Cuck is wrong about something and I need everyone to see how wrong he is

7  2017-01-04 by [deleted]


Validate me


delete your account


I am about to eat pussy you cuck

What now? huh?

For real there, you are a total fucking loser

Says the homeless guy


You're not living on the streets like the rest of us?


Oh shit I thought this was a hobo safe space nvm


my name is


bout to eat this's 48 hour slow cooked pork booty. Raise your fucking children deadbeat


gave that spicey boi some of the fat in the second pic

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help me /r/drama wan kanobi, you're my only hope.

Tfw he looks for validation and I find your argument more compelling.

How does it feel to be wrong docco

I was wondering if you would share your experience of it.




























Jesus he has a family

Not anymore.


I cant not compete against this level of shitposting

You win

I can't believe I'm going to lose 2 years in row for SPoTY, both times because someone stole my shtick :(

Sorry Assy. You will always be the OG though

I wish you were financially aborted

I wish you were post-birth aborted

Was that an online death threat? Can I start a patreon now?

The most pleb Stones song

plebs get pleb songs sry

Welcome home bb

Paging /u/TAKEitTOrCIRCELJERK to serve up his Mr. Hyde/Misandrist side and tell you just how wrong you are OP.

Also TiTs while you are at it pls tap into your virtuous Dr. Jekyl/RedPill/MRA side and tell us how feminist dating advice a shit and every man needs at least some level of game or else they'll end up incel 4 life.

Laurie Shrage, professor of philosophy and women’s and gender studies, questions whether men should be 'penalized for being sexually active', and she puts the subject in the perspective of feminists who had to fight the same idea with different gender portent, namely that consenting to sexual intercourse isn't the same as consenting to parenthood. Furthermore, both men and children are punished, according to professor Shrage;

TFW gender studies are more male friendly than MensLib

Feminism is not a monolith. Also you are an unsavory character and trick women into sex w/lies.

Why do you treat me like this? 😢

I'm jelly. I want to bang Brazilians too! 😭😭😭😭


Whatever happened to that feminist dating advice nonsense? I'm guessing they never wrote it??

We can only hope so

fuck off, I want to read that shit so bad

I was writing it but realised that nothing short of a taser in a handbag or a bag of ice and scissors will stop you from being a creepy fuck.


What is your opinion about paper abortion, fellow ML mod?

Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes. No refunds.

That's an ML mod you're talking to.

Thanks for the warning he's a fucking loser /u/worsethanhipster

thanks for the warning he's a fucking loser

tfw lefties suddenly becomes the party of "personal responsibility" when it's government money vs men's earnings
At least tell me you guys are consistent enough to shit from a great height all over the black community for their staggering rate of absentee fathers.

I DO see color... I also see entitled deadbeat fathers.

Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts
It's not easy facing up when deadbeat dads are black* at a rate of 72% of AA families

it's not easy facing up when i'm white and i really wanna abandon my children b/c responsibility is scary.

I won't argue with stats but if you're gonna pretend to be "rational" "skeptical" "discerning" "scientific" "reasonable" "logical" than you need to look past correlation = causation because you only do it when it suits you, or you're lazy and ignorant.

but that's beside the point. If you think being a deadbeat father is a good fact to prove your racism than why are you siding with the guy arguing FOR it on moral grounds? Because you're deadbeat AND racist.

Ehh I've been more or less convinced it would be too much of a strain on the social safety net to implement. And no I don't blame black people for being disproportionally affected by poverty and/or crime. I know it all ties together in a long and nasty history.

It's more about the schizophrenia of the left recently (not you in particular, just speaking generally and more broadly.) But I will point out to you that the man being the default provider-and he shoulda thought about the consequences before opening his legs, and his reproductive "rights" can get GTFO in the case of an unintended pregnancy, regardless of his poverty level. He can just man up and deal if the crushing , daily grind that makes him want to swallow a shotgun is too much - All that type of mentality seems like one hell of an old fashionec and confining tradcon gender role.

schizophrenia of the left

that "schizophrenia" is because there is no "the left." The "schizophrenia" is some idiots + some smart people who have occasionally bad ideas + some dummies who occasionally have good ideas, etc. Also, PEOPLE & SOCIETIES change their minds over time. That's a GOOD THING. It's not schizophrenia. It's a bunch of frightened idiots on the internet convincing you everyone who thinks X is alike.

"The left"? Do you think US democrats are "left"? Do you think liberals are "left"? Do you think democrats = liberals? You've been rused, son. Do you think democrats have always been "anti-slavery"? These words are a crutch, and you've been on them so long you're crippled.

