An idiot argues that a tv show is real life

6  2017-01-04 by HodorTheDoorHolder


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Don't get me wrong, "The Wire" is a great series, but it's become this right-of-passage for middle class millenials that somehow establishes credibility when talking about poverty, violence, and drugs.

It takes away from being able to rewatch the show and enjoy it. The last thing I was is for some kid in a Descendents shirt referencing The Wire as if it bestows upon him a unique perspective.

Hey how's it going. I'm the "middle class millennial" using the Wire as an example of people doing illegal things to survive. I could have given a million different examples, but I just finished re-watching it for the second time recently, so it was on my mind. If you read through OP's post you will realize I was just using it to show how it's not always moronic, but rather the norm in some places to commit felonies in order survive. I am in no way saying I have a deep grasp on poverty becasue I saw the Wire. I have tekn some sociology classes, so I am not completely in the dark, and frankly resent your assumption that I am just some middle schooler who thinks he knows of the world because I saw the Wire once.

Hi! Welcome to r/drama!

I wasn't so much singling you out, as much as pointing out the "role" of The Wire for a large portion of the population. I can appreciate how fired up you are about the whole thing though. The Wire has just become the point of reference for a lot of white people when discussing urban crime/moral relevancy. Not saying that you're necessarily wrong, just that it occupies that spot in our culture.

I totally understand what you're saying. I probably used it as a reference just because of how prominent it is, and how easily you can pick-out sociological concepts when watching. I only wanted to demonstrate to u/HodorTheDoorHolder how it's not so simple; to just call everyone who commits a felony "idiots." For someone who claims to have seen the show 3 he sure didn't learn much.

If you're a budding sociologist, you might also be interested in the function of discipline that is also very clearly failing to make much of a difference. It's certainly a factor in the decision-making process, particularly for young men in those areas. I always liked studying Foucault in my sociology courses. "Discipline and Punish" is pretty damn good and relatively easy to get through.

Hey, thanks for the friendly info. I might give it a read.

It's a good read

Everyone who commits a felony is an idiot, you dolt

You do realize there have been many studies done that show the average person commits multiple felonies a day. just a quick google search will show how many different ways people technically commit felonies every day. Here's one example

Turns out the world isn't binary. Now if those weren't the felonies you were looking for I apologize, maybe you can elaborate.

Soft paywall

Also I should clarify: people who get caught are idiots

but I just finished re-watching it for the second time recently

I've watched it 3 times

If this was a playground and we were playing one-up, I might actually be upset, but it isn't, so i'm not. Instead, I feel fortunate. I watched it once less than yourself, and yet I still comprehend it better. Go me!

Omar (sorry Michael K. Williams) has a show out right now discussing people doing illegal things because they feel it is their only way to survive. Is that a better example of idiocy, or can you understand, like Michael, that art (especially crime dramas written by cops/reporters) imitates life? I guess The Wire is just fantasy....nothing taken from real events at all... That's your argument now? XD

Haven't watched it, not gonna watch it, but i'm sure it's funny! Not relevant to your argument; but funny!

You're refusing to watch a video starring Omar?

You're literally too dumb to reason with. I never told you what to do you fucking idiot. I merely pointed out how stupid you were for misconstruing my use of The Wire as an example of deviant behavior in order to attain cultural goals as somehow comparable to McNulty and Coleman's antics. McNulty and Coleman already have the means to survive, It should be obvious to anyone who's seen the show, that when I'm discussing people who "feel they need to commit serious crimes to survive" in the context of The Wire; it's going to be the corner boys, and addicts; NOT THE FUCKING COPS WHO GET PAID TO PRAY ON THE CONERNBOYS AND ADDICTS YOU MORON. I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT IF YOU'VE GOT HALF A BRAIN AND ARE AT LEAST TRYING TO HAVE A REASONABLE ARGUMENT. Instead you act is as If I told you how to think and give a shit example that only helps your shit argument. You try to discredit the show as fantasy, but now you're a bigger fan than me? Get the fuck out of here you fucking moron. If you're over 18 god help you. "If you are born into a society where felonies are the norm, it's not idiotic. It's still idiotic. Selling felony level drugs can get you years in prison besides the dangers from other drug dealers and jackers." You really don't understand what perspective means do you? Of course it's stupid, so is hockey, and I fucking love hockey. So is Sky diving and people fucking love Skydiving. Selling drugs might be stupid, but that doesn't mean it's not the norm and what some see as their main form of survival. You act as if someone, even yourself if born into a shit environment with no real parental guides would somehow through osmosis or the holy spirit, find the right moral compass, when in reality there is no such thing. Take 1 sociology course and see if you can't gain some perspective outside of your own black and white box you seem to enjoy so much. “Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both.” C. Wright Mills.

If this were a tad less specific, this would be delicious pasta. I'm sure a bright chef can make it happen though.

Once I saw him use The Wire in his defense I knew he was gonna be easy to rile up.

It's just such a great show

Oh it is. I've seen it three times.

It's amazing. Once you use a work of fiction, even if based on factual events, in modern times, filmed in the real City; it's somehow devoid of all meaning? Your fucking teachers must have had led paint too.

Oh and good job citing my post out of context u/HodorTheDoorHolder

I'll make sure to check up on you periodically you sexy lil drama bringer

Lol the death throws of a dying redditor. Enjoy your stupidity, and attempts to create karma from it.

Do you think I post in /r/drama for karma? I post here to make fun of people like you who rant and get flustered over the stupidest arguments. I was trolling with my original comment in that thread and you kept going on and on. Even here you keep on like it's the only real thing in your life.

It's weird; when you reply with a stupid argument, it goes to my inbox. I guess I could not reply, but how am I supposed to know you're not actually retarded and just a troll with no life.

This discussion has become like a 40 degree day...

> stupidity

>death throws

LOLOLOLOL OP is actually a faggit this time.

It wasn't the Wire that made him think playing hockey and skydiving are perfect analogies for dealing crack.

Sopranos was better

It was first but not better