BlackPeopleTwitter feed go into a meltdown over a anti-communist tweet

114  2017-01-04 by 13301


Jews did this


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I have to say this rise of communism is getting out of hand.

lol i thought i'd never see the day when half of our country want to go and have a Stalin as their leader. what a time to suicide.

In what universe does half of the US want Stalin as a leader.

the one which voted for Hillary.

Really, and in your mind, Hillary Clinton is ideologically similar;ar to Stalin?

Can you explain in detail your thought process?

Hillary and Stalin are both short people with anger issues and moustaches.

You should read that guys post history, he's pretending to be a black guy on various white nationalist subreddits.

which guy?

apparently me. I ain't pretending. I'm proud to be black and stand for who I am, and who I support.

It appears my post triggered /u/asiltopbr

Don't shame saint Hillary or be blasted as pretending to be black. lmao, the level of tendies hitting the floor here is enormous.

Crap i dropped my tendies?

They're an easy thing to drop.

hey man you downvoted me, you son of a bitch

but i didnt D:

its just /u/asiltopbr being a dick to try and create more tension :(

I'm going to be honest, I've never encountered a person as uneducated as you are.

This is staggering.

You seem to have a history of trying to brigade and start fights with anyone who has a different opinion that you. :D Especially when it touches your beloved communism. :DD Just makes it even more clear why you're defending Shillary so much

You tried to claim Hitler was a socialist and you seem to just have no idea what you're talking about.

I'm not even defending Clinton, I don't even like Clinton, you're just spewing blatant misinformation with no basis in reality.

the real drama is always in the comments :D

I mean, this isn't really drama. You seem to just not actually know anything about these subjects, I'm worried for you.

This is either a severe mental illness or you have a serious learning disability.

You called me an autist in the previous post. :D I thought SJW's like you are supposed to be tolerant of ALL disabilities even the ones that affect you, or is autism exclusive only to republicans in your view?

I'm not an SJW, I just dislike stupid people.

And you, my friend, are stupid. SJWs are a cancer on society, but like SJWs, so are people like you.

You are a right wing SJW.

Damn you learn a new thing each day don't ya? Didn't know I was a right wing SJW. :O

Your outright defensiveness of anything anti-socialism and constant barrage of people who debate you from your post history, is just a showcase of your bias and the qualities adamant of a SJW. :D

Damn you learn a new thing each day don't ya? Didn't know I was a right wing SJW. :O

Yeah, SJWs are dumb political zealots, just like you.

Your outright defensiveness of anything anti-socialism and constant barrage of people who debate you from your post history, is just a showcase of your bias and the qualities adamant of a SJW. :D

Uh, I didn't defend socialism at any point in this argument. I corrected your misinformation, you tried to claim Hitler was a socialist, that is factually incorrect.

Me correcting your blatant misinformation is not me defending socialism. I also like how my entire comment history full of anti-SJW attacks makes me an SJW.

No, I'm not the SJW here, you're just a political zealot with literally no idea what you're talking about on even a basic level.

If you're so anti-stupidity, anti-SJW, anti-everything not you, you will have no problem on stating your political affiliation to an autistic right wing idiotic SJW like me, right? :D

Or is that too much? Don't say Republican because we know you'll be lyin'... :*

Again, let me help you out.

I've never joined any organization—not even the ones I've organized myself. I prize my own independence too much. And philosophically, I could never accept any rigid dogma or ideology, whether it's Christianity or Marxism. One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're right.' If you don't have that, if you think you've got an inside track to absolute truth, you become doctrinaire, humorless and intellectually constipated. The greatest crimes in history have been perpetrated by such religious and political and racial fanatics, from the persecutions of the Inquisition on down to Communist purges and Nazi genocide.

Well shit, all you had to say is 'Neckbeard' that would of sufficed. I am of course impressed by your upper echelon of being, your philosophical thought and the decree of dogma which you live by. A true modern day Aristotle with the quotes of Saul Alinsky. I bend the knee M'Lord.

I highly suggest you just stop typing dude, you tried to claim Hitler was a socialist.

NAZI stands for National Socialist German Workers‘ Party.

Did you somehow manage to change the definition of socialism? ;)

What we don’t often hear or learn about is how Hitler ruled the rest of Germany, what his domestic policies were for the German people he didn’t march off to death camps. Hitler’s domestic, socialist policies will be the focus of this post. Trigger warning: they’re eerily similar to what American Democrats tout today. Double trigger warning? He initially had the support of the mob of people. So replace many of Hitler’s policies with something you hear from Hillary. After that depression, Hitler made a huge promise to his people: employment for all. How did he do it? Roads and infrastructure:

"As Fuhrer, Hitler’s first priority was jobs, or the lack of them. German unemployment had peaked at 6 million due to the Depression devastating the economy. With innovative public works schemes such as the building of autobahns, Hitler put every German back to work. He also advocated schemes such as KdF – Strength Through Joy – which gave workers increased benefits for increased levels of production. This policy was popular and increasingly with the proletariat who had seen their country decimated by the depression… By putting people back to work and making huge public spending, inflation was bound to happen. However, Hitler kept this under control by not allowing wages to rise with prices. This may have been one unpopular aspect of Hitler’s economic policy but there were many that the people supported."

So Hitler created jobs…through government. While at the same time, he criticized certain segments of the population, demeaning them, blaming the countries woes upon them. The rich, they just ruin everything. Sound familiar?

20563 twitter icon TWITTER email icon EMAIL more icon MORE MYTH BUSTED: Actually, Yes, Hitler Was a Socialist Liberal

COURTNEY KIRCHOFF THURSDAY JANUARY 28 2016 HitlerSocialist A favorite tactic employed by leftists is to describe the Nazis as “right wing,” with Adolf Hitler, their leader, as the grand leader of this “right wing” movement. Rewriting history is pretty common for leftists, as their history is littered with injustice (the KKK was founded by Democrats, did you know?). Injustices they claim to fight against today. Awkward.

