At my age, death would be a sweet release. One day I'm going to wander into a pasture with my Remington and not come back. Gotta make sure my bull Steve is taken care of first tho
You don't care enough about Steve to let him finish you off? What if you botch killing yourself, and you suffer for hours in the field with no one around?
What if you botch killing yourself, and you suffer for hours in the field with no one around?
I would rather make peace with my God alone in nature. Also, I think you misunderstand the lethality of a shotgun in the mouth. Not under the chin. You have to almost point back.
Believe me. I've seen enough botched stuff on the internet
I bought mine over a year ago for what I use. 9mm is actually a few cents higher, but .380 is a good bit cheaper. I'm not a .380 fan but its my pocket carry.
The fact that almost everyone replying to her is going full blown white supremacist is pretty funny
What I find funny is how these same people will bitch about being "discriminated against" when in reality, they're just assholes and people treat them as such. It's like that Key and Peele Office Homophobe skit.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-01-06
No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a AladeenAlWadiya 2017-01-06
Only one of these work. Guess which one: <--- Made by cumskins <--- Made by schlitzaugen <--- Made by cumskins
n/a Zachums 2017-01-06
lol people are getting so mad at her, and not realizing that reacting to her is exactly what she wants. Twitter was a mistake.
n/a LepetitJeremy 2017-01-06
She will go cry aboutir being a victim of online bullying soon
n/a accountabi1ity 2017-01-06
The Internet was a mistake.
n/a Im-a-gay 2017-01-06
This comment was a mistake.
n/a Cyanidekat_risen 2017-01-06
Fuck that. White men are beautiful
n/a clintonbro 2017-01-06
n/a Wacnews_the_White 2017-01-06
n/a ComedicSans 2017-01-06
n/a Cyanidekat_risen 2017-01-06
I'm a brown girl. We have mayo fever
n/a lifesbrink 2017-01-06
Pft, like that is true!
n/a PapyrusMixtape 2017-01-06
n/a Standard12 2017-01-06
Good times.
n/a krutopatkin 2017-01-06
You might appear brown, but on the inside you are white. You, too, are going to die in the upcoming mayocide.
n/a congratsyougotsbed 2017-01-06
n/a LSU_Coonass 2017-01-06
n/a CucksLoveTrump 2017-01-06
Can we push it back to Monday? It's Friday afternoon
n/a DornishRedViper 2017-01-06
The Baby Boomers are first, old man, watch your wrinkly back
n/a CucksLoveTrump 2017-01-06
At my age, death would be a sweet release. One day I'm going to wander into a pasture with my Remington and not come back. Gotta make sure my bull Steve is taken care of first tho
n/a Zachums 2017-01-06
You don't care enough about Steve to let him finish you off? What if you botch killing yourself, and you suffer for hours in the field with no one around?
n/a CucksLoveTrump 2017-01-06
I would rather make peace with my God alone in nature. Also, I think you misunderstand the lethality of a shotgun in the mouth. Not under the chin. You have to almost point back.
Believe me. I've seen enough botched stuff on the internet
n/a Assy-McGee 2017-01-06
that awkward moment when the baby is biologically yours despite the fact you actively wanted to be cucked into raising another man's child
n/a bleasehalb 2017-01-06
The ultimate cuck.
n/a Hammer_of_truthiness 2017-01-06
n/a FrostBittenSalsa 2017-01-06
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2017-01-06
Steve? What happened to Gustavo?
n/a FitAndDumb 2017-01-06
Plus I'm a cumskin and gotta cash in on my privilege they hand out on Saturdays
n/a 80BAIT08 2017-01-06
Of course it has preferred pronouns.
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2017-01-06
From the picture I'm guessing MtF
n/a Akilroth234 2017-01-06
Got a real chin of iron there.
n/a chaosakita 2017-01-06
lol I'm glad I wasn't the only one
n/a headasplodes 2017-01-06
The fact that almost everyone replying to her is going full blown white supremacist is pretty funny
If this is what the race war will look like then I can't wait
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2017-01-06
I can. I need another month to get my ammo fully stocked up again.
n/a bleepis 2017-01-06
do it LITERALLY right this second or youre a gay cuck
n/a Chicup 2017-01-06
You didn't buy before the election? I mean I'm glad Trump won but I knew if Hildog got it, 9mm would be at $50 a box right now.
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2017-01-06
I had a lot, but I'm still trying to get up to 5000rds per caliber, per gun (for rifles) and 2000 per/per for pistols.
n/a Chicup 2017-01-06
I bought mine over a year ago for what I use. 9mm is actually a few cents higher, but .380 is a good bit cheaper. I'm not a .380 fan but its my pocket carry.
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2017-01-06
I have a couple of .380s for deep carry, it's a great round. I always carry one firearm, but 8 of 10 times I also have a P238 stashed somewhere on me.
n/a Chicup 2017-01-06
Just got a p238, I'm not a fan of cocked and locked but it's a fantastic gun. Smaller than my shield.
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2017-01-06
I love my shield, but being a 1911 guy the 238/938 are guns that I love. My wife carries a 238 in a flash bang every day.
n/a Chicup 2017-01-06
Booby trap
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2017-01-06
If she ever has to use it I want to interview the attacker afterwards. "When she went for her pistol, what were you thinking?"
n/a Chicup 2017-01-06
My wife is a B cup so probably not the best for her. Women's clothing kinda sucks for carry unless you want to dress sloppy.
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2017-01-06
Well, my wife dresses very fashionable, but she's managed to figure out a few different CC options. Her bolt ons really help with the flash bang.
n/a Taipers_4_days 2017-01-06
What I find funny is how these same people will bitch about being "discriminated against" when in reality, they're just assholes and people treat them as such. It's like that Key and Peele Office Homophobe skit.
n/a Wacnews_the_White 2017-01-06
We did it?
n/a shitlordcaligula 2017-01-06
Aww, cmon! Who did it? Who cut off the supply?
n/a Wacnews_the_White 2017-01-06
We'll always have Gazi Kodzo, caligula.
n/a Dookiestain_LaFlair 2017-01-06
lol she looks like an ape
n/a AI_is_here 2017-01-06
Being that ugly is a crime.
n/a Chicup 2017-01-06
This account's Tweets are protected.
n/a lifesbrink 2017-01-06
Possibly her tumblr:
n/a lvl99SkrubRekker 2017-01-06
Ugggggh that thumbnail. Jesus christ. NSFW it.