
18  2017-01-04 by DonutMusiC3

So I have an ex and honestly it's a very long story but if you guys want to hear it just say so. But that's not why I'm writing this post. So what happened is that she thinks it's okay to kiss someone and only be friends and she says that we can still kiss but without committing. I've told my friends about this and they straight up are saying this girl is a slut and I should seriously keep my distance. Like she says she's not kissing multiple guys at a time but that doesn't mean she's not willing to do so. I kinda confronted her about it and she got pissed off saying "people do it all the time" like how?? Like guys what should I do? Should I keep talking to her and hang out with her or just leave?


Why have you not backhanded and dropper her yet?

Mixed feelings tbh

Shes a bucket. Stop being a manlet, talcum powder your hand and strike like a pimp.

She's your ex and you need to stand up and fight for what is rightfully yours. You kissed her before these other guys and if she is still kissing you then you have not truly broken up. She's pretty much cheating on you directly to your face.

Being this disrespectful is an affront to your honor and manhood. This is a classic "shit test" and you must assert and maintain frame like never before if you want to make it out of this without being forever disgraced. Don't back down no matter what.

She likes someone else though. I've tried my absolute hardest to try to get her back the past few weeks but I don't think there's a chance anymore.

Girls love persistence. Have you tried proposing to her?

No but I've told her my feelings many times and very differently and detailed each time. I kinda gave up with the whole thing because I think my persistence is starting to piss her off. To be honest I think there's no use. We weren't meant to be.

I dunno man. You're already 13. Can you really afford to go back on the market again? You'll face limited options.

True. But I mean I still have high school ahead of me and that's only one girl and honestly I get along with tons of girls at school soo I wouldn't know

Everyone knows that all the best women are taken by 13. You'll just be picking up the leftovers through high school and college. The best marriages, are the ones where people have been together since junior high. Ask anyone.

I'll probably follow up on this then but not until another few months. I've done some pretty fucked to shit to her too soo..

well hold the phone, OP. what exactly did you do to this poor girl?

When she broke up with me, I ended up liking her best friend. Biggest mistake ever.

OP, you fucking shitlord. Well, did her best friend like you back? You should have included this in the title. I think an edit is in order. This changes everything.

Nah she didn't. I'm stupid for that cuz she had a bf. I want to do the full on story but idk if people would actually wanna read it.

You left shit out, OP. This sub has done its best to give you good advice, but you didn't give us the whole story. You have done a disservice to r/drama. You must rectify it.

I only wanted to know if what she was doing as in kissing other guys wrong. Tho advice on the past relationship id have to write it out fully

But do you, like, "like" like her, or do you, like, like like her?

Who? Her best friend?

Yes. Daphne.

No only a little.

Not anymore tho.

honestly I get on with tons of girls at school

Bottom confirmed.

Is this an eight grade type of problem or an eleventh grade problem?

8th 😅

Tell her you only kiss girls you fuck

Lmao nah

Detain her, then process your emotions by eating her limb by limb

This is a very clear-cut case of needing to establish your dominance. 8th grade is no different than the jungle.

First, you need to kick this shithead's ass for stepping in on your territory. If you can take him one-on-one by the monkey bars, do it. Preferably in front of other people.

If you don't think you can take him in a fight, then no worries my young friend, all is not lost! Jump him at night. Use a baseball bat if you want a little extra assurance. Before he loses consciousness you make sure to grab his head up, by his hair, and tell him that the next time he kisses your girl, his parents are going to have to buy him dentures. Unless he hasn't lost all of his baby teeth, I guess. If that's the case, you'll need to specify dental implants.

Then, you find some other little floozy to make your new woman. You kiss her at every available option in front of the other girl. Also make sure she very loudly announces how huge your package is.

This should solve all of your problems and set you up for a pretty good time transitioning to high school.

Lmao but the shit is that me and that guy are cool. He hasn't done anything. It's just that she likes him and the guy has been helping me through it. But yeah I'm trying to find someone else to be honest

whoa, back up. you are actually friends with the guy that cucked you...and he's helping you through it?

this is no way to go through life, son. this is weakness, and is no precedent to set for future relationships. these bridges are no good, they must be burned. in the most dramatic, painful way possible for all involved. it is the natural way of things.

Tbh, you should just go for the guy then. Steal the man away from her and then she can't kiss him anymore. Nothing is more dominant than banging the guy who cucks you.

His first mistake was not marking his territory by peeing on it. I suggest watching the classic educational video by R. Kelly.

The only solution is a premptive strike: kiss multiple guys at the same time first to prove to Lisa that she's tearing you apart.

While don't you grow some balls and learn to like sex with men. Women are gay.

kissing multiple guys at the same time

That's called a mandingo party son.

Fuck her. It's always easier to get passed them after you've fucked them. And then move on, brother. Commitment is too high a cliff to jump from.