But thanks to this nifty thing called “history” in combination with “the internet,” we can bust this myth once and for all. Thoroughly. Or until a leftist insists on ignoring it. Then we’ll hold them down and tape their eyes open. Just kidding, that’s only what a leftist would do. For those who’d rather watch this column in video form, there’s one below. For those who prefer reading, yuck. But scroll down.

Adolf Hitler wasn’t “right wing.” If you take nothing else from this post, just remember Hitler was a socialist. With terrible facial hair. There’s an easy way to remember it, too. NAZI stands for National Socialist German Workers‘ Party. Associate it with blunt mustaches.

What does National Socialist German Worker’s Party mean? Glad you asked. Is it different from “Democratic socialism”? Only in semantics. A Democracy is mob rule, which is why America is actually a constitutional, representative republic, NOT a democracy. A representative republic protects the minority from the majority, whereas a democracy is the rule of the majority. Leftists get caught up in words, getting tripped up over “National Socialism” as opposed to “Democrat Socialism.” But it’s just that. Semantics. So when Hitler ginned up hatred for the Jews, he could get the mob to agree with him. He could get the mob to believe him. There were no representatives to stop Hitler. He was one man helming the desperation of a majority of people. Spot the difference?

When we examine Hitler’s Nazi Germany through the lens of history, most, if not all of us, think of the Holocaust. In fact the holocaust might be the only thing we associate with Hitler’s Nazis. We’ve all been told of the Jews being marched off to death camps where they were worked, tortured, then gassed. We’ve also heard of the experiments conducted by Hitler’s Dr. Mengele. All terrible practices which we rightly find horrifying. Unless you’re one of those people who think Planned Parenthood is great.

PeeWee2 What we don’t often hear or learn about is how Hitler ruled the rest of Germany, what his domestic policies were for the German people he didn’t march off to death camps. Hitler’s domestic, socialist policies will be the focus of this post. Trigger warning: they’re eerily similar to what American Democrats tout today. Double trigger warning? He initially had the support of the mob of people. So replace many of Hitler’s policies with something you hear from Bernie Sanders…

Brief Historical Background on Hitler… Germany lost World War I. As such, Germany was in a state of economic and national depression. Not totally unusual for losing a giant war. But the depression was a long, drawn out one (15 years) leaving the German people poor, hungry, desperate, lacking any confidence. Then along came a young man named Adolf Hitler…

Hitler was a powerful and spellbinding speaker who attracted a wide following of Germans desperate for change. He promised the disenchanted a better life and a new and glorious Germany. The Nazis appealed especially to the unemployed, young people, and members of the lower middle class (small store owners, office employees, craftsmen, and farmers).

Human beings may advance technologically, but spiritually? Not so much. In fact I’d contest we rarely learn our lessons when choosing our leaders. Especially charismatic ones. If a man (or woman) can speak eloquently, with confidence, we cannot help but be enthralled. We often follow along, like the town’s children following the pied piper.

Employment for All After that depression, Hitler made a huge promise to his people: employment for all. How did he do it? Roads and infrastructure:

As Fuhrer, Hitler’s first priority was jobs, or the lack of them. German unemployment had peaked at 6 million due to the Depression devastating the economy. With innovative public works schemes such as the building of autobahns, Hitler put every German back to work. He also advocated schemes such as KdF – Strength Through Joy – which gave workers increased benefits for increased levels of production. This policy was popular and increasingly with the proletariat who had seen their country decimated by the depression… By putting people back to work and making huge public spending, inflation was bound to happen. However, Hitler kept this under control by not allowing wages to rise with prices. This may have been one unpopular aspect of Hitler’s economic policy but there were many that the people supported.

So Hitler created jobs…through government. While at the same time, he criticized certain segments of the population, demeaning them, blaming the countries woes upon them. The rich, they just ruin everything. Sound familiar?

If you haven’t seen it yet, go watch WW2 Surivor’s Account Draws Chilling Similarities between Nazism and Liberalism.

"When the mothers had to go out into the work force, the government immediately established child care centers. You could take your children ages 4 weeks to school age and leave them there around-the-clock, 7 days a week, under the total care of the government. The state raised a whole generation of children. There were no motherly women to take care of the children, just people highly trained in child psychology. By this time, no one talked about equal rights. We knew we had been had."

Public education, where children are at school all day long, with state-funded and state-sponsored curriculum… convinced yet?

And sooo much more...

I'm sorry to have offended you my Nazi overlord. I'm just a humble black man, being oppressed by the white man, or whatever fits the narrative today.

Dude, you are blatantly retarded.

The nazis were absolutely not socialist, you might as well call north Korea democratic.

Let me help you out.

You can throw your revisionist history out all day, it isn't going to fly./

Pretty sure you didn't read my post. :)

And yes, is definitely a credible source. Will you lead me to next?

Yeah, I didn't read your post because it's the same bullshit you all spew.

PS, I cited oxford you fucking moron, tell me what this says.

“As with other fascist ideologies and movements it subscribed to an ideology of national renewal, rebirth, and rejuvenation manifesting itself in extreme populist radical nationalism, militarism, and – in contradistinction to many other forms of fascism, extreme biological racism…the movement understood itself to be, and indeed was, a new form of political movement…the anti-Socialist, anti-liberal, and radical nationalist tenets of Nazi ideology applied particularly to the sentiments of a middle class disorientated by the domestic and international upheavals in the inter-war period.” (Neil Gregor, Nazism, Oxford, 2000 p 4-5.)

How tolerant of you.

"Yeah, I didn't read your post because it's the same bullshit you all spew."

Didn't bother to read factual evidence, and then essentially generalized and assumed it's all of "us". Who is "us"? I thought you are supposed to be tolerant and above us, you do not partake in silly insults such as "moron", right?

So far, you are the one losing your shit here and insulting me for disproving you. :*

Because there's no god damn evidence, there is mountains of stuff out there on this very subject.

