck.

I love how you always out yourself as no better than the libertarians you criticize. Since you love defending the rich and powerful, why don't you side with libertarians? It would be easier than pretending to give a shit about the poor. Pro business democrats are worse than ancaps/libertarians, as they are more deceptive about caring for the poor and not supporting Corporate America at every turn. Unless the Democrats start prosecuting Wall Street and even execute corporate executives, they are useless.

Here's sardonic right on time to put PK's balls in his mouth.

I wish they would have overridden the primary elections and put forth Sanders, at least then we wouldn't have to listen to this armchair-strategist nonsense for the next four years

Plus his ideas would still be batshit crazy even if every single American supported him, so there's that

Did you caucus for Sanders?

at least then we wouldn't have to listen to this armchair-strategist nonsense for the next four years

Most normal Dems are licking their wounds and will move on.

PK is still crying about DNC emails from a year ago while trying to pretend he doesn't care about Democrats.

I may have been unclear, I have thought Sanders was full of shit from day one

No way in hell was I going to caucus for him

"I told you so" attitude

PK did a damn victory lap when Trump won. Including pinging me before PA was even called.

can i see that ping i bet it's really funny

people said the same shit about trump but in the other direction and it didn't matter

Because he wasn't a retarded old socialist.

Trump is a reality tv star who clearly has no firm grasp of anything approaching policy or knowledge of world affairs

Which is still better than sanders. Trump is going to hit the ground and move at a pace Washington hasn't seen. Outside of Carson his cabinet are people who get stuff done.

oh shit youre a trump supporter aren't you

remember when trump appointed 3 goldman sachs alumni to his cabinet and everyone said "actually you need someone who knows the system to fix it" whereas if clinton appointed 3 GS alumni the very same people would have said "corruption and banker lobbyists! throw clinton in jail!".

oh shit youre a trump supporter aren't you

Voter, as in I was up at 2am cheering we saved our country on Nov, 9th. Great day and I've been giddy since. Its like Xmas every day watching the left implode on itself.

remember when trump appointed 3 goldman sachs alumni to his cabinet and everyone said "actually you need someone who knows the system to fix it" whereas if clinton appointed 3 GS alumni the very same people would have said "corruption and banker lobbyists! throw clinton in jail!".

Unlike Clinton, no one on Trump's cabinet is a donor. I have no problem at all with his picks over all. Lets be honest, no matter who he picked the left would whine about it. What funny is every time he does something they go with "see we told you!" and it then doesn't pan out to be a problem.

Oh how they were all excited when Newt said Trump was dropping the drain the swamp term. Of course Newt just said it as a term, not a concept, but of course the idiots of reddit and beyond wanted it to be "SEE SEE SEE" and then what does the God Emperor do the next day? Its just a pleasure to watch.

no one on Trump's cabinet is a donor

Linda McMahon donated ~$6 million to at least one Trump super PAC

as in I was up at 2am cheering we saved our country on Nov, 9th. Great day and I've been giddy since.

wew lad

you're in for a disappointment

Lets be honest, no matter who he picked the left would whine about it.

I have substantially less of a problem with Wilbur Ross, who tried deep principle modification of mortgages of underwater homes during the crisis, than I do with scum like Mnuchin. Unfortunately the cabinet is mostly Mnuchin types and less Ross types. Trump is going to be one of the worst Presidents in history and he is going to fuck over the people who voted for him even more than usual. Hope you're prepared to lie to yourself daily.

you're in for a disappointment

Not Hilary was worth it as it is, but hey, ask me in two years.

is going to be one of the worst Presidents in history

This is said after every election. How about you come back after you get out of school and get a real job.

This is said after every election

Uh, no it isn't? It is true that the last few Republican presidents have been extremely shitty, while the last few Democrats have merely been bad. If you can't see that Trump will be worse than someone like GW Bush then that's your own problem.

Uh, yes it has. It was said about Obama, it was said about Bush, it was said about Clinton, it was said about Bush Sr, it was said about Reagan. I wasn't alive for Carter but I know plenty of people who were and they said it then.

Look man I know its super cool for you to believe the world is going to be destroyed because of The Don. I know you fancy yourself super intellectual. Unfortunately you are wrong.

The one of the differences between you and me, I was alive when those things happened (and voted in those elections). You were not.

I'm sure some people said that about every president, sure. But you seriously can't see how this is a different situation than, say, Obama? wew lad, that relativism outta control. I don't think Donny J is gonna blow up the world, I just think he will be a legendarily terrible president.

OK so what i said was false and I clearly don't have a clue about reality but....


Unlike Clinton, no one on Trump's cabinet is a donor.

What are you talking about?

Small Business administrator: Linda McMahon, $7.5 million

Education secretary: Betsy DeVos, $1.8 million

Deputy Commerce secretary: Todd Ricketts, $1.3 million

Treasury secretary: Steven Mnuchin, $425,000

Labor secretary: Andrew Puzder, $332,000

Commerce secretary: Wilbur Ross, $200,000

Imagine the dollar signs if this was a list of Hillary appointees!

Excuse me, but your wife needs you to prep your job creator bull.

