Linguistics expert warns of Trump's ability to destroy the planet, can a two-state solution save America? Also, someone murder Putin real quick kthnx

49  2017-01-03 by LemonScore

Every other country on the planet is going to go to war with the U.S.A. and China is about to take over the world! Also, I traveled to a different part of America and didn't like that it was different so we need to divide the country into two states.

Fascism is here, friends, and it's grabbing us all by the pussy. Secession is our only recourse. Also, The United States will be an irrelevant country soon and the world should probably murder Putin

Climate change is the Nazi Party

Where's my free shit, comrade? Also, banks have no purpose

Bern victim tears mother lode:


Jolly good, robot.

"Defending Pol Pot is okay, but Donald Trump is just awful" - Chomsky

But he's an expert linguist! a

Are you implying he might have his head up his ass regarding an entirely different field that he sometimes wanders into like a dickhead and subsequently gets laughed at by all but the edgiest DAE ESTABLISHMENT morons?

Yes, that is what i am implying.


For real though, why do people insist on seeing Chomsky as an authority on any field other than linguistics?

I'm sure Prince will be along shortly to tell us.

Hey /u/Prince_Kropotkin , what's your opinion on Chomsky?

Is he just a linguist who doesn't know when to shut up, or does he belong among the great anarchists, like Stirner and Bakunin?

He isn't really deep into theory and a lot of people on the left criticize him for that, but he is a very good public speaker on socialist issues and an incomparable analyst of the media and US foreign policy.

this is not really the place to talk about chomsky though because it will just be a bunch of idiots saying hurr durr he loves pol pot or whatever

But he does love Pol Pot.

America supported Pol Pot in his Thailand exile, not Chomsky. Chomsky thought the data of killings coming out of Cambodia was sketchy and ended up being wrong (it was sketchy but broadly accurate).

Yeah i know i was just fucking with ya

oh well played


no re

So they'd be just as insightful as Chomsky.

Can you imagine Chomsky in charge of US foreign policy? No, you can't, because he offers literally nothing as far as answers and only provides criticism in the basis of morals, which even fucking Richelieu knew was stupid.

Chomsky can not bomb people and destabilize vast regions of the world, that would actually be a huge improvement.

But I've actually read the dude and you haven't, so I'm wasting my time.

I hand Manufacturing Consent and Failed States on my bookshelf right now, you tard.

But no "not bombing" wouldn't be a "huge improvement". I confidently see you argue international relations on this sub and you consistently look stupid. Didn't you Terry to tell someone to read some super basic book recently and they took a picture of it to show you how dumb you are for suggesting it like it was groundbreaking?

Like when Matt Damon told the dude in Good Will Hunting to read Zinn.

But no "not bombing" wouldn't be a "huge improvement"

Yeah it clearly would, moron. Not invading Iraq and blowing up Libya would have been unambiguously better ideas than invading Iraq and blowing up Libya.

I suggested Legacy of Ashes because I didn't know the person actually studied the CIA in any detail (unlike 99.9% of this sub). It's not a grade school textbook or anything, though.

Don't quit your day job.

actually the iraq war was good and helpful and the world is better because we bombed them

Don't quit it.

/u/SamInTheLoop, how does it feel to be stupid enough to never question corporate power? I wonder how you go through life with such surplus autism.

Why did you ping me when you replied to me? How does it feel to have your thoughts be indistinguishable from the same edgy shit we all thought when we were 19 or 20?


This but ironically.

actually the iraq war was good and helpful

uh oh, IR strategy didn't work, better stop doing it! It's without question the US' use of violence has historically been better for it than not, how dumb do you have to be about history to not know that. Of course it's not popular to note that but that doesn't make it less true.

And for god's sake, the US' job isn't to "make the world better" lol

It's without question the US' use of violence has historically been better for it than not

Yes, bombing and murdering half the planet who ever speaks out against you often works to the interests of your rich and powerful and occasionally the general population. Hard to see how Iraq and ISIS work out for many people though.

If you wanna say "All Hail the new Roman Empire" then just do that instead of beating around the bush.


on no conceivable level was bombing iraq useful for america

Are you talking about Iraq or the US' historical use of violence? Or are you so young and ignorant as to you they're the same thing?

Taking over half of North America, gunboat diplomacy, and the Cold War were like, just some exceptions. A stalemate in Iraq is the real barometer.

The hilarious thing is if three things were so unsuccessful what is this dude actually fighting against?

/u/Prince_Kropotkin what do you say to these slanderous allegations that these things increases American power?

(in b4 you say power isn't related to living standards and I chuckle at you)

big if true

What the fuck is this np. shit?

I forgot that /r/drama doesn't do this anymore. But whatevs tbh


Ever ya dolt

To be fair, Putin has had plenty of people killed. He deserves it if it ever happens.

Now you're on the list

Putin hasn't had anyone but terrorists killed.

What about that guy in London with the radioactive pellet?

And the guy with the polonium soup

and all of the Americans he probably murdered during the Cold War.

You should learn from pizzagate that you can't just accuse people of murder because of circumstances evidence

Isn't he ex-kgb or am I tripping.