If you perceive the world through memes, you're not gonna grasp the complexities of life. If you wanna understand things you need to stop being a lazy thinker. Embrace complexity, don't walk around confusion, confront it. It WILL temporarily make things difficult. It WILL bother you emotionally. It WILL hurt your heart mind and soul, and you'll be compelled to take the beaten path.

If you wanna be independent, rather than just tell yourself you are because life is easy, you'll enter the twisting thicket NOT LEANING ON POLITICAL IDENTITIES.

For real, join the Navy or go to europe, go to bars in your hometown ALONE. Have you ever walked blindly into a homeless shelter and said "what can I do to help?" I did it purely for the experience, not gonna pretend I was moral. But those sorts of experiences will make you smarter, better, more compassionate, and better equipped should you ever become one of the needy.

DAE nuclear family amirite?

I'm too old and sick for the military now, "son." But I'll consider your advice/lecture save this tasty pasta for another day.

wew drunk pasta hmmm

no i had pulled pork

If you want to worry about responsibility, worry about the psychopathic woman who CHOSE to have a child with someone who didn't express any opinion on having children in the immediate future or outright didn't want them in the first place.

The amount of men who are "deadbeat dads" is vanishingly small. Unless the man clearly wanted children by enthusiastically expressing as much before the child was conceived and then dipped after the child was born, he is not a "deadbeat dad." What's actually happening is a man never expressed any interest either way or outright doesn't want kids and the women comes to him with the proverbial gun to his head of "I'm pregnant." It's literally emotional abuse from word one. Emotional abuse initiated by a shitty woman and supported by society with their "deadbeat" mythos and the sate with their wage garnishments "best for the child" nonsense.

If you care about the well being of children you shouldn't reward abusive women who would bear them despite their partner's feelings. Period.

You tell 'em gallowboob!

In an independent study on the Social Science Research Network “Examining the Birth Trends, Family Structure, Economic Standing, Paternal Relationships, and Emotional Stability of Biracial Children with African American Fathers,” Tiffany Calloway, B.S. J.M, claimed “92% of biracial children with African American fathers are born out of wedlock and 82% end up on government assistance.”

I see no reason that, so long as physical abortion is an option, that paper abortion is not also an option.

Hell, make it that women can also have a paper abortion and function basically as a surrogate if they so choose. Women who don't want to be mothers, but also don't want to have an abortion, would then have a viable option - assuming the father doesn't wish to give the child up for adoption, of course.

WTH is worried that this will cause a shitstorm of people not wanting to raise their kids. Which is going to make a shitstorm that will end up with the government having to support a lot of kids which will cost a lot of money and break the government and cause a fallout. Or will make man more irresponsible and lazy. So he is worried about moral hazard and costing more money to the government ( which is most of the time a conservative worry )

How does his arrive at those conclusions? well in my opinion by being a moron.

not worried about what it will cause, beyond us losing the few mature and reasonable patrons we have because we let the most selfish entitled shortsighted aspects of the manosphere dominate every discussion of about child support BE A FUCKING FATHER TO YOUR CHILDREN YOU FUCKING DEADBEAT.

But what if they don't turn out how I like? Can I still abort post-birth? I don't see why not?

If she can't afford it, she should get an abortion.

Her body, her choice.

\This. There should be both intelligence tests and some minimum of financial and social status to be a parent. The welfare queen and deadbeat dad are two sides of the degenerate coin-magnet siphoning far too many resources from all of our individual labors.

It is ridiculously easy to procreate. The world is already beginning to bow under the weight of irresponsible conception.

People fuck. We have been doing it for hundreds of thousands of years, we are programmed to want to do it, and we are the proof of our own fruitfulness.

So we invented birth control. And physical abortion. The next step is financial abortion, because it's viability is built atop its predecessors.

In a world of condoms and pills and clinics, properly executed, children should be the responsibility of whomever is so determined to have one.

Ding ding ding! Couldn't have said it better myself.

Oh, you're incapable of moral reasoning so you think that's all the logic behind pro-choice advocacy. cool but...

Child support is for the child. Abortions are for the fucking pregnant person.

As I said in the post op desperately linked to, there are plenty of issues about fairness in how alimony & child support are dealt with. But child support is for the child not the mother. If you're reaction to having to feed your own children is "I shouldn't have to pay for it tho" or "what about this unrelated thing women get" than you're so fucking lazy, pampered, entitled that you reject the value in what your caretakers provided for you for 13+ years, since you were shitting yellow, you're a fucking monster and a spineless prick. If "THIS IS WHEN I NEED TO GET SERIOUS" != "I'M A FATHER" then get fucked you degenerate.

