Tendies are spilt when Ford pulls huge investment out of Mexico and into Michigan, commenters deny any link to Trump, while Ford's CEO literally says it's because of Trump.

9  2017-01-04 by LiteralShakes


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he is fucking lying through his teeth and you have to be an idiot to think he's not doing this because of Trump

believing your imaginary narrative instead of what the man actually fucking said

stfu you agendaposting cuck

cant even greentext in the sub he mods

I'm 10 feet tall, have a 18 inch dick, and make 1 Million$ a week just by shitposting. Totes true because I said it now suck my walrus benis

>implying I was trying to actually greentext like you r/4chan faggots

>omg lol

)not using meme bumps in MMXVII

memes are for video game children

children are for meme video games

pizzagate confirmed

what's it like being a confirmed pedo reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman1488?

Pizzagate is real tho

as real as your bull

Steve isn't a "real" American yet but he's still legal

post pics of "steve" mounting your wife with a timestamp then

Steve ain't play that shit I already asked

For being a bull, Steve is ironically acting like a bitch just sayin

nice downboat, cunt

what's it like being pettier than the entire /r/SubredditDrama mod-team combined?

lol I literally don't downvote anyone ever. But it's cute that it bothers you.

It doesn't bother me, it's just an excuse to ping the srd mod team :^) because they all get a message if you reference the sub

still u dum if ur taking his words at face-value fam

It doesn't bother me, it's just an excuse to ping the srd mod team :) because they all get a message if you reference the sub

Fair enough, carry on.

still u dum if ur taking his words at face-value fam

Not as dumb as you for believing your comfortable and convenient made up bullshit over the actual evidence.

Not as dumb as you for believing your comfortable and convenient made up bullshit over the actual evidence.

I'm 5 seconds away from pinging /u/prince_kropotkin to anarchist-splain to you why you're wrong. Do you want that?


He'll come soon and I hope you took your adderall and drank a redbull because he will anarchist-splain the shit out of you all night long because is alone, has no gf, no friends, no money, and the only reason that keeps him from killing himself is to patronize dumb liberals like yourself how they don't understand how anything works in the "real" world

Can't wait.

he's here, what now bee-yatch?

frantically scrambles for the lube

yo i heard you're opening up a movie theatre so you can project even harder

Yo I heard Hillary lost because she wasn't liberal enough. Why tho?

clinton was an unlikable hack with a long history of shady dealings with various rich and powerful groups, and also fucked up with a private email server that would have gotten anyone else slapped with a felony. Not appealing to the Dem base was just the icing on the cake

thanks :^)

hmm this is rare but I have no idea why I'm being pinged, since there's no clear insult or challenge to me and I don't want to have to read twelve comments of insults between you two...

Prince what we want to know is did Ford bring the jobs back due to the glory of Trump or in spite of it?

how would I know? I'm not Trump or the Ford execs. They probably didn't have a strong opinion either way (market research wasn't conclusive, perhaps) and did it to please him, but I wouldn't bet on anything until the situation becomes more clear.

Good take here on the general issue: http://www.ianwelsh.net/trump-and-the-taming-of-the-oligarchs/

So one of the ways I will know if Trump is going to be successful (i.e., get his people enough goodies to get his second term, and the accompanying adulation) will be by watching the “kneeling to bribes” ratio, and seeing what Trump does to those companies who refuse to cooperate.

One by one, they will bend the knee. Mark my words. I dodged eating a tack and/or my cat by predicting Trump winning almost a year ago.

*Reminder that Henry Ford was a raging anti-semite

I don't know. Capitalist elites will only bargain on Trump's conditions if they're afraid of what he can do to them, or (what happened historically with the far-right) if they're afraid of a vibrant socialist movement threatening to do far worse. This is fundamentally unforeseeable at this point in time. Trump's cabinet picks suggest he won't push too hard.

Pics or gtfo

u 1st

Whoa M8 I'm not the one with the big claims here

Why did you say "Big"? Why did you say that word?

If I pull you off, will you die?

As the top-mod of /r/baneposting , it would be extremely painful

You're a big cuck

For Jews



I'm a complete retard and I approve this message.

Don't kid yourself, he will get credit for this, and it will be popular, even if it's not that many jobs.

Democrats used to be the party of good jobs, before Obama.bNow you're just the party of minorities and feminism--not nearly as popular.

Your party needs to find an answer on jobs--not just 'they aren't coming back and you have to suck that up' or 'retraining' that doesn't happen--or the rustbelt will go red for a good long time.

