The lowest hanging fruit tastes the sweetest: Advice Animals discusses racism

32  2017-01-06 by [deleted]

Full thread

The blacks made my kids racist

"anyone who says "minorities can't be racist" or "women can't be sexist" isn't talking about prejudice, they're talking about oppression"

More about the South

What will happen when the mayoapes are finally bred out?

Nice little slapfight over the definition of racism

Note that I did not just link the thread and say "sorted by controversial for your pleasure", because that's about as pleasurable as having something jammed in MY (you bunch of sick fucks) urethra.


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


  1. This Post -,,,*

  2. Full thread -,*,,*

  3. The blacks made my kids racist -,*,,*

  4. "anyone who says "minorities can't ... -,*,,*

  5. More about the South -,*,,*

  6. What will happen when the mayoapes ... -,*,,*

  7. Nice little slapfight over the defi... -,*,,*

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Happy cakeday snapshillbot!

that's about as pleasurable as having something jammed in your urethra.

Hey! Some of us enjoy sounding

It's the thinking man's fetish

That dude sent his kids to what sounds like an inner city school and is surprised that it sucks??

inner city

Wow nice dogwhistle fam. I guess this is trump's amerikkka

I don't think the type of person you're trying to emulate would say that inner city schools were nice.

inner city

you're triggering me

Good! 😳

Systemic implies that the highest system is whats most important, getting killed for being white by 2 black men is the same as getting killed by a white mob, you are still dead. The difference in size is irrelevant

i'm honestly impressed at how regularly and effectively you're able to remind me you're retarded

From the mouth of babes though.

I'd put it differently though, the main property of systemic discrimination is that you can't just disengage, if every shop refuses to sell you stuff you can't just go to a different shop, and moving to a whole different country is hard.

But things can be hard to disengage at all levels, not just a rather arbitrary level of a country. For example, if it turns out that the Title IX committee at your university is misogynistic, you might find yourself in rather deep shit, financially comparable to moving to another country actually. Or if a couple of black guys decide to kill you, same, could be hard to just ignore them.

Now, one could say that no, the actually important thing is the total size of effect. But that has rather hilarious implications.

yeah, i was mostly just astonished at how specious an argument he was making, apparently completely genuinely. "systemic racism doesn't matter because people die to non-systemic racism too, so clearly the systemic part is pointless to contemplate

Systemic implies that the highest system is whats most important

What the hell does this mean lol

It means the idea that racism exists hurts his feelings

I've been staring at this line for 5 minutes and still have no idea.

about as pleasurable as having something jammed in your urethra

so, extremely pleasurable?

I have edited the post to describe the correct sentiment

can't knock it till you try it, sugartits

I've had enough catheters to know I don't like it

give me one

I already gave them all to /u/chaoticevil

Weird, I went to a majority black school and somehow I didnt turn into a skinhead. Those people's kids must be giant pussies.

Yeah, I went to a inner city school and all it taught me was [REMOVED ON LEGAL ADVICE] and thats why I spent some time in a young offenders unit.

Thank you for not just linking the full comments like SOME PEOPLE.