/r/EnoughTrumpSpam user creates a fictional ex-Nazi/ex-AltRight character to spread the gospel of changing the hearts and minds of America through 9gag. Mountain of text stickied by mods.

91  2017-01-02 by lvl99SkrubRekker


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Oh this is spicy

I got u wit dat good good fam

I don't get it, how do you know it's fictional?

Look at his history, he is a troll.

I don't get how you don't get it unless you just got the Internet in your secluded rain forest hut. Lol

Secluded rain forest hut dweller here, I'd appreciate it if you stopped stereotyping and marginalizing my people you cis white male hetero scumbag


the alt right(it doesn't actually exist) has serious problems and none of them are in that text wall.

t. neo nazi alt right white supremist

they are just enabling neo nazis by banning them and not talkin with them i heard. Because neo nazis want to discuss their ideas , and no one want to discuss with him, they just tell him that being a neo nazi is, but not why. so he goes back to his neo nazi group and discusses with them. and then what do you think happens?

i read this online once 🤗

This is 100% something that something someone from ETS wrote.

It fits perfectly inline with how their group views the other.

Because this sort of post always is.

The way they talk it's like we have secret SS soldiers roaming the fucking streets, just barely able to contain their uniforms and goose-stepping.

Whenever I pass a filthy undermensch I must keep my mouth closed with both hands to avoid spitting on them and notifying the Russian government nazi cabal of their gps coordinates with my hidden laser targeting system lodged deep inside my scrotum. Fact.

so you bang hands-free is what you're saying?

I have to, the two stage activating mechanism is discretely affixed to my prostate by way of my anus.

I'll keep that in mind ;)


Well, election night was sort of like a full moon. Once Trump was declared winner once normal white people the country over shed their skin and became hate crime causing goons visciously attacking any nearby marginalized people they saw.

These poor white people didn't know it at the time but it was always in their blood, waiting for America to be great again.

It was that damn fluoride all along!

That's what's been keeping me from buying a pickelhaube and gorget and starting an Einsatzgruppe in my office.

This would make a good porn.

We live in a time of the weakest mental fortitude o have ever seen. Jesus Christ. Every thing has to be blown out to the upmost degree like tanks are litterally rolling down the streets flying enemy colors because someone misgendered someone you saw a picture of.


This is next-level r/asablackman


Do they believe this mess or are they just playing along?

Maybe all that hate has affected them mentally

You see, we didn't exactly want these converts to be white supremacists, but just merely "redpilled" (Matrix analogy), aka (falsely, based on partially reported stats from a few districts) believing that African-Americans commit a higher proportion of crime

facts don't real.

/u/obamadidnuttinrong calls to shame people for using false information, while simultaneously denying statistics that are proven by multiple fbi reports over decades.

Top trolling here.

Judges sentence more white people to death than blacks.

Yeah, okay.

That's actually true, since the 1970s 20 percent more white people have been executed than black defendants. That would generally be due to population differences though. Also, keep in mind this is in states WITH the death penalty, which generally have lower black populations.

However, whites make a very much so higher percentage of murder victims than blacks statistically. Only fifteen percent of murder victims since the 1970s have been black, while seventy five percent were white. I would attribute the vastly higher rate to Caucasians being in general more likely to be at the victim end of inter racial violent crime, as well as of course the much higher white population and state law differences as I mentioned.

I don't know about the cumulative numbers from the 1970's, but these days there is usually about an equal number of black and white murder victims. Source: http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-09-29/race-and-homicide-in-america-by-the-numbers

I don't know about the cumulative numbers from the 1970's, but these days there is usually about an equal number of black and white murder victims. Source: http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-09-29/race-and-homicide-in-america-by-the-numbers

You should know about the cumulative numbers, I sourced you to the raw data.

That isn't what your data says at all though. Lol Based on population, more white people are murdered every year, and inter racially blacks kill whites by a very sharp margin as compared to vice versa. The majority of murder is intraracial, but that dosent change that there is a large inter race difference.