You're ... Your


Who do you think you're talking to?

This post brought to you by another dumb Yank thinking the entire world is inside their shitty little bubble

'they aren't coming back and you have to suck that up'

but automation and India's high FDI allowance bro

I mean all the worthless junkies in the rust belt need to realize that unlike daddy they aren't going to get 60k a year and a sweet retirement package for pulling a lever 8 hours a day anymore. Time to modernize or get left behind and currently the US is starting to be caught when it comes to emerging technologies, hell we are starting to fall behind in clean energy which is completely short sighted. But hey the oil industry has bought out our goverent and they are going to squeeze us for every penny before the industry collapses, no matter how badly it will fuck us in the future. But hey boobs like yourself get to smug post about sticking it to the faggy liberals so gj winning at life!

I hate trumpettes as much as Argentinians but you gotta be the dumbest fucking person on this world to buy into that

I'm just not running to the other end of the rational spectrum and declaring shit there's no evidence for because it fits my agenda.

Jesus, how fucking old are you (((people)))?

When the heck did goyim like you be allowed to be mod here?

/u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy what the fudge happened? I thought only the chosen people were in charge here?

I am just triggered. You were right in an argument. You

I'm always right. I just choose to be wrong if it makes people mad, but always in a non-flaming manner though.

Trolls/shitposters who hurl nothing but racial slurs are lazy and flipping pond-scum in my eyes

Trolls/shitposters who hurl nothing but racial slurs are lazy and flipping pond-scum.~~ in my eyes~~

How dare you imply that I'm not a member of the Alt-Right Gay Jewish Nazi Lizard Person Cabal.

That's just hurtful, man.

post pics of your circumcised peen. only then will we know the truth

All that will tell you is that I'm civilized and not a disgusting savage. Our ARGJNLPC agenda has successfully converted many filthy goyem to the holy brit milah tradition.

That was Phase One, btw.

Just so everyone is aware asset just gave everyone carte blanche approval to send him dick pics!

But I dont have an agenda I dont even think Trump bringing back this kind of manufacture job is a good thing in the first place

Nice job missing my actual and embarrassingly obvious point.

Delete your account retard

no i refuse

I dont even think Trump bringing back this kind of manufacture job is a good thing in the first place.

I never want to hear you complain about being unemployed and poor ever again you feeb.

Wagecucks BTFO

Not necessarily. But what Trump definitely can take credit for is successfully is making every single decision by a company to open or close a plant newsworthy. The biggest metric of his success, for some fucking reason, is the number of semi-skilled factory jobs he is seen to "keep in the US" and basically nothing else. When people say "maybe Trump will be a great president" this is what they mean, and they don't give a shit about his blatant corruption, ignorance or authoritarian tendencies.

Meanwhile in reality the long-term solution, rather than bullying companies on Twitter, is educating/reskilling workers in emerging industries such as clean energy and repairing the social safety net so people land in their feet when robots take their jobs. He would have to negotiate a deal like the Carrier one every week for years to save the number of jobs the auto bailout did. And that actually saved taxpayers money in the end.

So whether or not these decisions have anything to do with him doesn't really matter, because they're all now national news.

his blatant corruption

Please continue posting more about your first election/attempts at political education.

DAE politicians are all corrupt liars

Don't worry yung_buck they'll still write down Barry was the first brotha in office.

I dont disagree fam

But, from your article:

Fields also pointed out that the company could do well with a more positive U.S. manufacturing business environment under Trump. "We see the pro-growth policies that he's proposing. So, this is a vote of confidence in what we think the president-elect is going to pursue and it's right for our business," he said.

Yeah, that's nowhere near the same thing as what this retarded agenda poster was implying with their title.

Well, I actually listened to the video interview (after it finally loaded after 20 or so minutes), and the reporting was full of agenda itself -- unless I missed it, the CEO never said the actual words "it wasn't the main factor", he said that there were many factors that went into this decision and listed a bunch of them, and Trump was not listed first.

So trying to spin it as Trump not helping is just as retarded as implying that Trump was the sole reason.

I never spinned it as Trump not helping.

I just called out the blatant pro trump agenda post bullshit.

Because political agenda posts of any kind in this sub are fucking retarded.

It's funny when right-wingers are mad because liberals are denying that a protectionist trade policy and handouts from the government are the reason a business changed its strategy.

As I live in Michigan and am going to be an engineer, this is highly satisfying.

/u/centurion00 kys

Found the salty Mexican.