He never got over being an EX-kgb agent

But I'm sure the Trump will tell our agencies that we're like, buds now and they'll get along famously

It's all in the game.

I can't even imagine being that anally annihilated

You forgot "genocide denier" in your description of Chomsky.

Also, don't forget /r/yescalifonria

Thought that was real for a sec

FUCK, I'm a idiot, typo fixed. Yeah, its real.

Let them. I hope they plan on building desalination plants, though.

I've stayed in Trump-owned properties and Chomsky-owned properties. Guess which one is better at taking care of their environments?

Noam Chomsky is the post child for what stupid people think smart people are really like.

I love how edgy right wingers here love shitting on Chomsky, yet none of you have refuted any of his foreign affairs criticism. Just reading through these commments, the crypto fascist edgelords at r/drama, since they hate Chomsky more than Trump, must then defend the Iraq war, America installing dictatorships, defend the CIA running a drug cartel in South America, installing and supporting Pinochet, helping kill union leaders, be against Palestine, and always defend the establishment.

I love how edgy right wingers here love shitting on Chomsky, yet none of you have refuted any of his foreign affairs criticism. Just reading through these commments, the crypto fascist edgelords at r/drama, since they hate Chomsky more than Trump, must then defend the Iraq war, America installing dictatorships, defend the CIA running a drug cartel in South America, installing and supporting Pinochet, helping kill union leaders, be against Palestine, and always defend the establishment.

I must have pulled all of your triggers to get a double-post response.

Go me.

You are a moron and I did correct your ignorance., no you really didn't. Noam Chomsky is a cunning linguist but his opinion on other matters are exactly that: opinions, and they're not really intelligent or nuanced opinions. His views on American foreign policy in particular are the kind of shit I expect from middle school kids who deal in black and white and don't understand shades of gray. If Jimmy Carter's presidency proved one thing it's that sometimes the world doesn't need a good man, sometimes it needs a bastard. Chomsky doesn't get that. Sometimes things work better when you don't do the "right" thing.

So you are honestly telling me that Manufacturing Consent could be written by any middle or high schooler? This is why I know you are full of shit. He's one of the top academics in the world that makes pro status quo types like you get pissy because he criticizes American foreign affairs policy and corporate propaganda. I'm not surprised that you lack nuance and intelligence.

So you are honestly telling me that Manufacturing Consent could be written by any middle or high schooler?

Like most normal, well-adjusted people with better things to do I've never read the book, so I couldn't say. Not that it matters because I'm not talking about any one work in particular, I'm talking about the nonsense Chomsky vomits into the public square in general.

He's one of the top academics in the world

Someone's confusing "top" with "well-known." Even people in his field think he's wrong about a few things, like generative grammar and (especially) universal grammar. When he steps outside his field of expertise he's even worse.

pro status quo types like you get pissy because he criticizes American foreign affairs policy and corporate propaganda

I don't mind honest criticism of the "status quo," but what Chomsky does isn't honest criticism. He holds the US to a standard of ethics/morality that he doesn't apply to any other state actors (except perhaps Israel, which isn't surprising given that he's a holocaust denier) and even goes so far as to make excuses for thugs like the Khmer Rouge and Hezbollah.

He's an intelligent, educated moron, and you're a daft git for swallowing his bullshit.

You really shouldn't be in this subreddit if you can't handle people shitposting about a topic you feel strongly about.

Chomsky is far more intelligent then you and r/drama will ever be in your inconsequential lives. I love how pointing out the crimes of the American government and corporations triggers this shitty subreddit into defending the far right. Drooling swine like you simply doesn't question corporate and state crimes.

Chomsky is far more intelligent then you and r/drama will ever be in your inconsequential lives. I love how pointing out the crimes of the American government and corporations triggers this shitty subreddit into defending the far right. Drooling swine like you simply doesn't question corporate and state crimes.

Chomsky is far more intelligent then you and r/drama will ever be in your inconsequential lives.

Not exactly setting the bar very high.

I love how pointing out the crimes of the American government and corporations triggers this shitty subreddit into defending the far right.

There's a little more to Chomsky's juvenile anarcho-commie prattling than just "USA bad," dude.

Chomsky doesn't say "Well ISIS is just misunderstood", he criticizes all dictatorships, yet unlike this shitty board and most of Reddit, he points out how Corporate America and the American government are responsible for funding and propping up dictatorships and terrorist groups.

Of course we prop up dictatorships and "terrorist"/revolutionary groups. In places where things are going to be controlled by dictators and terrorist we want the dictators and terrorist to be our dictators and terrorists. In a perfect world we'd want to support democratic governments. The world isn't perfect. Iraq was supposed to be a new democracy but the minute we stepped away it fell into a fucking shambles. Chomsky and the idiots who think he's brilliant outside the field of linguistics (and even in his own field some people think he's a git) don't get that in a world where things are often shit you have to do business with shit people. Only someone with a juvenile, romanticized view of the world would think it would be possible for things to be any other way. The alternative to us buying off thugs and cretins is that either someone else, like Putin, for example, buys them off or the thugs and cretins acting without any sort of direction or restraints at all.