You are claiming Hitler was a socialist because of the name the party had, do you have any idea how dumb that is?

Is North Korea a democratic country? Afterall, they have democrat right there in their name?

Here, let me copy paste the entire thing for you.

"Hitler’s National Socialism, and quickly the only National Socialism which mattered, wished to promote those of ‘pure’ German blood, removing citizenship for Jews and aliens, and promoted eugenics, including the execution of the disabled and mentally ill. National Socialism did promote equality among Germans who passed their racist criteria, and submitted the individual to the will of the state, but did so as a right-wing racial movement which sought a nation of healthy Aryans living in a thousand year Reich, which would be achieved through war. In Nazi theory, a new, unified class was to be formed instead of religious, political and class divides, but this was to be done by rejecting ideologies such as liberalism, capitalism and socialism, and instead pursue a different idea, of the Volksgemeinschaft (people’s community), built on war and race, ‘blood and soil’, and German heritage....Before 1934 some in the party did promote anti-capitalist and socialist ideas, such as profit-sharing, nationalization and old-age benefits, but these were merely tolerated by Hitler as he gathered support, dropped once he secured power and often later executed, such as Gregor Strasser. There was no socialist redistribution of wealth or land under Hitler – although some property changed hands thanks to looting and invasion - and while both industrialists and workers were courted, it was the former who benefitted and the latter who found themselves the target of empty rhetoric. Indeed, Hitler became convinced that socialism was intimately connected to his even more long standing hatred - the Jews – and thus hated it even more. Socialists were the first to be locked up in concentration camps. More on the Nazi rise to power and creation of the dictatorship....It’s worth pointing out that all aspects of Nazism had forerunners in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and Hitler tended to cobble his ideology together from them; some historians think that ‘ideology’ gives Hitler too much credit for something which can be hard to pin down. He knew how to take things which made the socialists popular and apply them to give his party a boost. But historian Neil Gregor, in his introduction to a discussion of Nazism which includes many experts, says: As with other fascist ideologies and movements it subscribed to an ideology of national renewal, rebirth, and rejuvenation manifesting itself in extreme populist radical nationalism, militarism, and – in contradistinction to many other forms of fascism, extreme biological racism…the movement understood itself to be, and indeed was, a new form of political movement…the anti-Socialist, anti-liberal, and radical nationalist tenets of Nazi ideology applied particularly to the sentiments of a middle class disorientated by the domestic and international upheavals in the inter-war period.” (Neil Gregor, Nazism, Oxford, 2000 p 4-5.)

Now you're assuming ALL OF THE EDUCATION SYSTEM is trash, how tolerant of you. I guess your school and parents did not instill any manners into you on how to be tolerant. How intolerant.

I love how you keep making awful arguments, and you've never had these arguments with someone that wasn't an SJW so you keep trying to play ideological bingo and box me in with your strawmen enemies.

I don't tolerate dumb people, I never agreed to tolerate dumb people. You are a dumb person.

Okay then, Mr. Factual :) Why the hate on Wikileaks?

Because Assange is an admitted propagandist and liar, and has been for the last 6+ years.

And source....?

No or huffpo please. Actual, FACTUAL, evidence.

Point me to it. :)

Literally just linked it to you.

But you said I'm autistic. I need extra extra help. :)

You're a walking poe's law.

You literary just said I'm autistic. :) So it must answer your question, right? You are superior to me so you must know.

Alright man, this is a rare example where I believe someone to be so stupid they literally can't comprehend anything being said to them.

You do you.

But how can I do me? Do I do it with my hand? Please help me o'great Aristotle.

Really? What's the point of what you're doing? I mean, it must be fun... it's fun to argue and annoy people.

Is it worth this much time and energy though?

Is it that you just need someone to love you? Are you lonely?

Maybe you should try some online dating or something?

I do worry for him. I used to think these kinds of people were just acting stupid to rile people up. Now I'm not so sure.

You tried to claim Hitler was a socialist

He was tho. National Socialist Party after all, albeit some old ideas were backstabbed rather efficiently when they got in the way

He wasn't though, this is like claiming north Korea is democratic because it's called the democratic peoples republic.

Hitler’s National Socialism, and quickly the only National Socialism which mattered, wished to promote those of ‘pure’ German blood, removing citizenship for Jews and aliens, and promoted eugenics, including the execution of the disabled and mentally ill. National Socialism did promote equality among Germans who passed their racist criteria, and submitted the individual to the will of the state, but did so as a right-wing racial movement which sought a nation of healthy Aryans living in a thousand year Reich, which would be achieved through war. In Nazi theory, a new, unified class was to be formed instead of religious, political and class divides, but this was to be done by rejecting ideologies such as liberalism, capitalism and socialism, and instead pursue a different idea, of the Volksgemeinschaft (people’s community), built on war and race, ‘blood and soil’, and German heritage....Before 1934 some in the party did promote anti-capitalist and socialist ideas, such as profit-sharing, nationalization and old-age benefits, but these were merely tolerated by Hitler as he gathered support, dropped once he secured power and often later executed, such as Gregor Strasser. There was no socialist redistribution of wealth or land under Hitler – although some property changed hands thanks to looting and invasion - and while both industrialists and workers were courted, it was the former who benefitted and the latter who found themselves the target of empty rhetoric. Indeed, Hitler became convinced that socialism was intimately connected to his even more long standing hatred - the Jews – and thus hated it even more. Socialists were the first to be locked up in concentration camps. More on the Nazi rise to power and creation of the dictatorship....It’s worth pointing out that all aspects of Nazism had forerunners in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and Hitler tended to cobble his ideology together from them; some historians think that ‘ideology’ gives Hitler too much credit for something which can be hard to pin down. He knew how to take things which made the socialists popular and apply them to give his party a boost. But historian Neil Gregor, in his introduction to a discussion of Nazism which includes many experts, says: As with other fascist ideologies and movements it subscribed to an ideology of national renewal, rebirth, and rejuvenation manifesting itself in extreme populist radical nationalism, militarism, and – in contradistinction to many other forms of fascism, extreme biological racism…the movement understood itself to be, and indeed was, a new form of political movement…the anti-Socialist, anti-liberal, and radical nationalist tenets of Nazi ideology applied particularly to the sentiments of a middle class disorientated by the domestic and international upheavals in the inter-war period.” (Neil Gregor, Nazism, Oxford, 2000 p 4-5.)

