[Kidnapping Fallout] /r/anarchism has entered full damage control mode "there's no evidence they were inspired to do this by leftist rhetoric"

70  2017-01-05 by lvl99SkrubRekker


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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They use an image of Leo Tolstoy in their sidebar but forget that he was a devout Christian.

All the great novelists were except Adams and maybe Pratchett and some of the non-English ones I ignore

Christian anarchism is a thing.

huh well TIL

Does it follow the teachings of the Orthodox Church?

it's mostly rooted in the theology of some guy named Jeff.

my nameuh jeff

Idk but one of my IRL leftie friends is seriously religious Greek Orthodox. She's a mutualist, which is a form of socialism/anarchism.

Nah it could easily be a false flag and if it were, those statements would be the key part of the script. It seems fishy as hell, as if it were planned for maximum shock value.

Him saying "Fuck white people, fuck Donald Trump" ++shock value

Livestreamed on Facebook: ++shock value

Mentally disabled victim: ++shock value

Scalping: ++shock value

/u/etatsunis are you high?

If history has taught us anything, it has taught us that mentally disabled people never become crime victims due to the fact that they are more vulnerable than other members of society.

This is because criminals are known for never perceiving a person's vulnerability, and then targeting them based on that perception of the person being "easy pickings."

That's how /u/etatsunis and the rest of us know that this victim was targeted for his shock value; this literally has "false flag" written all over it :(

How come so many Redditers can only express themselves through sarcasm and smugness? Are you expecting someone to give you a high five and commend you for being so witty and clever? It's cringe inducing and pathetic. I'm embarrassed for you. :-(

Logged in to say this. :( :(

I'm embarrassed that you're more retarded than the poor bastard that was tortured on a live stream yesterday.



Ding ding ding!

Are you making fun of my hearing aides?

Don't mind him. He's just jealous that he doesn't have as many chromosomes as you do.

Making fun of people with Down syndrome-- your flair checks out!

My flair is actually because i'm a buddhist


[perl]#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict;

my $i = 'void'; my $meditations = path_to_enlightenment(); my $three_jewels = tell ( *REFUGE = *DATA );

MANTRA : until ( $i eq attain( 'enlightenment' ) ){

seek REFUGE, $three_jewels, 0; study <REFUGE>;

redo MANTRA unless &$meditations > boundaries( $i );

$i = attain( 'enlightenment' )


sub path_to_enlightenment {

my $merit = 0;

return sub {

$merit += practice( 'perfections' ); $sentient_beings::++;



sub practice {

foreach ( 'generosity', 'morality', 'patience', 'concentration', 'wisdom', 'enthusiastic perseverance' ){ ${$}++; }

return 1;


sub attain { return @_ } sub boundaries { return length $_[0] }


Sang-gye Cho-dang Tsog-kyi chog-nam-la Jang-chub bar-du dag-ni kyab-su-chi Dag-gi jin-sog gyi-pe so-nam-kyi Dro-la pan-chir Sang-gye drub-par-shog

I take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha Until I attain Enlightenment. By merit accumulations from practicing generosity and the other perfections May I attain Enlightenment, for the benefit of all sentient beings.



Buddha Dharma Sangha[/perl]

buddha was a fascist tho?


quit being a faggot

Homophobia. You're now up to 2 years Gulag. Wanna try for 3?


Garden gnome

watch the throne

How did you know I'm on the toilet?!

because it's where you're supposed to shitpost

I'm LGBT and I use faggot all the time, grow up dude.

Shut up faggot.

No thx bby. <3


Now you're getting it.

No, you're clearly supposed to be offended.

What the fuck did you just fucking say to me, niggerfaggot? I'll have you know I was the top Goldstein of my class at kike school, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Neverland Ranch and I have over 300 confirmed triggerings of socialists.

probably the most retarded, atleast Racism and Sexism exist, no one hates someone because they have a disability, I mean, other than the kidnappers of course.

Says someone who hasn't spent a significant time around tards and austists, they're pretty easy to hate

Don't downvote the lolcow you subhuman morons.

friendly advice that I give all tards now: don't follow any of your ghetto class mates into any white vans, even if they promise you candy.


Better ableist than communist.

sarcasm and smug condescension

I also offer ridicule, disdain and scorn. And don't forget to ask about this week's special deals on sassmouth and chutzpah!

expecting someone to give you a high five and commend you for being so witty and clever?

No, I was actually expecting someone to give me a downvote and express hilarious butthurt over what I wrote above, which you were kind enough to do with the hate crime against self-awareness that you wrote up above.

But surprisingly, instead of one or the other, this time I got both! Yay!

How come so many Redditers

*Redditors (Get the Grammarly extension you lame)

can only express themselves through sarcasm and smug condescension?

This is /r/drama. Smugness is next to godliness here.

Redditers is correct if you're American. If you're not American, you're incorrect.

I just use whatever Grammarly says. Where did you get that from?

where in the ever loving fuck did you come up with that?

Long ago on reddit the consensus was that "redditer" is correct and "redditor" sounds pretentious, but perhaps the consensus has changed over the course of the past decade. I don't know and I don't care.

I don't know and I don't care.

We have a real, live anarchist here, folks. A rarity in our humble sub.

You only communicate in one-buzzword posts. Calling someone "ableist" or "homophobe" isn't communication, you kike.


Why didn't you call out his Jewphobia? My jimmies are approaching maximum rustling.

Jew! Jew! Jew!

Serious question -- what's your problem with sarcasm?

It's overused.

