LGBTQ Nation names Milo Yiasomethingorother as their Person of the Year, resulting in a shitstorm full of shithawks and greasy shitropes in /r/LGBT

36  2017-01-06 by xjapxn


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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People still use the term reactionary? I thought that got replaced with alt-right when it stopped being cool.

Lmao do these people mot recognize that there are places in the world where being gay is a crime? They really wanna try their hardest to he the most oppressed but its not working.

Yeah. This is prime /r/firstworldproblems material.

"Oh no, someone I hate got an award! This is the worst oppression ever!"

"Um, people get killed for being gay in other countries."

"That's whataboutism! My oppression is real, shitlord!"

Can't imagine why people hate histrionics.

It's also incredible how hard they're trying to downplay the worst mass shooting in US history. A shooting that was committed against them because of the fact that they are gay, because oh no, straight white men still exist in America. Apparently simply existing as a white Christain in America is worse than actively slaughtering people in a nightclub over their sexual orientation.

Yeah, that's pretty disgusting. Someone shoots up a gay nightclub? Shooter was muslim, wasn't white, many of the victims were white, but nah, totes whitey's fault.

In between sending me nudes, /u/sumant28 and /u/jewdank told me this is why we need Trump.

Mateen's father and ex-wife both admitted that he was never a particularly religious person, no?

/u/giveviolenceachance (nice user btw, you'll soon go the way of /r/leftwithsharpedge) because we've seen over and over in other situations (ie "he dindu nuffin") that family can be trusted in their accounts of a bloodthirsty psychopath


here's your (You) 😒

Just remember: if you lived in many other parts of the world, you would be stoned to death. Places like where mateen's papa came from

So? Homophobia in the Middle East doesn't excuse homophobia in the West. This is literal whataboutism. Try harder.

You've stated "it's only going to get worse here"

This is literally the best time in human history to be gay/trans

Wake up

This is literally the best time in human history to be gay/trans

Bullshit. Primitive societies were often less strictly gendered and homophobic than modern society is.

Yeah and you'd die at an early age from some bloodbourne illness you got from ass fucking

Like what? AIDS wasn't really a thing until the 80s.

No they just knew it was a thing in the 80s



This is literally the best time in human history to be gay/trans aside from ancient Sparta or Athens.

The Greeks were very much into butt stuff. When the Spartans weren't fighting or training, they were having gay orgies.

Fifty people killed by a second-generation Middle Easterner from a nominally Muslim family for reasons unrelated to religion

unrelated to religion


Fifty people killed by a second-generation Middle Easterner from a nominally Muslim family for reasons unrelated to religion

this delusion

Tell me again how the dozen or so Westboro Baptist nutcases calling people faggots IRL or 4chan brigading an online poll is so much worse than being blown away or thrown off the rooftops by poor oppressed moderate Muslims.

Then again, I guess you're used to being fucked in the arse and asking for seconds, lel.