Child support is for the mother who won't get a second job to take care of her own damn kid. If your reaction to having to feed your own kid is "I'd rather kill it and spend seven more years 'finding myself' couch and hostel surfing while padding out my ever extended adolescence" then you're so lazy, pampered, entitled that you reject the value in what your caretakers provided for you for 13+ years, since you were shitting yellow, you're a fucking monster and a spineless prick. If "THIS IS WHEN I NEED TO GET SERIOUS" != "I'M A MOTHER" then get fucked you degenerate. You're part of the problem. I enjoy paying taxes, but now I have to pay $100,000+ a year to keep your hellspawn in jai8l because Eat, Pray, Love and /r/TwoXChromosomes >> your own flesh and blood.

This is so wrong in several places.

First, in most states you don't get relieved of child support if you make money. I did calculated my child support in Missouri if I made $8000 a month and she made $0 I pay $949. If she made $8000 a month I still pay $710 a month. This idea that people are incentivized NOT to work by child support and other welfare is nonsense.

Second, GET A SECOND JOB as opposed to... being the only fucking parent in the house to your child? Single parents don't have a homemaker wife. Sure they can get two jobs, at the sacrifice of being a mentor, educator, friend, parent to your child. That's the fucking point:

Parents need to balance money making and being a parent to their child in more important ways. For single parents that balance is much more precarious. Positive outcomes for children is strongly correlated with the number of caring adults that child has access to throughout the day. They don't raise themselves. This is ostensibly a fundamental christian and conservative value and it blows my mind how selectively people can be with basic realities of life and childhood.

Third, I've been party to an abortion and know several women in my life who have admitted as much. All of them are and were gainfully employed. You know who didn't have an abortion? My trailor trash cousin who can't hold down a fucking job at hooters or a payday lender. But that's anecdotal, i.e. worthless. However, poor religious communities have higher rates of accidental and teenage pregnancy & lower rates of abortion per. Google "poverty and teenage pregnancy" since you appear to have some interest in the area.

It's not twice as hard as being a married parent. It's exponentially harder to be a single parent. You need to balance work with being the only person who feeds the house, the only person who cleans the house, the only person who can drive the kid to his favorite sport, or a MTG tournament, or friend's house.

You come home, you want dinner, someone to help clean or watch the kids while you do, someone to talk to about your bad day? 1950's conservative WASP men were ALL about it these little basics. And for good reason. It free's you up to focus on your child.

We all share many of the same family values, because most of us have eyes and ears and a brain. But the importance and challenges of being a good parent apparently go right out the fucking window when it doesn't benefit the good christian married white man.

First, in most states you don't get relieved of child support if you make money. I did calculated my child support in Missouri if I made $8000 a month and she made $0 I pay $949. If she made $8000 a month I still pay $710 a month. This idea that people are incentivized NOT to work by child support and other welfare is nonsense.

So what you're saying is men pay for the children they are forced to pay regardless if there is a need for the money or not. An 8000% increase in the mother's income results in a 25% obligation for the mother to provide for her own crotch fruit. This just re-enforces my point of the coddling of even successful, self sufficient women. The man always pays because all he is worth is what he can provide. Women are human beings, while men are human doings. Male disposability yet again.

Second, GET A SECOND JOB as opposed to... being the only fucking parent in the house to your child? Single parents don't have a homemaker wife. Sure they can get two jobs, at the sacrifice of being a mentor, educator, friend, parent to your child.

Welcome to the struggle mamacita. Should have had an abortion if you can't afford the bills.

Parents need to balance money making and being a parent to their child in more important ways. For single parents that balance is much more precarious. Positive outcomes for children is strongly correlated with the number of caring adults that child has access to throughout the day. They don't raise themselves. This is ostensibly a fundamental christian and conservative value and it blows my mind how selectively people can be with basic realities of life and childhood.

letting strangers and creepy uncles near your lids
No thanks.

Third, I've been party to an abortion and know several women in my life who have admitted as much. All of them are and were gainfully employed. You know who didn't have an abortion? My trailor trash cousin who can't hold down a fucking job at hooters or a payday lender. But that's anecdotal, i.e. worthless. However, poor religious communities have higher rates of accidental and teenage pregnancy & lower rates of abortion per. Google "poverty and teenage pregnancy" since you appear to have some interest in the area.


It's not twice as hard as being a married parent. It's exponentially harder to be a single parent. You need to balance work with being the only person who feeds the house, the only person who cleans the house, the only person who can drive the kid to his favorite sport, or a MTG tournament, or friend's house.

You're assuming most single moms either 1.) Care enough about their "dependents" (revenue collectors) to put in the effort to raise them well or 2.) that's what grandma is for.

You come home, you want dinner, someone to help clean or watch the kids while you do, someone to talk to about your bad day? 1950's conservative WASP men were ALL about it these little basics. And for good reason. It free's you up to focus on your child.