Why do you think that? I personally could do with way more sarcasm around, I enjoy it a lot.

Well, keep on Redditing

you too thanks

But really, what's the problem -- do you just dislike it as such, or do you think of it as an unfair rhetorical superweapon because it doesn't actually expose the actual argument you could argue against?

No, it's just boring and unoriginal. I don't feel obligated to give everyone a proper response. I'm on here for my personal amusement. If I feel that someone is being insulting, I'm probably just going to troll them. You think I actually take reddit seriously? LOL. Also I don't subscribe to this sub, you fuckers dragged me in here by tagging me.

It's way funnier than simply saying "this person is wrong because of so and so obvious reasons".

Also, you should subscribe, this sub is full of gays and autists, it's pretty cool, you know?

I thought so too when I was 18.

It's funny until you've been on reddit for 10+ years and you're talking to teenagers who've just discovered sarcasm and think it's the greatest thing ever. Sarcasm can certainly be funny but it isn't automatically funny. It isn't conducive to meaningful discussion. Obviously that's not the purpose of this sub.

Nobody will ever take your political ideology seriously because of people exactly like you, I'm just wondering, what is it like?

I'll take my political ideology seriously once I decide what it is.

Nihilism is cool and all but once you get a job it'll probably shift away from that sort of edgy bullshit

Lol jokes on you. I have a cushy engineering job with competitive pay and benefits.

Believe it. Murica

Let me offer you a comment devoid of sarcasm or condescension:

You should have been aborted.

Ooo a mean person.

No, really, I promise I am not joking or being sarcastic with that comment. I really do think you should have been aborted.

And I'm really serious when I say that it hurts me deeply that you feel that way. I'm going to lie awake at night thinking about how ArcjangelleLovesRape said a mean thing to me on the internet. I may never be the same again.

I may never be the same again.

Well then, there may be some hope of improvement for you.


Commendations on your witty and clever post!





They finally get one thing done right and they try to deny it.

Damn, the autists are in full swing.

I can't believe I had to scroll half of a comments section before finding "false flag". Damn, r/anarchism. You are getting soft.

As we all know teenagers are the most politically in tuned people, they must have done this because of leftists.

Are you implying that constantly being told by BLM that whites are the problem and/or the political left constantly shouting that white trump supporters are the problem (and are evil bigots) played no factor here?

Weird. I keep reading about Trump supporters harassing minorities but keep seeing minorities beating the shit out of Trump supporters.

also weird that the anti-Trump hate crimes are nearly always caught on tape, and the pro-trump hate crimes never are (shortly before they are revealed to be made up)

it must be a coincidence.

nice agendapost

Are you new here?

Unfortunately not

I agree with him though, you are kinda obsessed with reddit lefties.

he's got a thing for twinks and doesn't have a healthy outlet. don't be kinkshaming

Lefties here always complain that people are obsessed when their kind gets made fun of.

1) I've made fun of them plenty

2) Sure, it's all in my head

"This post wasn't politically convenient for me to laugh at :((("

dae drama was better before people made fun of my pet cause

SRD-tier sarcasm, drink bleach.

implying i don't have a constant iv of bleach



Just to explain: a mentally disabled man was kidnapped, tied up, and tortured, all on camera.

Fucking animals

Surely you realize calling black people "animals" is a racist dogwhistle?

Unironically defending the perpetrators because that person hates racism.

I was genuinely surprised that that thread didn't devolve into accusations of specieism, last time I checked at least. I mean, calling disgusting humans "animals" is why we feel OK about eating them, obviously.

Its amazing, you can actually feel the virtue signalling

Are they even allowed to use a term like "dogwhistle"?

That sounds pretty offensive.

You're naive if you think that they aren't going to slander us regardless of how respectable we make our message.

/u/stardust_witch, do you know that this is exactly what some gamergate degenerate told me when I wondered that maybe they shouldn't say that Sarkeesian deserved rape threats if they didn't want people to say that they send rape threats to people? And in fact I saw more or less the same sentiment expressed multiple times by other gators elsewhere.

I don't think it's a coincidence. I think that most people on hate subs like that actually believe themselves to be good people and don't actively do any bad stuff themselves, so when someone points out something bad that members of their community did, they make countless other available arguments that distance themselves and their image from that bad thing.

But when someone rolls out the good old "our enemies would unfairly accuse us of all these horrible things anyways, what's the point of self-policing?", then you know that you're talking to one of the actual assholes who send rape threats to feminists or torture disabled whiteys.

My mom works with people with autism and a couple of them like saying inflamatory things without fully realising what they're saying. It's possible that's what happened here.

Mommy says it's the autism who did this REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

The best is the hidden racism behind it.

"Blacks are so trigger happy, even mentally ill people are not safe"

This is just another great social experiment perpetrated by Joey Salads!

That man is a genius!

This is absolutely disgusting, this has detrimental effects by giving ammunition to bigots.

The video is literally comprised of bigots. Why is that not the main concern versus how does this hurt my team?

[This] will play right into the hands of white supremacists.

Sure. That's the problem. The actions of these racists, will upset other racists.

!!!SERIOUS!!!:=> [unjerk] real talk, it's very dangerous to spread these kind of videos around because, even if they actually happened, talking about them will encourage people to go and commit even more hate crimes. News needs to be unbiased but it also needs to be ethical and there need to be limits on what can be talked about. I think this video should be banned from being shared on social media such as the reddit and anyone who talks about them should get 1) a warning and 2) account deletion haha just my 2 cents
