Once again a pre-op tranny dominates a women's sport competition. Transphobic bigots who do not know it's [CURRENT YEAR] discuss whether there might be actual biological differences between men and women.

56  2017-01-06 by BannedFromImzy


Cool story, bro


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Are people with Down syndrome a different sex, due to a different chromosome set.


Retardation is universal

They're not really human anyway.

Really? A handful of altered genes is enough to make you declare them not human? Maybe you think they don't act human, but genetically and biologically they are absolutely human

I'd need to cut open a few to really form an opinion.

I'm sure all of those people are diehard cycling fans concerned for the sanctity of their beloved sport and aren't just just there to pounce on any story that confirms their preconceived notions.

What preconceived notions? Or do you mean the proven fact that men are stronger, faster, and have greater endurance than women?

have greater endurance than women?

I've heard it said that cardiovascular endurance is the one area that women can surpass men in. No idea if it's true but I've heard it said

They can certainly surpass me in a contest for who can push the largest mass out of an orifice.

Bullshit. I've seen the things you put in your butt

With or without lube? These details are important.

Blood is lube. So, with, I guess.

How would you measure that? In any known endurance event, men win. What would be the hypothesis? Maybe women have a better oxygen delivery system than men, but their muscles are less efficient. IDK, I just don't know ho you could really make that claim without a lot of qualifiers.

It depends on the muscle mass of the man. Men have roughly 20% greater lung capacity and muscles take oxygenated blood to operate. So all other things being equal (training, weight, ect) a male athlete will destroy a female athlete in endurance because of the greater lung capacity.

I meant their notions of the "SJW Menace" or whatever

preconceived notions

You mean "reality"?


TIL T blockers and estrogen change lung capacity.

Oh wait... They don't.

Biological males have larger lung capacity, larger lungs mean increased cardio performance. Also, just because takimg T blockers makes you lose muscle, it does NOT mean that a person completely looses their base muscle structure.


Fucking biology how does it work?

It's a miracle.

The penis goes into the vagina

And I don’t wanna talk to a scientist Y’all motherfuckers lying, and getting me pissed.

Do people still smug post with biotrufs?

Depends on what you consider "biotrufs". There's a difference between a redpiller using shitty reasoning to justify why he's attracted to a 14yo and that's just how nature wants it, and someone posting there is obvious sexual dimorphism in the human race.

Biology is a social construct

good because I love a girl who can bench press my drunken ass

Those transgender athletes born as female but who identify as male should be allowed, according to the IOC guidelines, to compete in men’s events without any restriction.

Well whoop dee fuckin doo. Like that is ever going to come up. Track and field is an easy example of how incredibly unlikely it is that a women would ever be able to compete in men's sports. The mens 100 m qualifying time is 10.16 seconds. So you will need to run at least that fast or they don't really want you at the olympics. The fastest a woman has ever ran the 100m is florence griffith joyner in 10.49 seconds. It was widely rumored she was on steroids too. Identify as whatever gender you want, but lets be real people.

I kind of want to see it. Especially a woman showing up to a men's event in anything with contact (even better if it's violent).

I want to see women get beaten

r/bdsm, If you're lucky you might even spot a few trannies

Pretty mild but thanks. Reminds me of the drama on some scat porn sub where users complained about too many trannies in their scat porn, and the mods had to explain their sub was inclusive...

Gross. Do you have any links?

Trans women are NOT women and trans men are NOT men. If they identify as that then we should accept them for who they are and in social situations interact with them as the gender they identify as. That doesn't mean we have to be forced to view pornographic images of them when seeking out images of ACTUAL women. Maybe emotionally and spiritually they are real members of the opposite sex, but physically that absolutely are not, and the content of this sub revolves around the physical aspect of these people, not the emotional side. It's good of you to be so accepting of transgendered people but you really are taking it ridiculously too far by saying that trans women are actual 100% females with no differences, period! Don't be dumb dude. If they are actual women why are men like me and the majority who visit this thread completely unable to be attracted to them? Certainly if they were true females I would get turned on by them the way I am by any other women. Do you see furries as actual bears or wolves? I mean, they identify as such. You're taking the whole being accepting of others thing waaay too seriously, mod!

With a bit of seasoning this might make some delicious pasta.

So you some kind of woman hater?

I think you and /u/oxus007 will get just fine.

No I just want trannies to get a fair chance to compete as the gender they identify as. If in the meantime a few women get obliterated, it's just a bonus.

Its been done before, was some sort of kickboxing fight between a man and a woman. Was fucking awful, guy just fucking destroyed her.

Lebron James vs Brittney Griner in a one on one baskteball game, who will win?

HINT: It would probably be the 6'8 265 pound mountain of muscle.

I thought it was going a clip from IASIP.

Do you ever get bored of being a MISOGYNIST?

Why would ze get bored with it?

Excuse me, did you just assume xir's pronoum?

Misogyny is not a real thing. Misogyny requires that we unfairly attribute inferiority to women. Given that women are scientifically inferior in every empirical way, misogyny can't possibly be a real thing.

Meme so spicy they make my asshole burn

Shh, don't scare it away.

Women on suicide watch

Identify as whatever gender you want, but lets be real people.


