Some spicy stuff at /r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns when a poster gets banned from a local group for hating cis-people. They deny that cisphobia exists

49  2017-01-05 by astraydoge


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


  1. This Post -,,,*

  2. Gather yer popcorn mateys -,,*

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getting sick of these uppity subhuman cissies forcing their way into trans* support groups.

Dat me! Hue hue hue

Minority or majority, at a fundamental level, this is no different from a generalization about trans people or any other minority. You can't just think in terms of us vs them; that only amplifies the problems we face. Every group has both good people and assholes.

Oh hey that's reasonable. Nice post. This thread doesn't seem too bad an-

I understand not wanting to spread negativity in a support group, but cisphobia? Unless you're calling for the extermination of all cis people what is there to say about them in a trans support group that isn't a valid criticism? They're the fucking oppressors, for crying out loud.

lol here we go. /u/unstableisocrazy , did someone make fun of your beard not matching your floral print dress?

You can call them any pronoun you want while throwing fruit at them and denying them a job and a place to live. As long as it's not calling for genocide, it's not transphobia so it's all good man.

/r/facesofmentalillness needs to be a thing

Punkbitca must be really hard to get on with if even other trannies are getting fed up about the nonstop whining about cis people.

Seriously. Trannies are some of the friendliest, accepting people I have ever met. There's no way in hell that person got banned just for saying "CIS people aren't oppressed"

Hmm sure

Actual trans. Not "demi genderqueer tater salsa"

I've grown tired of the Transcentric sports in the Oppression Olympics.

The pigment density races are much more competitive this year and way more exciting.

We need a new event - this year has been all about Liberal Tears, Transgressions, The Crusades 6.0, and Race War Race.

Maybe we could have some nice cyclist drama (people seem to be universally into bike lanes now tho) ..... What about a side of Shouty Vegans?

In my home town, it has been motorists vs cyclists for at least 5 years now. This is real drama where every motorist is called a bully and every cyclist is called an anarchist.

Cyclists have nice butts! 😍


Race the kikes! Gas War Now!

Individual cisphobia isn't cisphobia any more than me not liking neckbeards would be considered neckbeardphobic.

Neckbeards can shave their neck. Normal, well adjusted adults cannot change their sexual identity.

"Cis" is not a sexual identity. Also, cis people and neckbeards are both not oppressed. Which was the comparison being made.

You can't change your gender. You are born with it. That was his point

You can't change your height either. Hence my example.

Not being into someone's appearance is one's preference. Hating someone because they were born a certain gender is not ok.

Hating someone for any reason is not okay. But hate doesn't automatically mean oppression. Oppression is systematic. Nobody is taking cis rights away, or tall rights away. But that does happen for trans rights.

Being cisphobic doesn't mean you are oppressing anyone

Nobody is taking cis rights away, or tall rights away. But that does happen for trans rights.

Actually, nobody is taking anybody's rights away. Not recognizing "rights" that never existed in the past is not the same as taking rights away. Denying you access to the "woman's" bathroom (because you're an adult with XY chromosomes) is not taking away any of your rights. You never had those rights to take away.....Or something like that...I really don't know...what are "trans rights" anyway?

On a related point, go Trump go.

Not sure if this is satire or not.

I'm seriously not sure what "trans rights" are. Things like the right to life, liberty, housing, food, employment, etc, etc, are basic human rights guaranteed by law. What, specifically, are "trans rights"? The right to pee in the washroom of the "sex/gender" not assigned to you at birth?

My question is, what right do you need that is not already granted to you by virtue of you being a human being?

Well for one it would be nice if when murdered our assailants couldn't use a "trans panic" defense to get a reduced sentence. Then from there maybe it would be nice to reduce how often we're murdered and go from there to healthcare issues.

I don't mean to trivialize any difficulty you may personally experience, but does the "trans panic" defence actually ever work? I ask because being a lawyer, I often hear about "crazy defences" which are raised by defence council but which are nearly never successful. I think if anything, if the death of a trans woman is punished less severely, it has more to do with the fact that we tend to View the murder of men (biological men) as less of an issue. This is particularly the case if the biological man is viewed in some sort of negative "sexual" light. I know of cases where people who have assaulted "undesirable men" have received surprisingly light sentences.

Please forgive me if I'm offending you. I've never really thought about these issues. It just seems that what is at issue is not the legal rights that trans people are denied but rather the public prejudice that they face. I don't see a denial of legal rights; however, I can see that trans people suffer a great deal of public prejudice and bigotry.

I don't think we need special laws to address issues like murder. I do think we need more empathy for all people in society. I'm certainly not against public efforts to increase awareness.

Again, I mean no offense and I'm not trying to minimize anyone's trouble.

The trans panic defense has gotten dozens of killers reduced sentences and it's only banned in California and I think Ohio

Not to beat a dead horse, but a variety of "factors" are often used to lessen the severity of people who kill "unsympathetic men". Probably the best known example are men who kill their wife's lover. I know this may be cold comfort, but if the "trans panic" defence was not available, juries/judges would find another reason to signal their dissaproval of "unsympathetic" male victims. The best solution would be to instill in society that the lives of all men are just as valuable as the lives of women or children.

What does "unsympathetic men" have to do with trans women?