Those numbers are for the death penalty, not for all murders. I assumed you meant all murder victims when you said "murder victims", but maybe you only meant murder victims in cases where an execution results?

Also, I'm not some crazy SJW type who will argue anything to make white people look bad. You can look at my recent post history to see I'm arguing today against people with that bias too. It's just that interracial homicides are only about 12% of the total (at least recently) and don't really throw off the overall numbers.

Those numbers are for the death penalty, not for all murders. I assumed you meant all murder victims when you said "murder victims", but maybe you only meant murder victims in cases where an execution results?

That is what I meant from go, sorry.

Also, I'm not some crazy SJW type who will argue anything to make white people look bad. You can look at my recent post history to see I'm arguing today against people with that bias too. It's just that interracial homicides are only about 12% of the total (at least recently) and don't really throw off the overall numbers.

Oh, I agree I was just going back to the statement of prosecution and execution. Wherein whites are prosecuted and executed far more. Silly arguments, I know.

Your racist uncle that shared conservative memes on his Facebook timeline will have more influence on your little brother than you or your parents will.

This is what you believe if you spend literally all your time on the internet.

No! Don't show little Johnny the frog! Don't do it!

We all have that one uncle who likes to show his Pepe to everyone

I think it's pretty telling that his description of this insidious far-right movement's hierarchy is two layers of drooling conservative idiots being manipulated by a cabal of hyper intelligent liberals who are scheming to bring about the antithesis of everything they believe in just for shits and giggles.

I got to hand it to him, it's a pretty creative way of resolving the age old paradox of, "There's a bunch rich, evil, uneducated hillbillies masterminding the systemic oppression of us poor, benevolent, highly-educated intellectuals!"

There are those at the complete apex of WN society. Those guys agree that liberals are correct on virtually all issues.

This is like any movement's fantasy of the opposition: behind the facade, they must know we are right.

All hate groups have that paradox. The Other must be both Pathetic and Threatening.

the systemic oppression of us poor, benevolent, highly-educated intellectuals!"

Who happen to be NEETs, let us not forget... But it's only because the patriarchy fails to recognize their superior intellect. 😂

One word: mockery.

Fun fact: satire and belittlement was a #1 weapon against Hitler. The left's mistake is consistently feeding into the right's grandiosity.

I must have missed that day in history class where they discussed how the Allies meme'd their way to Berlin.

Yea man, the Red Army would have lost the battle of stalingrad if they hadnt gotten an airlift of rare pepes at the last minute

чувств себя хорошим человеком

Vasili, fire up glorious Soviet meme potato

zzzz yeah that totally destroyed the Nazis

What a reddity answer

When you don't have an argument but you want to look like you do, trot out the good ol' Gish Gallop.

Don't forget the gif that went viral.

After only two weeks it was concluded that Who Me was a dismal failure

This also describes your life.

Our brave soldiers won the war.

You're a Yank, right? Well done on coming late and taking all of the credit. What was it, all of one attack on your own soil and none on the contiguous United States?

Get on our level.


Salty Brit mad they got roflstomped in WW2.

You're a Yank, right?

I am Russian. My great-grandfather was nominated for Hero of the Soviet Union three times.

why did u hack the election though?


My great-grandfather was nominated for Hero of the Soviet Union three times

yea but he didn't get it tho, did he

Yes, he didn't, because we are descendants of Germans, complete with surname.

And Britain bitched out on their French allies to hide on their own little island. US had no commitments to the war before they were attacked. Educate yourself beyond what you learned in grade school before you try to talk shit

Kind of a mutual bitching out, given that several French leaders seemed to prefer becoming a Nazi satellite state to joining in union with the British. Also, the whole debacle with the French Navy - although the attack at Mers-el-Kébir was probably a mistake that could have been avoided.

That whole sub is just embarrassing.

Legend has it that is Skrub doesn't agendapost at least once per day he'll die

It was a close one today, almost lost myself in masturbating over a Filipino ladyboi while watching furry diaper porn. I have a busy schedule.

If you don't make it next time we will make sure your epitaph reads "he died as he lived".

