Wendy's Tweets a Stale Meme; Bloggers Shit Themselves in Outrage

141  2017-01-04 by EmotionallyMatureDM




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Various Other Bloggers Shitting themselves 1 2 3 4

Oh Jesus Christ that's some grade A drama

Spergs gonna sperg-out

Update 1/4/17 2:09pm EST: Guess who just endorsed Wendy’s as their official burger chain of choice? The fucking Daily Stormer, that’s who! The neo-Nazi site described Wendy’s official response to the now-deleted meme tweet as “a frog whistle, straight up. And we need to embrace them for it.”

“Everyone knows that Pepe is a Nazi frog,” the site’s founder Andrew Anglin wrote in a blog post today, “As companies continue to send signals to the Alt-Right, I will continue to endorse them.”

Nazi's sure can troll tho.

Yeah, i loved the right wing safety squads and their crusade against fire hazards.

They're just trying to save lives

God bless em

Say what you will about nazis, they sure are creative and come up with the best ideas. And the best names too. What sort of asshole would be against safety

What was that about btw, I saw some threads on /pol/ about it but I'm not in the loop

Basically, a lot of indie underground music clubs attract anarchists, antifa commies and left-wing liberals, so /pol/ tends to despise them. Then, after one of those clubs called the GHostship burned down (killing more than 30 people), /pol/ got the idea to report as many as these clubs for fire safety violations. Because these are underground and illegal clubs, a huge amount of them actually were fire safety hazards, and the fire inspection had significant reason to shut a large portion of them down after inspecting. Either that, or they were forced to pay several thousands of dollars to reach a fire safety standard, which most of them simply couldn't afford.

The fallout was fantastic, and a lot of people got insanely pissed about it. You had anarchists on reddit trying to 'raid' 4chan (not knowing that they were actually raiding 4plebs, so just the archive). The best part is that they couldn't do anything. What /pol/ did was completely in compliance with the law and many of these clubs were actually a fire safety threat to their surroundings.

Oh god that is fucking beautiful

Looks like Pepe will be the new Swastika. That, too, used to be a symbol of peace and happiness!

I hope they give us Pepe armbands for our death squads.

The thing is as well, most of the bloggers who are aware of the Pepe=Nazi thing will likely see through this as trolling, but will blog about it as a genuine story for clickbait.

Easy trollbait from Anglin. It's way too easy to get these asthmatic liberals hysterical.

a list of people that should take some lead aspirin

“These anti-Semites have no shame. They are abusing the image of a cartoon character, one that might at first seem appealing, to harass and spread hatred on social media,” ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt


Have memes become real life?

A Jew? The leader of the Anti-Defamation League? What a coincidence.

A Catholic? The Pope? What a coincidence.

What's your point? The ADL is the anti-anti-semitism league.

Have memes become real life?

That's what the mayans predicted in 2012, we entered the age of memes. Consider yourself lucky you were born just in time to explore dank memes

The Verge is clickbait that rails against memes because they know it will 100% get views.



No shit, how else did they get those A grade costumes?

something hugo boss don't want you to know is that they didn't actually design them, they just sewed them together. They've been subtly taking credit of for the iconic fascist look for decades, it really is a clever marketing campaign.

Wait what? Then who did make them?

Barack HUSSEIN Obummer

so dictator-chic

Gay pussies on Internet complain about cartoon frog. News at 11.

big if true

Great, now the memelord that works for Wendy's will get replaced and we'll be missing out on bored interns roasting retards over a burger joint's twitter.

Fuck you pepe will never be stale.

I'm just glad that /pol/ has seized Pepe back from the normies

They also made Cheese Pizza the new mainstream ode word for kiddie porn. /pol/ is growing ever more powerful.

Why dont you have a seat...

top kjasd

It's because of all that spicy OC.

The Wendy's wage slave dude from /b/ leveled up to professional meme dissemination.

I still don't get how Pepe the Frog became a "hate symbol".