The entire nazi idealology was anti-socialist and anti-liberal.

Before 1934 some in the party did promote anti-capitalist and socialist ideas, such as profit-sharing, nationalization and old-age benefits, but these were merely tolerated by Hitler as he gathered support

As I said, he was quick to get rid of those ideas after they stopped being useful

The argument being advanced is that Hitler and the nazi party were socialist.

Hitler might have figured out how to play both sides, but national socialism and Hitler in general were anti-socialist.


comments on quality of education.


Can you copy paste where at any point I said I was pro communist?

No. I'm finding this thread pretty hard to follow with the way comments collapse on Relay and can't really figure out who is on what side.

I'm just here to stir the pot, fam.

I'm not pro-communist, this guy is just a rabid right wing retard.

He tried to claim Hitler was a socialist and Clinton is a communist.

Listen bro, don't get all in a huff because your state sponsored education center served generic tendies and gruel in the caf while certain persons in private universities were treated to Tysons extra crispy breaded chicken strips with extra bbq sauce cups.

It's just the way the system works.


lol, like that's some new pattern. That's the way every system has ever worked, just some more than others.

Yeah? How about you post a face pic holding a sign with your username on it then?

that sub literally advocates for "race realism". are you such a cuck that you're proud of being part of a community that thinks you have the intelligence of an ape?


Even in socialism’s most benevolent form it brings suffering. In Canada, from 1993 to 2009, an estimated 25,000 to 63,000 women died prematurely from having to wait for medical treatment, according to the Fraser Institute, a Canadian think tank. The number for men is lower, which means socialism may be worse for women than for men.Of course, 25,000 Canadians isn’t in Hitler’s league (six million Jews); and Hitler wasn’t in Stalin’s league (13 million Russians); and Stalin wasn’t in Mao’s league (65 million Chinese). But do numbers count? Was Stalin really worse than Hitler? 2.167 times worse? Canada’s socialism is as benevolent as it gets. But socialism, however innocently conceived, tends to grow up to be like the rabid Cold War socialism of Russia and Eastern Europe, and China. The suffering then was legendary. But legends don’t travel well in 140 characters, so that suffering is almost unknown to the iPhone generation, who are Bernie Sanders’s and Hillary Clinton’s supporters. The socialism and the "progressivism" of Clinton are inherently authoritarian, which is why she deserve to be depicted as the German house painter turned National Socialist monster with the funny little mustache, those two do.



and so much more... if she was elected.. then bad news Bernie.

I'm going to be honest here, I can't tell if this is a troll or what, but let's dive im.

Even in socialism’s most benevolent form it brings suffering. In Canada, from 1993 to 2009, an estimated 25,000 to 63,000 women died prematurely from having to wait for medical treatment

Ignoring the fact nobody here ran on government-run hospitals, what are you comparing this to?

The US healthcare system, which has the highest preventable death rate in the western world?

Or the highest maternal death rate?

Of course, 25,000 Canadians isn’t in Hitler’s league (six million Jews);

Hitler wasn't a socialist, or a leftist, or anything of the such, but this was a cute attempt. I can see how the "national socialist" name could confuse you, but if you're going to call Hitler socialist you might as well call north Korea democratic. This is a common right wing meme to avoid admitting the fact Hitler was rabidly far right.

Before 1934 some in the party did promote anti-capitalist and socialist ideas, such as profit-sharing, nationalization and old-age benefits, but these were merely tolerated by Hitler as he gathered support, dropped once he secured power and often later executed, such as Gregor Strasser. There was no socialist redistribution of wealth or land under Hitler – although some property changed hands thanks to looting and invasion - and while both industrialists and workers were courted, it was the former who benefitted and the latter who found themselves the target of empty rhetoric. Indeed, Hitler became convinced that socialism was intimately connected to his even more long standing hatred - the Jews – and thus hated it even more. Socialists were the first to be locked up in concentration camps.

It’s worth pointing out that all aspects of Nazism had forerunners in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and Hitler tended to cobble his ideology together from them; some historians think that ‘ideology’ gives Hitler too much credit for something which can be hard to pin down. He knew how to take things which made the socialists popular and apply them to give his party a boost. But historian Neil Gregor, in his introduction to a discussion of Nazism which includes many experts, says:

“As with other fascist ideologies and movements it subscribed to an ideology of national renewal, rebirth, and rejuvenation manifesting itself in extreme populist radical nationalism, militarism, and – in contradistinction to many other forms of fascism, extreme biological racism…the movement understood itself to be, and indeed was, a new form of political movement…the anti-Socialist, anti-liberal, and radical nationalist tenets of Nazi ideology applied particularly to the sentiments of a middle class disorientated by the domestic and international upheavals in the inter-war period.” (Neil Gregor, Nazism, Oxford, 2000 p 4-5.)

tends to grow up to be like the rabid Cold War socialism of Russia and Eastern Europe, and China. The suffering then was legendary. But legends don’t travel well in 140 characters, so that suffering is almost unknown to the iPhone generation, who are Bernie Sanders’s and Hillary Clinton’s supporters. The socialism and the "progressivism" of Clinton are inherently authoritarian, which is why she deserve to be depicted as the German house painter turned National Socialist monster with the funny little mustache, those two do.

I didn't ask you for your uneducated opinions, or your historical illiteracy, I asked you how Hillary Clinton was somehow idealolgical similar to Stalin. You've yet to actually do that.


I'm confused here, you just linked a snopes article refuting your own argument.