As long as I get to fuck his wife, its good.

Sanders is a poor debater, weak on policy, and has a thin resume.

This meme that Trump was a poor candidate that anyone could have been beaten is demonstrably false. If it were true, why did he lead in polls on the Republican side from the moment he announced his candidacy, by wide margins? His actual messaging was crude, but his data operation was very underrated. He made many mistakes according to the conventional wisdom, and, yes, he benefited from outside interference, but the general election race was reasonably close (within the margin of error) most of the way.

I do agree that, in retrospect, Clinton's attempts to target young people and white women at the expense of a broader message about the economy was a mistake, but if you look at the social science, women candidates tend to do worse with men, and better with women. It makes sense that she wanted to try and establish a rapport with women and make gender the defining issue of the campaign, given that Clinton is a woman, and women are the largest group of voters in the country.

Nobody gives a shit about dbates. HRC won all three handily. It didn't atter.that Bush looked retarded. The debates do not matter.

Hiry did no better with women that the generic Democrat.

You don't really know politics.

economy-based campaign

Sanders is a complete loon on the economy and you take away the vagina card from Hilary. I think He would have lost too.

HRC did no better with women than Obama or Kerry or Gore. She did worse with men -- co considerably.

Maybe in some alternate universe Sanders is president, this is not that universe. The man didn't have the balls to fight Clinton directly, and couldn't even keep his stage from being taken over by a couple of female activists. I don't think he would have beaten Trump. Biden would have, had he run. I'm sure dozens of democrats could have, but I don't think a dottering old fool of a socialist sell out would have.


Lol no

its a meme now

bernie would have won

What's a meme now?

bernie would have won

the fun part is that most people dont think its a meme and get offended

but bernie wouldnt have won. moderates like me would have voted for trump.


i lol at u

How moderate of you.

No sane self proclaimed moderate would support Trump over Sanders.

This is why you were in complete disbelief at this election's results.

I wasn't in complete disbelief over this year's election results.

Nobody wanted Bernie. He lost the Democratic primary. Get over it.

Okay, it's just a bit odd to call yourself a moderate and vote Trump over Sanders.

Okay, it's just retarded for a self proclaimed moderate who voted Clinton over Trump to vote Trump over Sanders.


stop victim blaming. Hillary SLAYED

Sorry, I just don't buy that Bernie would have definitely won like you claim. He might have had a better shot though, yeah. But there are alot of people who view him as a socialist and also believe that socialism is literally communism. You would get Trump and company spewing that Bernie is a communist who wants to turn America into a communist country.

Then Trump can start in on how Bernie used illegal campaign funds to buy a lake house and come up with numerous other lies including how Bernie is pro-rape because of some paper he wrote.

i'm just memeing I can't say for certain if he would have won either

If people liked him and his retard economic system, yes.

I'm upvoting /u/prince_kropotkin. I don't know how bad to feel about myself.

Fuckin' SRD.

/u/probablystalin why is it so difficult for you to imagine a doctrine where the US does not bomb brown children?

user reports:
1: Srd did a thing!

Oh my god, they killed Kenny

user reports:
1: Boy, I'm boutta smash that mf bootyhole


pk's patience in arguing with sanctimonious morons continues to be astonishing

He comes from /r/anarchism to be fair.

truly a baptism by fire (by "fire" i mean "edgy teenagers fantasizing about murdering you")

Daily unironically.

u/yupthup u/kajanana

Clinton lost because she ran a terrible campaign, and you can't ask for unity without purging the people that unfairly conspired against Sanders, the DNC is corrupt and if you keep it that way in the name of unity get ready for 8 years of Trump

Meh, let them double down. I'll watch and laugh from afar if they keep running Hillary until she's immobile in an iron lung, while seeing which senator/representative they force out in favor of Chelsea or her kid.

This is what victim blaming looks like

This is incredible. Keep this up, dumbshits! We're gonna get four more years of Trump in 2020 at this rate!

They are seriously using the primary as proof for why Hillary was a good candidate where she was proven to cheat and act unethical.

What I don't get is how they actually deny any cheating took place and downvote the shit out of anyone who even says it or links to those Brazile debate question emails.

Like I doubt it would have made the difference in the end, I think Bernie still would have lost (due to a lack of name recognition and other factors), but the DNC and Clinton's campaign still cheated. That's simply not an arguable fact open to dispute.

Get over the primary!

Proceeds to cry about election for next four years.

Stop debating the primary, you fucking hippies!

Now, how on Earth could Trump have won? I just don't understand it...

Yes because liking Sanders makes you both an impractical extremist and someone that is a sexist and racist nazi because reasons. Meanwhile the moderates that love a warmonger are calling Trump Cheeto Hitler that is going to gas anyone that isn't a straight white man inside the borders and nuke everyone outside of it.

This is all completely reasonable and you are a WHITE sexless neckbeard if you disagree.

If you could become white by voting for Trump I bet he would've gotten alot more votes

I love how everyone has a political science background and is well versed in the topics at hand. /s

More like they fight among themselves over whether they really are out of touch or if its the children who are wrong


the best thing possible would be to wipe out their power and positions in the DNC and get actually competent and likeable people in there.