Because some edgelords on twitter/pol shopped him with swastikas and then Hillary put out that stupid article on her website and then SPLC decided "yeah a meme is hate speech"

God the SPLC is a fucking joke. The fact that they are taken seriously is ridiculous.

But they say things I agree with

I'm sure if I listened to or read enough of Stalin or Pol Pot they'd eventually say things I agree with. Doesn't make them right.

Makes em alt-right, tho

Misspelled alright

White on, itoucheditforacookie.

Stalin and Pol Pot are alt-right now? TMYK

"No true communist!"

everyone I don't like is alt-right

Makes perfect sense.

Except for Milo, for whom everyone he does like is alt-right. (plus a few Nazis, but meh, beggars can't be choosers.)

If you want to go forward in your browser, you press alt-right.


Don't be a retarded

Don't listen to Mao on iron production quotas!

sometimes people are wrong about things and that's ok

They used to be serious but all good things come to an end

They were never really that serious. They didn't ever care about leftist hate, they were just concerned with calling everything on the right hateful.

They were never really that serious.

You sure about that?

/r/mensrights is a hate group per their findings...

We were truly an Alt Right shithole the whole time!

I voted trump, cucky

I knew it. Delete your account subreddit.

Clarification: I mean this one, not r/mensrights.

Doesn't that make you a house-woman? Aunti-Sue? Anyways, stop internalizing that patriarchy.

That's some nice cancer you got there.

Show us on the doll where the feminists triggered you.

I can't. Dolls don't have the foreskin that the feminists cut off.

Maybe you should be blaming your parents instead tbh.

Who here /CutMasterRace/?

who here /FooledGoyim/?


This is where I went from being suspicious of the SPLC to fucking hating them

They declared Maajid Nawaz and Ayaan Hirsi Ali as anti-muslim extremists. SPLC are Islam apologists, hypocrites, and partisan hacks of the highest order. They don't even list radical Muslims as a hate group on their "hate map" https://www.splcenter.org/hate-map

Even better, they added that it depends on context.

...Like literally all speech ever.

It's worse since these fucking dipshit news sites don't understand how any of this works.

If more people actually flooded the market with rare pepes like Wendy's is actually doing. Then Pepe would actually be thought of as less of hate symbol and more like the greatest meme that it actually is.

Same way any symbol acquires meaning- people associate it with something. It's not a hard concept to grasp.

In a similar manner to how I associate your comment with retardism?


Oh come on Vulva, you aren't really this stupid are you?

I honestly don't know why this is difficult for you to understand. Symbols take on significance as shared understanding of meaning spreads.

Shared understanding of Pepe is that it's a dumb frog meme about depression and autism. The hate symbol stuff is an artificial construct.

It was about feels good man, then depression and autism, then smugness, and now, hate. Shit evolves bro.

It's only about hate for idiotic far-lefters.

No, most people associate it with anti semitism now. You're behind the times.

Sorry nah. The only people that make a fuss about it and call it anti-semitic are butthurt social justice wanker types.

Poor Pepe, little guy doesn't have lawyers, agents, or a PR team like Taydolf Swiftler.

Yeah dude, you are totally right. For your sake, I hope you don't have any Mickey Mouse paraphernalia in your house anywhere

We wouldn't want anyone to think you were a white supremacist sympathizer now would we?

Who associates mickey mouse with Nazi Germany? Did you actually think you were making a relevant observation?

I do, and therefore its a white supremacist symbol.

Reminder that this was barely a talking point before the Hillary campaign pushed it.

thank God they did

Bloggers were a mistake.

Wait, did the fucking verge try to criticize the validity of, you know, an actual newspaper?

That's like an arsonist saying the fire department is underfunded

Somehow bloggers bought into this attitude that they're the real journalists, and that they're quicker and more accurate than the real ones, but also not technically "journalists" (don't use that word) so they can't be held accountable for their words or actions by basic ethical standards.

