Ive worked my ass off my entire goddamn life, you piece of shit.
How many times have you had to help a woman find more things to sell, because her ex got out of jail, walked directly to her apartment, and raped her and now she's pregnant, and she's already going broke working two jobs trying to get food the two kids she already has, and you had to tell her sorry, we don't have the budget for more than $200 per client, and you're checking your own account to see how much you can spare, and you can't spare anything because you already broke protocol a week prior to give a seventeen trans dude who had been raped by his dad to "set him straight" your own personal money because holy shit, that one hit you hard?
How many fucking times have you been put in the back of a cop car because you helped an abusive cops wife escape from a DV situation that would absolutely never be prosecuted?
How many times have you been tear gassed?
How many times have you been beaten with a 2x4 for wearing a dress in public?
How many times have you clopened at work because you needed to canvass for a candidate you fucking despised but, Jesus Christ, at least they're better than the alternative, and the only way you can do that is if you get off one shift at 4 AM and start another one at 7 AM.
Seriously what have you done to fight off fascism?
Also, zhe is a terrible social worker or counselor if she is getting deeply emotionally involved with her clients' issues like that. Giving personal money to clients violates ethical guidelines, as does using clients to validate your own self-worth or as props in your own personal political drama.
Xe will lose zher certification and zhir job, eventually.
As a Trump voter, I hope the left continues down this path of even more radicalization and alienation of normal people. 2018 is going to be a good year if they do.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-01-03
I know now I'll never have any flair again and I've come to terms with that.
This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, ceddit.com, archive.is*
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO FIGHT FASCISM... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*
...and just how non-fascist are lib... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*
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n/a 80BAIT08 2017-01-03
Tfw when wearing a dress is "fighting fascism." These people are warriors.
n/a Ultrashitpost 2017-01-03
What would the nazi's have done when they saw crossdressing guys?
n/a 2edgy4me 2017-01-03
Beat them with a 2X4 plank.
n/a wwyzzerdd 2017-01-03
I think you mean a 38x89 plank (Metric bro, they're dirty europoors afterall).
n/a ImNotPayingFullPrice 2017-01-03
All the coolest kids in class are communist.
n/a HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-01-03
When did THIS?
Become THIS?
n/a TonyFuckingDanza 2017-01-03
True dat mang.
Also, zhe is a terrible social worker or counselor if she is getting deeply emotionally involved with her clients' issues like that. Giving personal money to clients violates ethical guidelines, as does using clients to validate your own self-worth or as props in your own personal political drama.
Xe will lose zher certification and zhir job, eventually.
n/a For_Tomorrow_We_Die 2017-01-03
Assuming xe's internet persona is real
n/a fuckthepolis2 2017-01-03
I prefer histrionics.
n/a TonyFuckingDanza 2017-01-03
Xhe caught the vapors.
n/a Chicup 2017-01-03
As a Trump voter, I hope the left continues down this path of even more radicalization and alienation of normal people. 2018 is going to be a good year if they do.