Wikipedia edit-wars over including Wikipe-tan in the article on "physical attractiveness"; drama spreads to Reddit.

55  2017-01-02 by zahlman


Page edit history.

Fittingly, the diff for the removal is 666 bytes apparently.



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I thought Wikipedia generally encouraged people with some expertise to edit its articles. Why then are a bunch autistic, virgin weebs making most of the recent edits on the "physical attractiveness" article?

Case in point:

Evidence from various cultures suggests that heterosexual men tend to find the sight of women's genitalia to be sexually arousing.[146]

I would have never thought it. Thanks, wikipedia!

Crossposted to r/TIL

Most Wikipedia articles on people in general sound like aliens wrote them

Makes you think huh

Are you saying Jimmy Wales is an alien?




I thought Wikipedia generally encouraged people with some expertise to edit its articles.

Lol. I bet you think Santa is real too.

/u/zahlman browses something other than Canadian subreddits? Is this your NY resolution? Get out a bit more?

it's time we come together as a society and eliminate the weeb degeneracy from the gene pool

eliminate the weeb degeneracy from the gene pool

This is one of those things that happen by itself though, no? Like a self-fulfilling prophecy or something?

No, because degenerates still breed. Weebs need to be weeded out. It's like idiocracy, poor dumb ugly people fuck like bunnies.

It's like idiocracy, poor dumb ugly people fuck like bunnies.

Are you poor and ugly but consider yourself highly intelligent? Otherwise I don't see what'd make you see it as a problem.

And no, weebs don't reproduce, as a rule.

Like everyone on Reddit I'm obviously intelligent and I'm not poor. Why do autistic people have folders of weird shit on their computers?

Why do autistic people have folders of weird shit on their computers?

Actually I know how to use google. Though that means that I have folders of weird shit in my brain.

... You got me. Fuck!


2d is far superior to 3d

surprised it isnt common knowledge

*googles wikipe-tan*

Jeez couldn't they at least use some non-pedobait anime character?

Oh no no no. The creator said she was 18, ergo pedophiles would never be attracted to such an image.

There are lunatics attracted to buildings, does that mean a picture of the Eiffel tower is porn?

Only when it was less than 18 years completed.


little girls can't be attractive?

Gas the weebs, anime wars now

This tbh.

Does /u/etherman always defend pedophilia? Or just on holidays?

It's normal in Japanese culture so if it was in reference to that I don't see the issue.

Seriously, u/greenrd, there was no need to sperg all over the place, fam.

Not sure what you mean tbh

Really glad to see that there's a subreddit dedicated to organized, politically motivated wikipedia editing.