I run 13-15sec. Back in high school I would have loved to identify as a woman to get better grades.

I got so many failing grades but if I was a woman I would have passed easily

I think even by female standards you would be retarded, but a fast retard. So, I mean, there is that.

I was terrible in pe class hated it

It was widely rumored she was on steroids too. Identify as whatever gender you want, but lets be real people.

Lets be honest here, when was the last time a track and field athlete wasnt doping? Usain Bolt has never testes positive for steroids, but there are so many ways to get around that.

Flojo still holds the record?

That's amazing didn't she die like 20 years ago

Fucking christ if they're allowing men, why even call themselves a women's cycling group in the first place?

That's a very TERFy statement.

everyone knows I'm a TERF

Reading that article, it would make sense to become one.

Is that the reason your husband is cheating on you?

probably, who can't resist a nice feminine penis?

who can't resist a nice feminine penis?

females with a masculine clitoris like /u/_lilPoundcake and /u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy can, for example

so which mod has the most masculine clitoris, and where is it on the circumcised Arab to Chyna scale of clits?

I love agenda posts

Which part of it is agenda? The news article, the /r/news comments, or my /r/drama post?


Post yfw you realize it is now Current year + 2

As long as they don't run me down in a crosswalk while they're training, I don't care which field pre-op transwomen compete in.

It's actually fun to watch.

Y do u not want to look at us /u/buttegg


ultimate surrender had a tranny and woman wrestle and ofc the tranny won

i thought that was pretty cool we shouldnt segregate sports

Peak trans! My gosh, and then people ask themselves why TERFs exist. Fucking trannies.

Thats what peak performance looks like.

Once again proving trans women are better than cis women in every way.

If only I could get John Goodman to come out as trans, I'd love to make sweet love to her.

doesn't even need makeup.


Just watch that Flintstones where Fred puts on a dress and makeup.

Hmm. Real women want their own gyms so men won't look at them while they workout. Do trannies care if men look at them?

They pretty much transition so that people will pay attention to them.

Pre-op tranny

AKA a man.

Post op tranny, aka a man with his balls cut off.

And a hole cut in his taint.

Yes a man, but with a wig.

Well its not surprising that this is so controversial among some circles. I've busted out this anecdote several times before, but my brother goes to school at McGill, in Montreal. He came back one winter break convinced the primary cause of the male/female strength delta wasn't hormonal, but rather due to micro exercises. These chuckle fucks are so far gone they will legitmately try to argue against biological sexual diamorphism.

Is "micro exercises" a nice phrase for masturbation?

I've seen feminists argue the strength difference between men and women come down to social pressure.

the primary cause of the male/female strength delta wasn't hormonal, but rather due to micro exercises

climate change is also a factor.

I heard about women with xxy chromosomes being more athletic and performing better than xx women. That's why in the Olympics they screen participants to make it more fair.

Obviously this could be wrong

I came up near the town Lindsey Whalen came up and it was rumored all over the area that this was the case for her. She's the the best WNBA point guard fyi.

XXY are men (XY) with an extra X.

I don't think they test chromosomes in the Olympics but I don't actually know for sure.

God damn it people if you have a penis and think you are a girl, thats great, you are man with a penis who thinks they are a woman. You are NOT a woman, you just got some shitty luck in development.

well best to abolish the segregation of sexes in sport. I'll give it ten years before all of these idiots want it back because they womyn can't win shit.

This is great stuff. It'll be terrific when women's sports are dominated by transmen. Definitely make spectating more interesting.

Larger and more robust muscle mass is a societal construct.

Historically the only sport that allowed men to compete against women was spousal abuse. It's safe to say men dominated that field forever.

You must not know many lesbian couples.

I mean when it's a man against a woman. Lesbian couples abusing each other is still a female sport.

🥞 Did you see the thread that wandered into veganism? 🍝

Dropping veganism in any conversation is a surefire way to get drama.

It's going to be really amusing when trannies dominate every female category of sports, really reminding everyone that men are physically superior to men, even when they pancake makeup on themselves and give themselves a stripper name like 'Candy'

The shittiest men are still better than the best women.

/r/Shitredditsays is in complete meltdown mode, because they were caught completely off guard and don't know how to justify this one:

/u/buttegg social justice warlock 15 points 12 hours ago Don't look at the r/Drama link in the 'other discussions

That subreddit still exists? Lol

Why not separate the competition by lung capacity class like they do with muscle/weight class in every other sport rather than by gender though? Put them all on equal terms to win. That way, when a trans person beats a man as well as another woman and/or vice versa, no one is allowed to bitch because it was all on equal terms.

Women tend to have less muscle mass for the same weight, but yes I think weight categories would "absorb" much of the differences between men and women (I only ever competed in sports with weight categories anyway so it's not strange to me).

She beat rival Anna Sparks by just one second

"dominates" seems a little hyperbolic here, no?

One second can be a lot, depending on the type of competition. But you might be right, I don't have statistics about this particular kind of event (and the usual distribution of results).

xx or xy, it's not hard.

you cannot change your gender, trannies are just LARPers being egged on by Jews.

Anything other than XX or XY is a rare disease that shouldn't require we invent and legally enforce pronouns.