You know Clinton had no veto power over this deal, 9 different government agencies had to sign off on it, and the uranium couldn't be exported out of the US, right?

I didn't read this.

Hook, line and sinker

100% sure that guy isn't a troll, look at his post history.

It's not a troll, that's what they generally believe. They are unbelievably good at knit picking.


I didn't read this.

Don't have to. Just look at /u/asiltopbr tendies over the floor to see its correctness.

Lol, he wrecked you in his comment.

He really needs help admitting his nazi fetish

Actual autism, the modern far right ladies and gentlemen

tfw Hitler is a dirty socialist but also did nothing wrong??

how do they do this

Oh shit, you are actually retarded. So sad...

i didn't read this, but i did notice you included a link to wikileaks, like just the wikileaks homepage, which was a nice touch

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You tryna send us to the gulags boy?

I'd be more of an "exiled to an Island" type of dictator.

It's called "I'm fucking stupid basically"

Have you really sat down, smoked a blunt, and really thought hard about why you're spending so much damn time commenting about this stuff on reddit?

I mean, you only have so much time in this life. And you're spending it doing this. Why?

OP's true colors are revealed!

that guy is a white supremacist from r/altright

Yeah, no shit, he's trying to claim Hitler was a socialist and his arguments are so fallacious it makes my head spin.

I love how you jump on any support you can grasp from others who got BTFO'd in the past.

First I'm an autist, then a moron, then a SJW, now a schizo. Why so intolerant and disrespectful? Why do you have to be so bigoted. :(

It's probably because you suckered and he's trying to push you to be better.

user reports

1: white genocide this fucker right now


lol just because you go on r/altright doesn't mean you are a supremacist you big meanie. :( It's just that I have a different political opinion than you.

lmao being this stupid


Wow, I expect ableism in /r/socialism, but certainly not here. Shame on you, reeemann.

This is what nazis actually believe

I believe brdbrained twinks calling everyone right of center "nazis" is why you commies lost your asses so bad in November. For a group that claims to be so much smarter than everyone on the right, you sure have difficulty learning. Keep it up and we won't see a dem in office for decades.

calling everyone right of center "nazis"

No, just the actual nazis, generally.

why you commies lost your asses so bad in November.

The "cumskins are so sensitive about being called racist they voted for a con artist" meme is my favorite

Keep it up and we won't see a dem in office for decades.

Good, maybe it'll radicalize some useless liberals into actually giving a shit for once

No, just the actual nazis, generally.

I find it funny that the same people crying nazi are the ones who refuse to support Israel. If there were half the "actual nazis" the ctrl-left claims, Obama wouldn't have got in office to begin with. I don't think there are many more of them than there are extremist from any other group, the only difference is the far left sees hating whites as acceptable, so the media ignores it.

The "cumskins are so sensitive about being called racist they voted for a con artist AN ITS UR FAULT" meme is my favorite

Sounds like grade-A liberal butthurt, hate I missed that one. Maybe if dems had a better argument than calling everyone who disagrees racist, the outcome would have been different. Calling millions of voters racist did nothing but piss them off and you've still learned nothing. If we're going to be deemed guilty regardless of our own actions, then why would anyone bother trying to NOT be racist. This approach is completely counter productive and doing noting but making more actual racists on both sides.

Good, maybe it'll radicalize some useless liberals into actually giving a shit and doing something that isn't voting or whining for once

Well, at least we can agree on your last point. We have all these shiny new FEMA camps going to waste. Sounds like a good plan to fill them up. DO IT!!!

What does supporting Israel have to do with Nazis? Why are you so dumb?

Israel exists because of actual Nazis. You know, the whole killing millions of Jews thing, maybe you've heard of it? Now the left is anti-Israel yet calling all republicans nazis, and you call me dumb? What a retarded bull-dyke you must be.

OK. But what does supporting Israel have to do with Nazis? We'll address your stupidity later.

If we're going to be deemed guilty regardless of our own actions, then why would anyone bother trying to NOT be racist.

"stop calling people who are openly racist racist" is my favorite meme

cries that he gets called a Nazi

Immediately calls everyone who disagrees with him a commie

Fucking idiot hahaha.

BRB, going to buy some milk. When I return, I'll drink said milk and you can lick the frothy shit off my lactose-intolerant white ass. :)

you have posted enough passive aggressive emojis now, we understand you are hurt in the anal region

No hurt here, my candidate won. Every time a nu-fag calls us nazis, we get closer to winning again in 2020. I encourage it!

What should we call Nazis? "Adherents of the cuck-led National Socialist German Workers Party" doesn't really roll off the tongue.

ACTUAL NAZIS are... Nazis. Not the millions of trump supporters the butthurt leftist keep calling Nazis.

No, only the Nazis are being called Nazis. There just happen to be a lot of Nazis who support Trump. Not surprising considering the fact that Trump is literally a fascist.

fact that Trump is literally a fascist.

Fucking kek. Ok. Done debating with CNN brainwashed SRS retards. Drink the punch already.

Fuck me you're stupid.

I believe brdbrained twinks calling everyone right of center "nazis" is why you commies lost your asses so bad in November.

You believe lots of things, most of which are false.

Ah, another legbeard digging through 4 day old posts to find things to disagree with. Go drink some antifreeze, dyke.

i read top of the week

lol just because you go on r/altright doesn't mean you are a supremacist

Yeah it actually does, you fucking retard.

half of our country

If this election has proven one thing, it's that reddit is a very poor indicator of what the US thinks

True, if you went by Reddit then Bernie would have been inaugurated back in June and failing that Hillary would have won by 100 Electoral Votes.

Still , as non-American it disgust me how much attention socialists gets in US . Many of redditors are involved in this mess.

It's mostly teens/20somethings trying to be edgy.

Do it kulak

You need to go outside lmao

What country?

North Korea of course!

Nice dude

Don't listen to the thoughts of stupid teenagers and NEETs on the Internet.

