"get fucked you degenerate. You're part of the problem. I enjoy paying taxes, but now I have to pay $100,000+ a year to keep your hellspawn in jai8l because vidya games and /r/TRP >> your own flesh and blood." /u/WorseThanHipster dances the line between drunkposting and actually getting mad.

5  2017-01-04 by Wacnews_the_White


And again.

But he makes a mean pulled pork. So I'd say he wins tbqh.


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now I have to pay $100,000+ a year to keep your hellspawn in jai8l

Hipster confirmed for billionaire elitist who pays over $100k in taxes every year and resents the poor for it.

All you neckbeards should be arguing for stricter child support laws. You'll finally be able to chase down the bulls that fathered 'your' children.

I feel like he automatically loses for having that dog as a domestic pet. I would disqualify anyone anywhere on the genetic spectrum from anything for having such a dog.

For reference I personally maintain an easily irritated American bulldog stray I literally got from some methhead, and I view anyone with a lesser dog as not just inferior, but actively contributing to the oppression of all genetically weak dogs.

Fuck you /u/zachums, kevbo is a depressing piece of genetic engineering whose frail ass is gonna die easier because people like you bred him to be retarded

Hear hear!

tfw I'm so alpha that I need a meme dog to bring me back down to mortal levels.

Gas the drunks

Full disclosure: I actually kinda like Hipster and am friendly to him when I see him here, and I don't believe at least 75% of the arguments I was making there. I was mostly wondering how much of that he was doing as well.

/u/WorseThanHipster since I said this just now can I have some of the yummy pork?

i'm generally a polite person who measures their words in a serious discussion. but /pol/ culture coming into the manosphere and other "conservative" online movements... dog-piling and "Gish Galloping" and ad hominem work well. I mean, they're logical trash and don't actually support any argument, but they do work to convince droves of idiots with trash brains and trash reasoning skills.

The problem is... Most people trash brains and we need them on our side as well...

It is a "weakness" of liberalism (don't fucking confuse leftistssss or democrats or tumblr commies with liberals FFS) that we've decided to be so highminded as to stop using the tried and true tactics of being a fucking dickhead to get what you want. And thus we've lost, without much consideration, the cow-eyed mouthbreather demographic. Which sounds good... but because we live in a post-enlightenment liberal democracy (which i support), they have much the same power and rights as everyone else (which i support), and so while their congregated intelligence could hardly light an east St. Louis stripclub restroom, their effectiveness in groups, particularly in places wherin equality is designed intrinsically, like online forums and the voting booth, is not to be trifled with.

So, good god faring free thinking liberals have made a grave tactical error in only scouting the highroad. An obvious error in hindsight. While I try to be moral and measured in most of the things I do, I think sometimes it's not only ok, but obligatory, to get wasted and be a dick on the internet, lest we let conservatives control the entire world's army of juggpissing weebs.

Fair enough. Now gib pork pls.

The war is here, the one who shit talks and humiliates the most wins the battle for the control of the internet.

I wanna like you but then you write shit like this and my head hurts 😔

You know why I talk shit? because I am a bad person. Most people should try and say that instead of post-hoc rationalisations.

yeah... I'm heroically hungover and I saw this in my feed. I literally said to some friends "I'm gonna try and see if I can argue in favor of being a dick on the internet" because it like a fun creative exercise, and it was. I like to exercise and stretch my thoughts/philosophies, to test their limits, their implications, improve my rhetoric, etc...

it's called a sarcastic shitpost. are you lost?

No u

Is this supposed to apply to me as well?

• Women should exercise their right to abortion if they can't afford a child.

Why is that a bad sentiment to you?

I agree. We're talking about a birthed baby. It's alive, it's not going to go away no matter how far you run, how tight you close your eyes, or wish it wasn't reality, it's still a living baby that has been birthed, and half of it is you. Take care of the fucking baby my god.

When I was growing up and my father and grandfather and old christian neighbors would ramble on about pussification of men, and "back when men were men," who took care of their duties and obligations... they were talking about deadbeat fathers.