Chomsky is a doddering old narcissist who would explode if he had to go two seconds without hearing his own voice. I'm surprised it doesn't keep him from sleeping. I'm not sure how the cult of personality got built up around him but the only people who think he's brilliant are as shortsighted and delusional as he is.

TLDR: American hegemony should never be questioned, so be a good drooling corporate slave and never question anything.

I didn't say America's policies shouldn't be questioned. I said Chomsky's critiques were fucking juvenile. There's a big difference, not that I expect someone who is talking with Chomsky's dick in their mouth to get that. Your dumbass reply really only serves to prove the point that Chomsky and his half-wit sycophants are incapable of dealing in anything other than black-and/or-white thinking.

His critiques aren't "juvenile". So when he criticizes Israel's brutality towards Palestinians, the gargantuan control corporations have over the American government, which corporations, what their executives have said and what have American officials have said regarding such control, the top figures who promote right wing propaganda, and much more, and this is apparently "juvenile" for you? You just outed yourself as a moron that has yet to refute Chomsky's positions, and you appear to blindly support the establishment. There's a strong correlation between morons who hate Chomsky, and coincidently they strongly apologize for the establishment, like defend the NSA, Obama's drone program, the invasion of Iraq, the corporate bailout of 2008,etc.

His critiques aren't "juvenile".

Yes, they are. Let's just take your first example: Israel. Sure, he's right to criticize the treatment towards Palestinians...but you won't hear any mention of the behavior of groups like Hamas or Hezbollah who stir up drama by sending suicide bombers into cities or shooting rockets into residential districts from Chomsky. You also won't hear how the whole shitfest is really the fault of European nations who were only too eager to arm a group of people who just went through a genocide before shipping them off to the middle east and telling them that other people's property now belonged to them just to get them the fuck out of Europe. Does Chomsky ever mention that? No. His criticisms are all one-sided an myopic. The sort of thing one would expect from a child. There's a word for that, and that word is "juvenile."

You just outed yourself as a moron that has yet to refute Chomsky's positions

Says the guy giving Chomsky a virtual blowjob on the internet. I've explained why the man's a daft twat. If you're incapable of reading, comprehending, and accepting the explanation that's a failure on your part, not mine.

you appear to blindly support the establishment

This is exactly the sort of black-and-white thinking I've been talking about in previous posts. This is nothing more than "if you're not for us you're against us." It's more than possible to think Chomsky is an idiot and think that there are problems with "the establishment" or "the status quo." The two aren't mutually exclusive.

There's a strong correlation...

Citation Needed. The only "strong correlation" I'm seeing here is the correlation between people who like the taste of Chomsky's cock and people who think there are only two positions on any given subject.

He's mentioned Hamas and Hezbollah multiples times. I know you are a liar and a fraud.

He's mentioned Hamas and Hezbollah multiples times.

Yes, he give them his support.

You probably shouldn't be in this subreddit if you can't handle people shitposting about a topic you feel strongly about.

I hate seeing such a level of stupidity. Here's r/drama in a nutshell: "Hurr Durr dumb ancaps/libertarians" "Hurr Durr Look at those stupid anarchists/communists" "Hurr Durr Let's laugh at how butthurt Clinton and Trump supporters are".

This subreddit mocks libertarian/ancap meme tier arguments like the ones that /u/GhostofRFS usually will mock, then whenever a communist/anarchist says nasty things about capitalism, r/drama and /u/GhostofRFS will both resort to meme libertarian arguments defending capitalism against interest commies and anarchists.

I hate seeing such a level of stupidity.

People are shitposting and circlejerking. When you take it seriously and sperg out over it, then they continue to post the same things to throw gasoline on the fire. Stop taking yourself so seriously and just shitpost back. Otherwise you're just pissing into the wind because nobody else is here to have a serious discussion about economic philosophy. If you try to they're just going to say the most rage-inducing shit they can think of to get a rise out of you.

Pinging me twice? Kek. Holidays were lonely?

No, i've had a lovely holiday. You are renowned as a status quo apologist.

Eat my boogers

You mad bro?

noam chomsky aka captain obvious... pointing out that the house is on fire to the people stuck inside helps how?

u/somethingaboutboats making super logical leaps about nazis here...

Yeah man. China and India are sure gonna shame the fuck out of the US for ignoring climate change while they claw their way into the first world. The Eurofags will whine about carbon emissions but won't do shit because we own the UN and if we pulled out of NATO they'd be forced to actually spend money on their armed forces and not free college degrees in Eurosmug.

[Meanwhile, someone offers a "Free Helicopter Ride" in the comments.


Huh, no idea how that happened. Thanks.


McFucking kill yourself op

ITT: r/drama outs itself as a shitty, right wing echo chamber, with edgy teens and mediocre "adults" claiming to be smarter than Chomsky.

You sound mad

There is no realistic way anyone threatens a nuclear power militarily. Nukes can vaporize armies and fleets of ships, they can destroy enenemy cities or blanket a countryside with radiation, killing their food supply. There is a reason we had a cold war for half a century--because nuclear war is unthinkable, but inevitable if such a conflict occured.