It's born out of the 15-year-old notion that "these new bloggers sure are quick to catch wind of things and discuss them!". They think they're underground, and hip, and in the know, and thus that's why they're first to print. The truth is, they don't fact-check anything, they often just make stuff up, and on a slow news day they drop any pretense of doing news and just right fluff-based opinion pieces.

But they still like to maintain the idea that they're somehow better than actual journalism. Unfortunately, traditional journalism is trying its hardest to prove them right in a race to the bottom.

The only people that call Pepe a stale meme are the people that find Harambe memes funny in 2017.

are the people that find Harambe memes funny in 2017 ever.


I'm confused, I thought Harambe was also a racist meme.

lol not really

Harambe died months ago. Pepe has been going strong for a decade.

anti-semitic hate symbol Pepe the Frog

My sides with fries

The right sides with Israel and against Islamic terror. The left embraces fanatics that throw gays off buildings and want Jews dead.


Lol, who are these lefties supporting Islamists throwing people off buildings and wanting to kill all the Jews?

The left, duh.

they voted for Barack Obama, known Kenyan Islamist

Barack Hussein Obama loves ISIS so much he keeps drone-striking them to death. Tsundere President.

Barack Hussein Obama loves ISIS so much he keeps drone-striking them to death.

That makes at least as much sense as his healthcare plan.

At least he had a healthcare plan (that worked).

That's debatable.

the rebels in libya and syria were / are substantially islamist


The whole pepe/nazi connection is a false flag engineered by the right to trick the left into banning a cartoon frog, therefore exposing the depths of their hysterical commitment to cultural policing.

Thanks humble water filter merchant

And like everything the right does it worked out spectacularly

dumb frogposter

Ffs, even the ADL said it wasn't inherently an antisemitic symbol.

Were they the ones who said, "It might be, depending on the context?"

To be fair, almost anything can be anti-semitic, based on the context...

if the context is there are swastikas in the image then surely it is the swastikas that are the anti-semitic symbol

Why Wendy’s tweeted an anti-Semitic hate symbol dressed as its mascot

This really is the greatest timeline.

It just started to have a life of its own. All these versions of Pepe having different personalities – smug, sad or really violent and weird,” said Furie, citing a “scatological and weirdly graphic” version known as Poo Poo Pee Pee Pepe

fuck this gay earth



Scat Pepe is best Pepe. But poor Wojak :(

Smug? Violent? #FeelsBadMan

The whole point of poo poo pee pee was /r9k/ trying to 'scare the normies away' with disgusting and violent imagery. This was before Pepe became Kek and was adopted by /pol/ as their God.

t. memeologist

Its favorite starter pokémon are Gengard, Charizard, and Articuno.


Aw. I thought someone had found a frog in their chili.

favorite starter Pokemon Gengard, Charizard, and Articuno

starter... Articuno

Fuck right off

"gengard" didn't do it for you?

The fact that they didn't even quote Wendy's right is crazy

You guys have Battletoads?


@wendys knows how forum trolls like to call GameStop and ask for Battletoads, a game that isn’t out.

Hmm let's see what Google has to say about this...

Initial release date: 1991

Yup it's out.

This is nothing. I went to Wendy's last night and ordered some juice. And they said it will take a minute since it's still in the oven. So I asked them why would juice be in the oven. And they replied "Oh, you meant Juice!" I'm never going to Wendy's again 😤

Poor Albert Einstein. He won't have any %100$ bills left if he keeps this up

The election traumatized people so badly that they're calling cartoon frog memes "anti-semitic hate symbols" now.

Or they just accept anything that Hillary says as true without questioning it?

Ah yes, the "new meaning".

No more goosestepping for the right. Now it frogmarching!

Silly Verge, Battletoads was released, quite a few times.

@wendys knows how forum trolls like to call GameStop and ask for Battletoads, a game that isn’t out.

Leave it to The Verge to not understand why asking for BattleToads is funny. They think it's because it's an unreleased game!

Cartoon frogs are very influential these days.