C'mon man, everyone knows the most enlightened are college or NEET socialists. The Mother Jones, HuffPo, and Slate articles they parrot are the god-ordained truth.

Vox is never wrong.

Nigga what country are you living in? You just made it so obvious that you never leave your house, and your opinion of people has been shaped by shit you found on Reddit. And likely not even by visiting the subreddits of the people like you described, but by being told by people on /r/the_donald and /r/altright that "THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE IN AMERICA WHO WORSHIP STALIN. ANYONE WHO DOESN'T SUPPORT MY SHIT CANDIDATE IS LITERALLY MARX"

Also, you support Donald Trump. Your opinion about who is and isn't a good leader is fucking irrelevant, because you're clearly a god damn retard.

I'm still waiting on my winter coat.

It does seem like it's really ratcheted up the last year or so.

I blame Bernie "we're comin bucko" Sanders.

Don't you need some sort of condition to post there?

By being able to post here you're most likely overqualified.

There is no rise of communism. There has been "a rise of communism" according to the right wing for decades. I can't believe this shit still works.

There is no rise of fascism. There has been "a rise of fascism" according to the left wing for decades. I can't believe this shit still works.

Where did I claim there to be a rise of fascism??

Nah, not a rise of actual communism, but rather people professing their love for it. So rather, there is a rise of interest in the ideology

Can you blame people for taking interest in an ideology that supposedly levels the playing field, when we've all been born and raised in a country like America?

I'm no communist. Obviously, the shit doesn't work. But when you grow up in a system like ours, for all of its flaws, you'd have to be a god damn idiot not to question Capitalist ideology. Capitalism is just a much a plague as communism. Sure, we have computers and shit, but who died for us to have these computers? How many kids died in factories where our goods are made, and moreso, how many kids in our own system are starving?

I agree, and it sucks. But latching onto another bad system seems rather futile

Well, it depends on how you look at it. There are many good things someone could learn from the teachings of communism. Not to be excessively greedy. Not to be selfish. Helping others. Equality. Etc, etc. I'm not saying that in a communist society, these things exist, or are actually practiced. But the teachings are valuable. I appreciate many teachings of capitalism as well. Competition, prosperity, etc. These are also valuable things to learn.

And yes, I fully practice what I preach. I don't just talk about how people shouldn't be greedy, or materialistic while my existence revolves around buying the latest Apple products. I own 3 posessions; A skateboard, a laptop, and a phone. That's all I have. It's all I need. Everything else is a temporary comfort that I can leave behind at a moment's notice, and have done many times before.

That's actually pretty similar to how I live. I don't own a whole lot of stuff either.

Capitalism is just a much a plague as communism.

It really is not though.

Compare China pre-1976 and post-1976, USA and USSR, FDR and DDR, North Korea and South Korea, Venezuela and Chile. Look at the statistics about the decrease of poverty worldwide as free markets spread out (example: people who are hungry went from 1b to 750m as population went from 5 to 7b), look at life expectancy, look at how is EE doing now compared to when it was in the Warsaw Pact, look at countries by Economic Freedom and tell me whether you'd like to live in countries at the bottom or at the top of the list.


Why do you hate new technologies and economic growth so much? Why do you want everyone to be poor in a glorious socialist republic?

Cuz he's a lazy fuck who wants free shit without doing any work for it.

This whole dumb communist bullshit pulsing through reddit these past couple of months is really indicative that reddit's main audience is currently just starting college.

I consistently see people like you say this on /r/drama and it's the only thing that makes think I'm not taking crazy pills.

When you remember that the person you're talking to is probably no older than 22 and more likely 18, the reddit experience makes hundred times more sense.

Which, to be honest, I still don't understand at all. It feels like the scene in 21 Jump Street to me, where they get blown up for their car and the cool kids had the prius or whatever.

Back when I was in college (2006-2010), I fucking loved spending money on useless frivolous shit. The iPhone when it came out, making the guy with the BMW drive everywhere, blowing off classes to go skiing, etc. Don't get me wrong, we ate like we were broke and had shit apartments and big loans, but those years were to be a kid, not solve the world's problems. Maybe it had a little to do with privilege and sure we thought it would be cool to have universal education but.... nahhhh ranked basketball matchup tonight and I gotta go get wasted and hit on girls pulling water bottles of $15/handle vodka outta $300 purses.

What privilege though? It's not privilege, it's called being a college kid. It was what the college experience was all about, no matter of skin or creed, everyone mixing in together and having a good time.

These days these 18-20 year old social justice morons want to be the next Nobel peace prize winners of social media just to take a snap for their Twitter or Snapchat to seem 'cool'. It's pathetic. And these colleges are probably the ones to blame, there isn't a decent professor left in lower tier colleges, and even the ivy leagues are shitting out socialists left and right.

Yea na, disregarding race, sex, religion, whatever. The privilege of having parents whose heads were far enough outta their asses to push me to a good school, a useful degree, and help out when the bank account got too low.

Totally agree to your point though, even 5 years ago we had shit like engineers without borders. You wanna get water to a village in Guatemala? The professor will help you design a pump and distribution system for your capstone, then you can get your asses down there, and help install it and train the people. They're not gonna encourage you to set up some drum circle in the quad to "raise awareness" by inconveniencing everyone else.

Yep, pretty much. Fuck will a like on FB do to save someones live in Uganda?

Kony 2012 was great success

engineers without borders

Kinda going off a tangent here, but this reminds me of a guy I met in college who worked with Doctors Without Borders for a few summers. So, as you probably already know, Doctors Without Borders works in developing countries with endemic diseases, many of these diseases caused by poor hygienic standards. Case in point, the Congolese village my friend was working at had people shitting in/around their water source. They tried to teach them that shitting in their water source is bad, and the kids learned easily enough, but the adults and elders just didn't want to listen, and kept shitting near their water source. So, what they did is that they would give the kids a bunch of extremely loud whistles and make a game of scaring anybody who was shitting near the water source. It was apparently so fun for the kids that they actually got bummed out when people stopped shitting near the water source. They eventually had to take the whistles away from the kids, because they were beginning to scare everyone who shat, regardless if said shit was near the water source or not.