Banning conversion therapy seems like an infringement on basic freedom too. I think it's retarded, and certainly nobody should be forced into it, but people should be allowed to make stupid choices.

I feel the same way about Scientology too. But banning nonsense is a slippery path.

Parents sending their kids to anti-LGBT conversion therapy should be arrested for child abuse. Plain and fucking simple.

Well for one it would be nice if when murdered our assailants couldn't use a "trans panic" defense to get a reduced sentence.

You should probably tell the John that you've got a dick before you take the money, then.

Denying you access to the "woman's" bathroom (because you're an adult with XY chromosomes)

Segregating bathrooms on the basis of chromosomes is illogical, because chromosomes do not impact how one functions in a bathroom in any meaningful way.

TIL that having a penis does not allow you to pee standing up.


So its not okay to hate someone if they murdered my family?

You know what I mean.

"Cis" is not a sexual identity.

Please respect us by referring to us by the name we prefer: normal.

Cis is a silly term for normal. I'm a man and identify as one, you know like normal 49.9% of the species. I don't need an exta syllable.

By that logic why not just get rid of words for anything that describes the majority of people. You're Chinese? No I'm normal. You're Christian? No I'm normal. Your name is Mohammad? No I'm normal.

Because in this case it's uneeded. Man, woman, trans man, trans woman. Covers it all. No need to add words. The only time cis makes sense would be in a group of trans people talking about someone outside the group. This would not justify changing normal discourse. My profession has its own lingo but I don't expect the world to adhere to it.

That's... literally exactly how the word cis is used already.

Haha no.

Yeah that's pretty much exactly how it's used. Most people don't specify unless necessary

tranny rage comics

i didn't really think there was anything worse than a rage comic, but they've somehow found a way.

Nah, it's a nice sub. Gives me laughs sometimes

Ah the mentally ill who think they are another gender think normal people are oppressors.

I never said anything negative about cis people. I only said they aren't oppressed because a handful of people with personal prejudices don't make an oppressive system. I never claimed such personal prejudices to be nonexistent nor did I claim them to be right. Perhaps consider reading the thread first.

It's like you don't even pay attention to the environment you're in before you run your mouth...

The environment is a sub that actively searches for drama. I don't think anyone in this sub has any place to talk about running their mouths

And yet again you've missed the point entirely.

You may find, in life especially, that you'd do better to keep your mouth shut and ears/eyes open.

But who am I kidding? We both know you aren't going to do that.

Keep my eyes/ears open? You're the ones accusing me of shit that didn't happen based on a thread you didn't read about an event you weren't present for. But sure.

I didn't accuse you have anything. I made an observation about you. That being you run your mouth. More specifically you don't leverage your sensory input/output appropriately.

I know what you say didn't happen as you describe based on what you've written (here and the other thread).

You're a victim of yourself who seeks to find blame in others to justify your own self-imposed inequity.

To simply the point I made originally, if you ran your mouth at the appropriate ratio (to your eyes/ears) you may find you won't be kicked out of clubs that solicit people just like you.

I mean how stupid of a fuck do you have to be to get kicked out of a trans club when you're trans? That's like getting fired on your day off for stealing boxes.

I got kicked out for a stupid reason because the people in the group were a bunch of pissbabies. If you've been paying attention I did absolutely nothing wrong. All I said is that cis people aren't oppressed and a bunch of people got butthurt and reported me. I know what I said. If I'd done something wrong I'd own up to it. You assume that I must have done something stupid but you're not taking into consideration bad judgement on the part of those who banned me. You're just assuming it must've been something I did.

You continue to miss it by a mile.

Good luck with your new club.

I mean you WERE banned by other trans people for being hateful. So it had to be something more than that

All I said was that cis people aren't oppressed. Sometimes people get offended by things that aren't bad. But if I'd actually insulted cis people or made threats of violence or said anything hateful I wouldn't complain because it'd be my bad. I'm not completely oblivious to my actions.

So a group of trans people banned you for saying something not hateful? Sure thing.

Fine, don't believe me. I'm sure you were there and know exactly what happened much more than I would.

And I'm totally 100% sure that the truth of the story can be told by one party (who happens to be on bottom).

I believe you, it's disgusting how supportive people are of cis. Fragile masculinity is such an infuriating double standard.

Sometimes people get offended by things that aren't bad

Things that aren't bad? You mean like the expectation that you not self-mutilate and pretend like you're something you're not?

Gr8 b8 m8

several call us crazy or mentally ill.

I mean, when you see a spade...

I hope all trannys and faggots die.

lol jk guise, its ok, only giggles, peace and love

😭🔫 ok

OP is as reliable a narrator as Humbert Humbert.

As a member of the LGBT community, I hope this person doesn't breed until they figure out some things.

What percentage of MtF trans are just creepy white nerds with sissy fetishes?

I just got told in 2x not to use the term male and female along with a link explaining why... hopefully it gets posted here sooner rather than later

It really isn't hard to tell. People got mad because I said cis people aren't oppressed and apparently that's the same as hate speech.

Last time I heard one of these "I said nothing, they just overreacted!" claims was in /r/legaladvice when a guy got kicked out of a Nintendo meetup because he was severely autistic toxic. I bet in real life he was exactly the same, maybe even the same person, as that guy from /r/legal advice.