I'm not talking about a "birthed baby".

I'm talking about a woman being informed of her options during early pregnancy and then making a decision.

So if she decided to keep it, then she must be able to take care of it.

Shouldn't mothers be able to care for their children?

Allowing someone to do something isn't the same thing as incentivizing it, and what you're saying is you want to people to be able to incentivize abortions.

"if you have my child you're on your own!" - deadbeat coward

I'm incentivizing contraception and fewer unwanted children.

"If you choose to have your child, I hope you can take care of it." - person who would not have been a good father

You can already do that. Tell every girl before you fuck her "if you get pregnant I'll be a fucking deadbeat". I'm sure they'll make the right choice after that.

Yeah, but child support can still be compelled by law, and is thus an incentive for more deadbeat moms.

You know those exist right? A good amount of them? They aren't working, not so they can take care of their kids, but so they can go out partying or so they can do drugs. I used to run into them fairly often through my old job, and they sure as hell aren't spending their child support on the kids.

i know they exist. you know the law can also compel them to pay child support, and they should. But this isn't about the women. This isn't about the men. This is about a living child. If a parent or parents can't support their child, often the state will. That is not a good outcome for anyone.

Now you want parents who simply don't want to support their child to be given to the state? Or what, let it die in the fucking dirt?

This whole conversation with all of yall I've been "think of the child!" and ya'll be saying either "think bad things about moms!" or "think about MEEEEE." There are plenty of fucking shit parents churning out shit kids. FA does not make it better, it makes it harder for honest and good single parents to be good parents.

"But what about the children?!" is one of the most worn out arguments for anything, ever.

And again, I am not talking about a child here. I am talking about a fetus that may or may not be carried to term. I am talking about an uncaring father being factors out of the decision.

And so, if a woman still had the child in the face of that knowledge, then she must not have needed the help of the father.

yeah i know, that's why i wrote it like that. but it's still a valid concern. that's why people use it to push bullshit, but that doesn't mean that "think of the children" is a bullshit concept. it isn't.

i know you're talking about before it's born. i fucking know. just stop, breathe, think: IF she has the baby ANYWAYS, then there's a born child and it's half yours, and you should take care of your born child.

Now stop again, breathe, this is where it gets VERY tricky: If you agree with the statement "Parents ought to take care of their children" then once the baby is born, this "agreement" or "law" or whatever, would be unenforcible.

That's my point. Once the baby is born, you should support it, or you're a fucking selfish deadbeat monster loser, regardless of your gender. So DESPITE the fact that you THINK your proposal only lives "in the before times" it's null ANYWAYS if the child is born...

Thus is was always null.

So, the ONLY world in which FA can even exist, is a world where parent's aren't compelled to support their own EXISTING children.

Well, it wouldn't really be his responsibility, because it wouldn't be his.

Do you think sperm donors should be sued for child support? After all, wouldn't that make the child's life better? Isn't it he the biological father? Sperm banks basically facilitate deadbeats, it seems.

You're right, going through a rigorous selection process to donate sperm and then the mother being rigorously selected and spending $100,000+ to carefully select a child she planned for for years is just like you sticking your dick in awful women because it feels good.

And yet a sperm donor is, by your logic, a deadbeat.

The child has been born. It is a reality. He is the biological father. He should take responsibility.


If I only called idiots people I dislike I woudnt call anyone an idiot!

I like him too.

He is still an idiot though

/u/Worsethanhipster 😘😘😘

I feel like people mix up child suppart and alimoney when they talk about this stuff.

Yeah I think so too.

Judges do too

I just pour it all into a plastic "vortex" I got at the Science Museum, then watch all the coins just... hover, in perfect formation, until they finally spin into the mouth of the pickle jar.

I always think pulled pork seems like it should be old people food.

This is a dig at me, isn't it?

I'm too nice to make digs at anyone.


I'll have to keep pictures of my briskets on tap for the next time I'm losing an argument.