They eventually had to take the whistles away from the kids, because they were beginning to scare everyone who shat, regardless if said shit was near the water source or not.

They will pry my whistle from my cold, dead hands.

there isn't a decent professor left in lower tier colleges

That's definitely not true. My college is generally known more for its parties than its academics (to say the least), and the majority of my profs are good. Some of them are absolutely fantastic.


All that stuff still happens. Those kids out having fun aren't the ones who spend their time whining on reddit. They leave that nonsense to the unpopular kids.

I mean I'm a more recent grad and its all still the same. I knew some socjus types in school and they loved buying frivolous shit and going to parties. Honestly most of the time they did any meat realm activism shit it was somehow tied to a class project.

Honestly its just the same group of art freaks and poli sci bozos that were alway being whiny preachy bastards except they reached critical mass so they can impose their bullshit on the majority and people stay quiet because they'd prefer to not be hassled

Back when I was in college (2006-2010), I fucking loved spending money on useless frivolous shit.

Am currently in college, we still love spending money on useless shit. Getting wasted on $15/handle vodka is a weekly thing.

It's not about ideology (although college and high school kids are undoubtedly more idealistic and naive), but that they're so fucking certain. Almost literally no real world experience and usually not more education than the purple they're arguing with and holy fuck are they so certain about things.

I think the prince dude here is the best drama example, although 5th law or priapism are close contenders.

that they're so fucking certain

Am a lawyer. Can confirm that the average high-school redditor knows more about constitutional law than the US Supreme Court. /s

Back when I was in college (2006-2010), I fucking loved spending money on useless frivolous shit.

So do most Redditors. They're just either broke or dependent on mommy and daddy, so they want to spend other people's money on useless frivolous shit. Hence the socialist/communist obsession on here.

I'm 31 and the mix of unthinking hard left (and I consider myself hard left but I try to justify my opinions, not just believe them) and hard right pro-nazi people... it's pretty entertaining.

I'm only 19

It's also 20-something software bros who've never lost at anything (besides women), losing for the first time.

Sooo incels?

these past couple of months

It's been like this for years.

Idk most internet commies I know are older than me :|

How old are you?


That's why there's /r/enoughcommiespam

I really don't understand America's obsession with Communism/Socialism. While at one time, anyone left of current Republicans were hounded by McCarthy and Red Scare. I feel there is still a huge chunk of older generation/rural population opposed to communism and even socialism. But what's up with urban kids embracing it (actually universities are perfect breeding grounds for anarcho-communists. While I personally would never suppress communists, they do tend to form militias and gangs which can be very violent. We had and still have communists in our country. Although capitalism has made them irrelevant, they still are PITA especially for the most vulnerable folks.

American communism is strictly confined to academia. There's no calls for "workers of the world unite", and there's no antifa street gangs that I know of. American communism is ivory tower treatises on how stabilizing pillars of society (eg the nuclear family) should be eliminated, with no apparent concern for how people who rely on those pillars might be harmed.

Those are the people (along with the chinese lol) that represent socialism/communism to American conservatives, which I think explains why they hate it so much.

That, and there's the widespread notion that it "just doesn't work" which I'd agree with but sort of neglects the possibilities of a mixed economy.

how stabilizing pillars of society (eg the nuclear family) should be eliminated

citation needed. most American platitudes on communism are just pop-radical crap.

That isn't an anti-commie tweet

but anyway jesus christ i wouldn't mind internet pinkos so much if they weren't so fucking smug while also being so meme centered and ineffective

A spectre👻👻 is haunting👻 🌍Europe🌍 — the spectre 👻of communism☭☭☭☭. All the 💪💪powers of old Europe💪 have entered into a 🙏 holy alliance 🙏to exorcise this spectre👻👻👻: Pope 💩💩and Tsar💩👎👎, Metternich💩 and Guizot💩💩💩, French Radicals🇫🇷🇫🇷👎👎👎 and German police-spies🚮🚮🚮🚮. Where is the🎉 party🎉🎉 in opposition that has not been 😿decried😿😿 as communistic☭☭☭☭ by its 😦😦opponents in power😦? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding🔥🔥 reproach🔥🔥🔥🔥 of ☭☭☭☭communism☭☭, against the more advanced🎊 opposition parties🎊🎊🎊, as well as against its 🙅🙅🙅🙅reactionary adversaries🙅🙅? 🕑Two things🕑 result from this fact📕📕: I. ☭☭☭☭Communism☭☭ is already acknowledged by all 💪European powers💪💪 to be itself a 💪💪☭power☭💪. II. It is 🕛‼️🕛high time🕛🕛🕛❗ that ☭☭Communists☭☭☭ should openly, in the 😛😛😛face😛😛 of the 🌍whole🌍 world🌍🌍🌍, publish📕📕 their📕 views📕📕📕, their 🎯aims🎯🎯, their tendencies☭☭, and meet this 🍼nursery🍼🍼 tale🍼📕🍼 of the 👻Spectre👻 of Communism👻👻 ☭ 👻☭ with a manifesto📕📕 of the party📕🎊☭ itself.