As a Brit, it's hilarious how shortsighted this is, like incredibly. Labour did this kind of purging with Corbyn after they lost, and it has been a fucking disaster, Labour is getting absolutely annihilated at the polls.

The problem is the premise is fundamentally flawed, unlike Sanders himself - Bernie supporters by and large aren't especially competent and they are definitely not very likeable. They're going to want to put annoying dullards like Tulsi Gabbard in senior positions. What they're actually going to try to do is purge the party of moderates/centrists - which they confuse with incompetent and unlikeable people, but they don't understand that this is completely false outside of their own little bubble. Obama is probably one of the most competent and likeable people in the DNC outside of Bernie, and he's acting president. If Bernie supporters purge the party of people they don't like and we're left with people that only appeal to that small bubble, but not mainstream America in general, the DNC will be fucked.

Labour did this kind of purging with Corbyn after they lost, and it has been a fucking disaster, Labour is getting absolutely annihilated at the polls.

Yeah, because a) actually very little purging has happened (go ahead and name some names) and b) the entirety of the media and most of the PLP have been raging about Corbyn nonstop for almost two years. Plus there hasn't even been an election yet. Don't be silly.

a) actually very little purging has happened (go ahead and name some names)

Corbyn being elected himself represents a fairly dramatic purge in a sense. Plus, just look at the current shadow cabinet, it's a whose who of unlikeables, from McDonnell to Abbott, or otherwise total nobodies. To be fair, the standard robotic Blairite is pretty god damn unlikeable too, tough situation. But you did have some mildly popular people, like Hilary Benn, who was dropped from cabinet. What's more important is the membership - from what I gather the momentum people are taking over, overwhelming the more 'regular' types - and these people really don't represent the UK populace in general. Worse still, they're apparently having a huge problem with trot entryism.

b) the entirety of the media and most of the PLP have been raging about Corbyn nonstop for almost two years.

I'll give you the PLP (then again, it's telling how incapable Corbyn is at reigning them in, not a great sign of leadership really) but you can't be surprised by the media, he just makes it so easy. There are so many controversial (to put it nicely) things about Corbyn to stuff the papers with.

He's also once in a generation in that he can be successful without good policies that people like or a track record of actually helping the country.

But I feel exactly the same way about Bernie, he's also a once in a generation candidate. Who is his replacement? Warren? Please.

Look, my broader point is that it's just not useful to obsess over Clinton's support base at least. Sanders supporters should really want to focus their effort in exposing the massive corruption/terrible policies of Trump & his cabinet and unite the left/centre against him, not continually obsess over past dramas about DWS (who is no longer DNC chair) & Clinton (no longer running for anything). There's clearly a huge divide amongst the left right now, and if it's not healed by 2020 democrats will be fucked.

Corbyn being elected himself represents a fairly dramatic purge in a sense.

A purge is not "We elected a new leader after a vacancy". You just admitted you don't know what you're talking about and I'm not going to read any more of that wall of text.

Weak response - do you have any idea what the Corbyn movement represented? It was literally hallmarked as a purging of the Blairites, the entire election was a popular movement against the Labour 'establishment', it wasn't just some piecemeal change that came after a 'vacancy' - this is not a controversial notion in the UK at all. Along with Corbyn came a radical shift in focus and membership, the cabinet is significantly altered and the entire broader party culture was 'purged' of centrist 'blairism' - are you really going to get hung up on semantics over whether it was literally a purge? I explicitly stated "in a sense" for a reason, ridiculous response tbh.

The linked thread is why I prefer this sub to SRD. So many SRD posts now devolve into discussions that barely have anything to do with the drama and they take themselves way too seriously.

Republicans fall in line is a bullshit idea though. Of you go back through the elections, the loser is always an unlikable sad sack, and the winner is always the charismatic guy. Obama is the political equivalent of the guy who first turned you on to Neutral Milk Hotel, W bush was a guy who goes on road trips to buy fireworks that are illegal in your state for to make sure the 4th of July party is totally bitchin, Bill Clinton is a guy who has an illegal moonshine still and brings you a bottle (and it's choice stuff) every time you hang out. H W is an exception, because he came on the heels of the platonic concept of a racist grandma that's still just so sweet as president.

Look at the losers: Hillary, who's been done to death recently. Romney, a man so out of touch he could not identify a chocolate donut. McCain, a sad old man who might of done well had he not been up against Black JFK. Kerry, who kind of looks like lurch and that's the most interesting thing about him. Gore, who is actually several logs tied together with a face drawn on (and he ran with Joe fucking Lieberman I mean goddamn here). Dole, the only thing I remember about dole is that he started shilling viagra after he lost, because there is nothing else interesting about him. Bush, who was a boring technocrat. The thing these people have in common is that I do not want to hang out with them.

Nobody falls in line, everyone falls in love. Democrats are more interested in feeling sorry for themselves than looking at the realities of the situation and working appropriately.


Me too, I've seen a scary amount of "Clinton is the reason Trump is president" though.

She is though you idiot.

This is so predictable like usual. We are living in a golden age of drama.