If you have ever seen the historical drama Mad Men you'd know that, despite them both being fucked up people, Don Draper actually cared about his kids while Betty spent her entire life emotionally abusing her daughter Sally to the point of her psychiatrist having break doctor-patient confidentiality to let Don know just how twisted and unstable she was. This was typical of the "emotional labor" of married men in the 50s, despite popular wisdom implying otherwise. The wife almost never kept up her end of the deal while the husband did double duty picking up her slack. Feminist propaganda like The Feminine Mystique is just another chapter of the "Waaaah! I'm unhappy!" perpetual state of complaining that is, and always has been, women.

We all share many of the same family values,


because most of us have eyes and ears and a brain.


But the importance and challenges of being a good parent apparently go right out the fucking window when it doesn't benefit the good christian married white man.

As if good christian married white men have not been the only ones ever (by a large margin at least) to bother not being degenerate leeches.

So what you're saying is men pay for

no you dolt. women have to pay child support if a man raises their kids as well.

citation needed.

FA would ALSO let women be deadbeat mothers. think of the children, seriously, wtf is wrong with you. we're talking about the lives of the next generation of the human race, and your mind says "it's not fair that it's only slightly easier to shrug off the most basic and important responsibility" because fuck defenseless children it's not fair to MEEEEEEEEEEEE. wut about MEEEEEEEEEEEEE. ME ME FUCKING ME MINE. The conservitive creed.

They can still get an abortion.

Regardless of the intention behind protecting abortion rights I.e. Body autonomy, the physical reality is that it is an option.

If she doesn't get an abortion, then she can either afford it or is making a moral objection irregardless of the father's she must be willing to support the child on her own.

Also, I absolutely think it is entirely reasonable that part of the cost of a financial abortion should be a one-time upfront payment equal to the cost of an abortion + cost of transportation. If he/she can't afford that then they will be liable for child support.

Problem solved.

  • pregnant people can get an abortion

  • people who aren't pregnant can't get an abortion

  • people should materially support the children that they took part in creating

please point to the controversial statement

• pregnant people can get an abortion

• people who can't afford to have a child, shouldn't

• people who don't want to have a child, shouldn't

  • people should be responsible for their own choices

please point to the incorrect statement

Mothers who abandon their children are not demonized to anywhere near the extent that fathers are.

You are such a fucking moron man. No one wants a generation of kids running around without care and love, or without someone wirth financial means to take care of them, what we are we arguing is that this woudnt happen.

But I am glad you think most of the population of Denmark are a bunch of lazy manchilds neckbeards.

You know why I hate MRAs more than internet feminists? because they actually got in the head of a bunch of weak-willed internet obsessed pussies who think MRAs existence matters. Its like you all see them everywhere.

No one wants a generation of kids running around without care and love, or without someone wirth financial means to take care of them, what we are we arguing is that this woudnt happen.

I never said anyone wanted that, in fact i pretty explicitly said otherwise quite a few times.

But I am glad you think most of the population of Denmark are a bunch of lazy manchilds neckbeards.

Different countries have different rules. Hence why I'm very open to talking about reforming child support, or replacing it. But that's totally and completely different from "Financial Abortions" which is strictly the ABOLITION of child support, NOT AN ALTERNATIVE to it.


fucking moron

According to a Gallup poll from 2014 and earlier polls, between 40% and 70% of Danes agree with legalizing paper abortion

Like talking to a wall 😔

gallup poll doesn't write the fucking legislation in denmark wtf...

anyways, even if such a law was passed, the effects of letting selfish childish men abandon their children without any repercussions would take quite a few years to begin to manifest and would continue to reveal new bad effects for decades.

Who talked about legislation?

Are you a social scientist to be so sure about the repercussions?

me: x will lead to y

you: well denmark doesn't y

me: because denmark doesn't x

you: opnion poll

me: that's not x. that's an opinion poll

you: who was talking about x?

me: god damnit you can't be this fucking stupid on accident. i'm done, and you're an aspiring deadbeat dad. congrats.

No you dumb fuck I clearly didnt post that to prove that a country could work with FA. Why would I post an opinion poll to prove that FA will not lead to bad consequences? I posted to show you how ridiculous is to think that people who are in favor of FA must be lazy deadbeat selfish man, when half of a country ( with people from both genders ) agrees that is a good idea, and does the liberal Swedish party.

It is representative of a society's opinions.

The government would have to pay, and governments do not like paying; I assure you that money for child support would be much more responsibly used if paper abortion were legal.

WTH is worried that this will cause a shitstorm of people not wanting to raise their kids. Which is going to make a shitstorm that will end up with the government having to support a lot of kids which will cost a lot of money and break the government and cause a fallout.

No, WTH is worried that if men are given the option to opt out that women who like to play the "oops, I forgot my birth control" card to manipulate people are going to have to actually improve themselves in order to keep a man in their lives.