do it again

A spectre👻👻 is haunting👻 🌍Europe🌍 — the spectre 👻of communism☭☭☭☭. All the 💪💪powers of old Europe💪 have entered into a 🙏 holy alliance 🙏to exorcise this spectre👻👻👻: Pope 💩💩and Tsar💩👎👎, Metternich💩 and Guizot💩💩💩, French Radicals🇫🇷🇫🇷👎👎👎 and German police-spies🚮🚮🚮🚮. Where is the🎉 party🎉🎉 in opposition that has not been 😿decried😿😿 as communistic☭☭☭☭ by its 😦😦opponents in power😦? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding🔥🔥 reproach🔥🔥🔥🔥 of ☭☭☭☭communism☭☭, against the more advanced🎊 opposition parties🎊🎊🎊, as well as against its 🙅🙅🙅🙅reactionary adversaries🙅🙅? 🕑Two things🕑 result from this fact📕📕: I. ☭☭☭☭Communism☭☭ is already acknowledged by all 💪European powers💪💪 to be itself a 💪💪☭power☭💪. II. It is 🕛‼️🕛high time🕛🕛🕛❗ that ☭☭Communists☭☭☭ should openly, in the 😛😛😛face😛😛 of the 🌍whole🌍 world🌍🌍🌍, publish📕📕 their📕 views📕📕📕, their 🎯aims🎯🎯, their tendencies☭☭, and meet this 🍼nursery🍼🍼 tale🍼📕🍼 of the 👻Spectre👻 of Communism👻👻 ☭ 👻☭ with a manifesto📕📕 of the party📕🎊☭ itself.

/u/Communizer you would last two seconds in the USSR, faggot. I hope some Russian teenagers hate crime you with a hammer.

What do you expect. Education system teaches this shit along with critical race theory and islam. If we were a normal person that was a minority and went into globalist education system you will be fashioned into a commie racist tool.

TIL learning about anything other then how awesome white people are is communist and racist.

Not just white, white übermensch

Can you be more specific?

You literally said learning about Islam fashions you into a commie racist tool.

Learning? Why would you need to learn an objective fact? You don't go to school and 'learn' that the sky is blue.

Fuck white people. If you ain't an , you ain't shit.


Edit: Had a sick burn post, accidently pinged the wrong person. Feels bad, man.

Also dunno why commies keep thinking they can attracted american blacks. "You homes, you like fat trannys and instead of buying spinners/bubble, you can buy seeders for a potato farm? No? Why????!!"

Generally, modern communists only pretend to be interested in black people. Commies that have actually tried to appeal to black people did very different (and idiotic, and a little bit racist) things.

I don't even know who's more retarded at this point: the autistic Nazi LARPers or autistic commie LARPers.

Well the commies just shitpost, the nazis are fucking with our EPA regulations so....

Eh, I don't like Trump either, but he ain't got nuffin' on the sad autists in places like /r/altright and Stormfront.

He certainly shitposts similarly, though not too much

tfw you want the communist revolution to happen just as much as the commies do just to see them btfo.

It's amusing to see r/drama to prove once again that they prefer ancaps to communists any day.

Woah I wouldn't go that far. The hatred is just different.

Ancaps are still funny, though less in number than commies

They are about as funny as Jeff Ross. So not very funny.

2016: BPT starts posting college-level memes

2017: goes full stalinist


i shitpost as nazi and normalfriends ruin it by taking it seriously

i shitpost as a sjw and normalfriends ruin it by taking it seriously

i shitpost as a trump supporter and normalfriends ruin it by taking it too seriously

i shitpost as a commie and normalfriends ruin it by taking it seriously

i shitpost as an anarchist and normalfriends ruin it by taking it seriously

the only logical conclusion is that paradoxposting projects my singularity-tier ironic autism upon the general population. i'm pretty much god now.



I had to stop playing Axe because he was a fucking pinko.

we all know Meepo is secretly a true patriot

As a black man, I find this funny.

First world communists.

We don't say it hasn't been tried, but that it was not implemented well. Mostly this is because communism depends on post-scarcity conditions to work, and places like Russia had serious resource scarcity issues, as well as very low levels of technological advancement.

Ah, I see /u/RNGmaster, you have to have a completely ideal environment for it to work. Lol Does that not signify to you that it isn't a very hearty system? Also, if it is NEVER implemented well, why should people keep trying it?


paris communr


revolutionary catalonia

Turned into a brutal communist regime


Lol Does that not signify to you that it isn't a very hearty system? Also, if it is NEVER implemented well, why should people keep trying it?

Well, Marx's thought was that communism was the next stage in the evolution of the world's economic system, and a natural reaction to the negative aspects of capitalism. But this requires that capitalism reach its end-stage, where the scale of resource extraction and labor efficiency is large enough to provide adequate resources in a sustainable way for all citizens. Russia basically tried to pass straight from feudalism to communism without having capitalism established in-between to modernize their economy and prepare it for the next step. The thought was that a socialist revolution would have been more successful in an advanced country like the USA, where there already are enough resources to provide for everyone.

The main issue here is the transition to post-scarcity. We're getting very close worldwide, thanks to technological advancements, but since the market does not distribute resources efficiently, we end up with gigantic global inequalities that create instability and tend to self-intensify. Like, ideally, automation of work would be a good thing if the economy was controlled by the working class. But because capitalism runs off cheap labor, there's no incentive to fully automate everything, when you could just use third-world workers for less money.

When we start moving into transhuman territory, if we're still operating under a capitalist system, access to resources will be even more unequal, and that inequality will be arbitrary. Say that we invent a drug that disrupts and slows the aging process. Under capitalism, it makes sense to manufacture this in relatively small quantities and sell it for high prices, because artificial scarcity creates demand and increases profit. But if a treatment like that were available, it would be spectacularly immoral to not give everyone access to it. But unless capitalism is overthrown, these hierarchies will grow more exaggerated and more entrenched.


The Paris Commune worked until they were massacred by a government army. Maybe I should have qualified my statement.

[Catalonia] Turned into a brutal communist regime

Whaaaaat? It was crushed and taken over by the Franco regime, which was fascist.

Alright, maybe Rojava is a better and more modern example.

I kinda drop the communist thing and call them Russian sympathizers. Ronald Regan is turning over in his grave with a middle finger to these traitors. When were we supposed to start liking Russia?

Well one of them managed to trigger me, here's the source they provided claiming 1,559,657,267 Murdered in the Name of Profit

>This is what communists actually believe


Nazi-Germany capitalist

You're a fucking moron.