Sweaty and craving tendies?

That's how I wanna go

Without their bots and dank memes and neckbeards with 50 alt accounts, they're just a bunch of morons who don't stand a chance in a real confrontation.

I'd still rate neckbeards over gender non-binary snowflakes. Since only those two extremes exist.

The hierarchy of White Supremacists works like this:

There are those at the complete apex of WN society. Those guys agree that liberals are correct on virtually all issues. They seeks to wilfully misinterpret those issues in order to sway a significant number of people.

I doubt this considering liberals are wrong about shitloads of issues and it doesn't take a genius to reasonably disagree. That doesn't mean neo-Nazis are less wrong, or anything, but that statement is hardly believable.

We will create websites, we will counter meme them.

This whole wall of text is such a joke, and perfectly aimed a liberal audience that can't take seriously the idea of politics as the real life-or-death battleground between groups of people, fighting over the distribution of resources and the emancipation of men. Even now, at their most hysterical, their plan to defeat a neo-nazi resurgence is to sit back and post memes and dumb quips and continue to search for humor and catharsis.

Wait. Did he just call paleo conservatives "liberal"?

Pfff, he clearly doesn't his alt-right.

"classically liberal" people are just conservatives

but paleo-cons are not socially liberal at all. Very restrictive.

3 day old account. How brave

That top comment...

One important thing to remember if someone is feeling discouraged after reading all of this is that while Nazi fucks can appear to be very powerful and forceful online, there's a reason you don't see that in the every day world. Without their bots and dank memes and neckbeards with 50 alt accounts, they're just a bunch of morons who don't stand a chance in a real confrontation. There will always be a more powerful force who takes a stand against their "movement". Real-world Nazism will be met with physical force and destroyed. That's why they hide online.

This is hilarious coming from a group of people who didn't think Trump could win because they never left their own echo chambers where they appeared to be "powerful and forceful online." They thought they were the "more powerful force" that was going to stop Trump, too. Instead people like this one, who frequent clown conventions like ETS, saw their own views repudiated in an election that sent their boogeyman to the White House. This entire paragraph describes ETS subscribers far better than it describes any neo-Nazis.

To the OP, thanks for sharing. However, I do think you're being a little generous when you call these people master manipulators and geniuses. They're basically just really good con-men.

TIL really good con men aren't master manipulators. This guy is a real rocket surgeon. I'll bet he works at NASA.

All these Nazi fucks online

I feel there are only two genders

Wow what a fucking Nazi!

Whats amusing is that being there are so very few real Nazi's out there, they need to basically invent them. Its like all the fake Trump supporter hate crimes out there.

They have decided that Trump supporters are Nazi's so therefore they are Nazi's.

Missing the retarded tag.

You are out of your mind if you think I am gonna read all that shit.

When the demand for vicious and hateful Trump supporters exceeds supply, someone always steps in to "fix" it.

A lot of the viral stories used to build the narrative about "rising hate crimes in Trump's America" have turned out to be false or misunderstood.

There are more confirmed cases that I haven't yet cataloged / summarized. And many more that have absolutely zero evidentiary support that they even happened apart from the initial allegation, and still more for which there is no evidence of who perpetrated the act.

But here is a selection of the confirmed hoaxes:

Of course, there were real hate crimes as well, and even one hate crime is too many.

That doesn't change the fact that a lot of the viral media the last 8 weeks or so have involved allegations without any evidence, with many being revealed to be hoaxes, "false flags", or misunderstandings/satire.

And yet, by now, that narrative has already been set in stone. You won't find most people on Reddit or CNN revising their opinion that, on a cool winter afternoon, by some strange magic, a cosmic rift opened up and channeled the spirit of the denizens of /r/thathappened into flesh and MAGA hat wearing blood. Instead, it's just story of assumed that everyone knows all those stories were true.

I hope we can learn to be more skeptical when these stories emerge, so that we don't end up in a Boy Who Cried Wolf situation.

Fuck hate and violence, and fuck those who through their lies cast doubt on the accusations made by real victims.